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 Oct 2017 Kimi
A Thomas Hawkins
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Oct 2017 Kimi
Charles Bukowski
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
 Oct 2017 Kimi
Samuel H
Leave me bruises and pain
If that's what it takes for a date
It would even be paid!
"Not gonna happen" I would not take
But wait wait I barely know your name
And that's why we need to up the game
Just want to know you're not wearing somebody else's shell
Just need to know your name, your real name
Oh girl, you backpack?
I think I just hit 21, blackjack!
Gluten intolerance I can tolerate  
Gluten makes you constipate anyway
This poem wants to say "Yo eyes so drowning blah blah blah"
But my heart wants to say "Words don't cut it nah nah nah"
Ahhh **** it. Cliche alert
Like egg yolks to grannies
Your eyes are candies
So I just threw up and swiped right
What do you say? Should we fly a kite and eat some Thai?
Recited this silly poem to a gluten free girl I found intriguing today. She impersonates a perfect granny voice and loves Thai food. Just some context.

— The End —