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kirk Feb 2016
You got what you wanted when you told me to go
How much that hurts no one will ever know
I will always remember that terrible night
From your point of view the Timing was right

I am not interested in celebrating or party’s I am not like you
I do not want Christmas with ****** predators even if you do
I do not want New Years Eve celebrations with people who plan assaults
Neither do I want Halloween or Bonfire Night I have seen the disgusting results

It’s the same as mistletoe it’s a known fact it’s a parasite
It’s only for people who want to kiss you and get of with you that night
And then they’re hoping to get your knickers off from that illicit kiss
But really they’re calling you a good ***** to get in you bed, and then they take the ****

The terrible things these people have done to you, you should never forgive
It isn’t them whose life is ruined or the memories that we have to relive
But they don’t care as long as it isn’t their life that’s ruined or gone
They will do anything, they know you’ll forgive them its what they rely upon

I’m not interested in exes or in anybody new
I only ever want your touch my heart loves only you
Not For Pleasure, Loneliness or even for fun
No one will ever touch me again because you’re the only one

I will always love you my beautiful **** Mum
But now that I cant see you my whole world has gone numb
Life is simply terrible it was already bad enough
Now it’s not worth living ever since I lost your love
kirk Feb 2016
Love is the most painful thing of all,
Heaven forbid in love you should fall.
Love hurts like the fiery depths of hell,
So does loving something or someone as well.
Love tears your sole apart,
And rips away at your heart.
Love destroys, kills and maims,
If you love too much things will never be the same.
So take heed this warning its really up to you,
Don’t love too much or love will destroy you too.
kirk Feb 2016
Why Is Life So Cruel And Unfair?
I Hate Being Part Of This Nightmare,
If I Could Live My Life Again’
Id Change Everything,
Who, What, Why, When And Where.
Sometimes I Wish I Wasn’t There,
Most People Wouldn’t Even Notice Or Even Care
kirk Feb 2016
Hears a little rhyme its for your valentine
About being naked, ******* and having a good time

I hope you will like it I think you will do
Because you love *** and people ******* you

Whether it’s a girl or if it’s a man
You can **** them all like only you can

You make my **** hard and turn me on
Especially when your naked and your knickers are gone

I love your *** hole and hot **** when they’re creamy and wet
When they have been ****** with as many ***** as they can get

I want to lick your hot wet **** and slide my tongue inside your ***
I will **** your **** and ******* until I squirt them full of ***

When I have ****** both of your holes and *** inside you
I would like to get your mums knickers of and do the same to her too
kirk Feb 2016
How do I mend a broken heart
My entire world has fallen apart

How do I find hope in a brand new day
When the one I love has gone away

My mind overflows with memories of you
Of all that we've shared, all that we knew

I long for your touch and your warm embrace
The look in your eyes, the smile on your face

My dreams are filled with your gentle kiss
I wake and cry for all that I miss

How do I mend a broken heart
When our love is so far apart

My heart knows to love only you
It won't let you go, what do I do

Our moments together were precious and few
But I cherished them all more than you knew

I love you my angel and always will
I loved you then and I love you still
kirk Feb 2016
The love we have between us was there right from the start
Now that things have turned bad it’s torn apart my heart
I hate this empty feeling it is you that makes me whole
I need your love and feelings you are my heart and sole

The pain my heart is feeling nothing ever will endeavour
It is only you I love this is always and forever
No one else is good enough no one can compare
I am so lost right now without you being there

How could this have happened when our love was strong
When we had our special names and our own special song
Our love is so worth saving we both should hold on tight
And never let our love go because our love is right

I became your spongy when you looked into my eyes
And I fell in love with you, which came as a surprise
A love that grew inside of me knowing you where mine
I loved you from that moment and for the rest of time

Our love was there already but we just did not know
Until our first loving touch I didn’t want to let you go
You asked me if your cheeky you where cheeky enough
You where so very cheeky ever time that we made love

I really loved your body I don't know why you hid
You asked if I wanted to see you again I definitely did
Your body was so **** there was no need to hide
Now I can not see you my heart has bled and died

You had the perfect body I love the way you are
Your kiss your face your beauty are sexier by far
So much I really miss you and what we used to do
Because it's really simple I will always love just you
kirk Jan 2016
People can be cruel sometimes which isnt nice at all
The ignorance of nothing said making you feel small
Acheiving an emotion when you want to cry and ball
People are so nasty when they dont want you to call

All Ignoring people does is make you feel much worse
The accomplishment of upset is nothing but a curse
With closed communications just like a misers purse
Ripping away at your soul may as well be in a hearse

When its people who you love it hurts me even more
Nothing is as painful when its a closed locked door
I end up falling to my knees and sinking in the floor
My heart is wrenched out of my chest by a hurtful claw

Being ignored has such an effect on a persons heart.
We can talk without the need to upset the apple cart
Life's too short to be upset so why don't we be smart
Things can be the way they where way back at the start

— The End —