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kirk Feb 2016
It's Black and White and been around, but that’s something you wont mind
Because you are such a nice girl and your always far to kind

It doesn’t make much difference if their black or if their white.
What does the colour matter If you have your chips that night

A Poker Chip is always Round and it's scratched In many Places
You won't mind the scratches when your close to many faces

Twenty-one numbers on the Side when you add up one to six
How many shouldn't bother you as long as you can get your chips

There's more than enough on the side in fact there’s Forty-Two
I hope it will be pleasing and more than enough for you
Everyone’s a winner when there are lots for you to do
With many Poker Chips to choose from so It doesn’t matter who.

As long as you come out on top with all your Poker Chips
And Poke them till you have them all with everyone who slips.
So many games that have been played when you undo your clips.
You'll win so many Poker Games when your shooting from the hips.

All those chips that you can win you may be lucky every night
You can be forever Poking if you use all of your might
Playing games your cards are dealt as long as your not tight
And if you play your cards correct everything will turn out right
kirk Feb 2016
Why is it that the human body is designed the way it is?
After you have had some food and drink you have to **** and ****.
It really is disgusting it really is obscene.
When you have to stick your fingers in your own **** just to keep your ******* clean.
I do not want to touch that steaming pile of ****.
Every time I take a dump and have to handle it.
O.K you may use paper to wipe away the brown.
But it is still revolting moving your fingers up and down.
Because you know at some point that whilst your in the crack.
The paper you are using, durability it will lack.
Feeling your own ****** *** hole its something I cant hack.
That **** will get on your hands and like Arnie it will be back.
kirk Feb 2016
It's our anniversary well at least it would have been.
If we were still together and this day we would have seen.
With laughter, love and specialness between the two of us.
It's a shame we can not do that now we’re on a different bus .
I would love to hold you close and make pure love with you.
But now that is just my fantasy because there's nothing I can do.
The feeling of your body and touch are now within my mind.
Your lovely nakedness and beauty are simply one of a kind.
My heart bleeds every night as the tears role down my face
I will always love you even though your out of place.

My thoughts are always of you now that you have gone away.
I really do so miss you more than words can ever say.
You will always be on my mind it will always be this way.
And I truly do belong to you more so on this special day.

Every moment belongs to you your always in my thought
Now I can not see your face it's your image that is caught
So I am just a wanderer in a void of darkness in the night.
Nothing will ever be the same again it will never be just right.
I shall wonder forever alone to you nothing is compared.
Because I do not have you and the love that we both shared.
It doesn't matter whether we are apart and its for an eternity
No on will replace you no one else is good enough for me.
Only ever one person touches me I think that you know who.
And my whole body and soul will always belong to you
kirk Feb 2016
Hears a little story that many people know.
When my life fell to pieces it was many years ago.
It all began to splinter the day my sister died.
And for many years they’re after all I’ve done is cried.
I’ve cried a thousand rivers there’s been so many tears.
So much pain and sadness it’s been that way for years.
So many things have happened so much heartache so much strife.
I do not want to carry on I wish to leave this sad sad life.
As my life continued it just got worse and worse.
The desperation in my mind my life is such a curse.
After years of limbo a beautiful angel came.
She was so very wonderful she gave me hope again.
She kissed me very gently she held me in her arms
I was lost forever within her lovely naked charms.
My heart belonged to her the moment we joined together
I knew I loved that angel always and forever.
In the many months that followed our love just grew and grew.
She would be the only one for me from then on just I knew.
Our ******* was so wonderful it made us both feel good.
It was so very special like only pure and true love should.
And then the day came that shattered all my dreams.
When I lost my angel nothing last to long it seems.
So now I’ve lost my angel I’m just a shadow of the man I used to be
I had a deep down feeling that things would go wrong for me.
I’m just a lonesome sentinel wandering aimlessly each and ever day.
And now life’s even worse now my angels gone away.
So now my life has returned to desperation heartache and pain.
I don’t think they every really left me pure sadness is there again
And who was that angel I really thought you knew.
That beautiful angel just happens to be you
kirk Feb 2016
Our friend Marty well what can I say
we're all saddened on this day.
you where one of the good ones a real good friend
a helping hand that you'll always lend.
but certain things we can not mend
so with heavy heart this message I send.
when we was in trouble you would be there
now there are things beyond repair.
you where always there when we needed you
I don't know somehow you knew what to do.
so Marty my friend I will say this
its your good heart and kindness that we shall miss.
you'll be remembered you wont really die
no matter how hard that we may try.
so it will never truly be goodbye
with songs from the riders in the sky.
when we last saw you we didn't know
that it wasn't long for you to go.
and your where worn your final flight
so rest now Marty god bless and good night
About A Friend That Died
kirk Feb 2016
I hate life nothing ever goes right.
all it ever does is turn out ******* *****.
so what's the point in anything when where strangers in the night.
no ones really bothered although I thought they might.
all I ever wanted was a real good life.
but all that ever happens is so much stress and strife.
and everyone just takes the **** and laughs at all my upset.
but I suppose that's just my lot and all I'll ever get
kirk Feb 2016
if you love someone too much and they mess with your heart
then maybe you'd be better of resisting them way back at the start
but when it is too far gone and many years have gone by
well then it is all to late and your heart will surly die.
and it well hurt you so much and beat with so much pain
it will bleed your feelings out over and over again.
I wish I had not moved here as im really hurting now.
and I cannot stop crying a really wish I knew how.
a river of tears that I have cried over my lost love.
and my soul is lost up in the sky upon the wings of a dove.
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