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Kimberly Clemens Jul 2013
Like all days, I wonder.
I wonder what you're thinking.
If you're thinking of me.
If that's a stupid thing to think.

Like all days, I wonder.
I wonder if I stop you.
Stop you from whatever you're doing.
Because the thought of me gave you butterflies.

Like all days, I wonder.
I wonder if I frustrate you.
If you're frustrated that I haven't kept in touch lately.
Maybe we're both too stubborn to start the conversation.

Like all days, I wonder.
I wonder if I make you smile.
From a memory you don't want to forget.
There are so many of those that you could recall.

Like all days, I wonder.
I wonder if I haunt you.
Just as much as you've been haunting me.
We're both ghosts haunting what we hope is still there.

Like all days, you wonder.
You wonder if I wonder about you, too.
If I'm just as flustered with these thoughts as you are.
Maybe we've been sharing these feelings all along.

Like all days, we wonder.
Kimberly Clemens Jul 2013
The explosions come but we do not run. We see them before we hear them.
The high-pitched sounds permeate the air and all we do is sit.
We wait.
They explode from the inside out.
The explosions leave a spidery trail of sound and sight that no longer exits anywhere but in our minds and all we do is listen.
The colors fight against each other.
They spread in all different directions pushing out whatever empty space was occupied there.
The noises change and now we hear the demonic mutation of the sound of rain.
We are hurt by the light but still we stare.
The booming and the blinding lights transfix our gazes so all we do is sit.
Kimberly Clemens Jul 2013
Deep breaths
Steep crests
Jog down

Slip and fall
Shout and call
For anybody's help

You topple over me
Just let it be
Entangled in rocks, roots

In the middle of nowhere
Trying hard not to stare
But you're also watching me

At the bottom of a mountain
Found each other in our darkness
It's slowly leading back to normalcy

"Kick the darkness until it bleeds light"
Such violence could lead to such right
Wonder how our darkness found one another

Open wounds are now healing because of you
Fell down a wretched person came up anew
Save me from falling again or hiding undercover.
Kimberly Clemens Jul 2013
Alcohol and poison are what's clouding my vision and this is what I see:
Fire and ashes are what's burning the very existence of you to me.
Your body is so ****** it's past being considered as medium or rare.
Knives and daggers tightly hug my hands like they always belonged there.
Footsteps run but you haven't gained any distance to escape.
Entangled in rope I make knots and secure your mouth with duct tape.
Eyes plead a panicked mercy but I only see you're shameless sins.
Blackness then light is a result of my drinking too many tonics and gins.
Kimberly Clemens Jul 2013
Let me feel all the things I've been hiding from myself.
These bottled up emotions have finally gathered enough pressure to burst.
The cap shoots out and so do my tears.
The fizz protrudes out like a volcanic eruption and my breathing gets drowned out.
The sticky mess dribbles onto the table and my shaking is not steadied by it.

I am so unstable.
And I blame it on you.
But you never did anything to make me like this.
You were just you.
And that's what kills me.
Because you got me.
And you heard me.
And you liked me.
And you left me.
Kimberly Clemens Jul 2013
I wait for the rain to drench me so I can be washed of my impurities. I'm wishing that the water that streams down me will mask the tears that have been clouding my vision for so long because whenever I think of you my own rainstorm starts inside of me.
I wait for the lightning to hit me so I can be filled with light. I'm hoping that the electricity that courses through me will somehow get through to you so I'm not the only one that feels something when we touch.

I wait for the thunder to deafen me so I don't have to hear the news something along the lines of it's probably not going to be you and me. If I can't hear anything anymore I won't have to worry about listening to the compliments you shower her with day after day.

I wait for the sun to dry me so I don't have to catch more of an illness than I already have. I'm guessing that when the sun comes out I'll shine like a newly cleaned window having been rinsed of the dirt that's been clouding me over for so long now because I know your blue eyes see through me but if I blind you with light then you really won't see anything at all when you look at me.
Kimberly Clemens Jun 2013
                  I'll take a step backward
Because I'm too far ahead of the game
                                  Who likes to be left behind
Watching yourself fall back in shame?

Or maybe you should take a step forward
                                   Because I'm all the way over here
And your footsteps are fading into my past
                   Better catch up, dear.
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