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Kimberly Clemens Jun 2013
I like to ramble and I like to write in all caps whenever I'm tired
I like to sing and I like to dance but neither of those traits were really admired.
I like to compete and I like to achieve but lately I've been losing
I like to pretend and I like to cry, it's just the path that I'm choosing.

I like to love people and I like to be loved right back
I like to have security and I like that my friends keep my life on track.
I like to make decisions but I'm probably the most indecisive person ever.
I like to be busy but the way I plan some things just isn't very clever.

I like to write and I like to revise and lately that's what I've been doing
I like to study and I like to remember and yes it's a full plate that I'm chewing.
I like to eat healthy but I always end up eating way too much.
I like to have friends but sometimes I decide not to keep in touch.

I like that I'm single  but sometimes it'd be entertaining to have a lover
I like searching for nothing in particular, because there's so many things to discover.
I like to talk and I like to think but I usually end up annoying myself
I like the idea that my life could be an interesting story on somebody's book shelf.
Well, now you know a lot about me.
Kimberly Clemens Jun 2013
Get up
And pick your heart off the floor
Face it
He's not into you anymore.

Remember this
And try to stand proud and tall
Chin high
Change course once you've hit a wall.

Secrets hidden
To pretend that you're alright
Smile big
Don't let them know you've been crying all night

Move on
Because it's all that you can do
Head strong
No one needs to know you're bleeding black and blue.
Kimberly Clemens Jun 2013
I wish you could hear what I have to say
But the problem is I can't put my emotions into words
Until 10 minutes after the fight is over.
Maybe they'll come at the right time someday.

I wish you would listen to me instead of ignore my yelling
But the problem is you're so **** stubborn
And I have too much pride to swallow my words
Maybe you actually understand what I'm feeling, but there's no telling.

I wish you would walk up to me and take my anger
And push it out of my body as you engulf me in your arms
But you have so many reasons not to forgive me for this
Maybe one day soon you'll stop looking at me like I'm a stranger.

I wish you would speak to me instead of only talk
And then things would become more functional again
But your ideas do not match up with mine anymore
One day I'll realize this parting shouldn't have been such a shock.
Kimberly Clemens Jun 2013
If you can read through my emotions
As easily as you can read through my poetry
Well, if there's even a difference between the two,
Then I'm sorry but I really hate you.

Because as fast as I can hide my smile
And as fast as you can get ready
Which in reality actually takes a while
I know the moment you look at me my mouth won't stay steady.

So yes. I hate you.
For that unintentional trance
I so often frustratingly fall into
Cause the thought of you makes my insides dance.
Kimberly Clemens Jun 2013
If you could only see what you're doing to me.

The loss for words
The rush of warmth
The blush of my cheeks
The self concious preening
The attempt at ****** jokes
The common sense I seem to lose
The fear that I'm not what you want
The butterflies caressing my stomach
The idea that I can just touch your hands
The panic when I almost automatically do....

The anger because you make me feel like this
The wild emotions whenever I think of you
The small gestures I'll end up overthinking
The effect you have when you smile at me
The sarcasm I use to try to hide myself
The embarrassment of everything I do
The swooning I catch myself doing
The need to just talk to you....

If you could only see what you're doing to me.
Kimberly Clemens May 2013
I wonder where raindrops come from before they reach my window,
A river? Lake? Ocean?
I wonder how far they have to travel before they reach my window,
A kilometer? Mile? Country?
I wonder if these raindrops work together to sing as they reach my window,
Plop-plop, ploop, plop-ploop!
I wonder how diverse the raindrops are as they reach my window,
Oh hello, I'm from Lake Ontario.
I wonder if it's a wild party or wet war in the clouds whose raindrops reach my window,
Let's dance! Fight me!
I wonder how social raindrops are that reach my window,
Stick to me, we'll become a downpour!
I wonder if the cloud is the mother that lets go of its children to reach my window,
Off to the lake, ma, see you soon!
I wonder if raindrops thought they could fly but instead reached my window,
I wonder if they all fall but expect to soar as they reached my window....

Plop-plop, ploop-plop, plop, ploop, plop, plop....
Kimberly Clemens May 2013
Wake me up
Shake me awake
This is just a dream
Everything you're saying is fake.

Pour water on me
Please just open my eyes
I've got to get away from this
Each and every one of you are filled with lies.

I'll awaken soon
It's just a long dream
Smack me if you have to
Nothing we know is as it seems.

Constantly holding on
Who's to be my strong hero
To zap my heart awake into reality
Dropped from cloud nine to ground zero.
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