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May 2014 · 614
My Tears
Kim Love May 2014
My Tears A Poem by KimLove "The Beautiful Butterfly" For my King

The tears you insist I hide The tears that are so real How I weep them every night

My Tears

I weep them for you I weep them for us I try so hard to hide them

My Tears

You insist I be strong Strong for you Strong for us

My Tears

Just because I let one slip occasionally In front of you Please don't let it indicate weakness in me

My Tears

My tears are real Real because I love you They are real because I long for you

My Tears

Real because you are my heart Real because you own my soul I will stand strong

My Tears

My tears will be there of pure joy The day you return to me The day you walk free

My Tears

They are not weakness They are my Solomon vow to you My tears are real just for you...

My Tears

Beautiful Butterfly @ Kim Love 2014
Thanks to Craig Forman for helping pull this from my head.
Still a work in progress feel free any constructive criticism or suggested changes willing to listen. Don't feel it's perfect just yet.
Dec 2012 · 794
Kim Love Dec 2012
I’m lost in shadows of yesterday
with an infinite wondering of tomorrow
I’m truly lost in a world of tomorrows.
Pondering if the shadows will follow?

My dreams are where I roam safely
for that is where I’m truly free
living for tomorrow
yearning for what may truly be.

How can one go on?      
When the shadows are so fearful
while tomorrows seem so sinister.
How can I flee the memories of yesterday?

Unless I intend
to sleep for eternity;
Then what’s the point?
Tis the only resolution that remains
foreseen …

I must escape the silhouette of my heart!
A Poem by KimLove "The Beautiful Butterfly"
"Trying to shake the shadows yesterday or maybe learning to embrace them"
Kim Love Dec 2012
Have you ever had a secret?
One you swore would destroy you
A secret that was deadly…

The ones that you kept it from
Would surely banish you forever…
If they ever knew the truth…

Have you ever felt your soul crack?
From the lies you’ve told
You wish you had a truckload of super foam
just To put out fires from the bridges you have burned…

Have you ever felt the loneliness?
Inside a crowded room
Wondered why you were crying
While all the others still smiled…

When the darkness takes over
Never does it matter where you are
A beautiful day becomes very bleak
The clouds they never part…

Have you ever wondered?
If your smile was gone forever
Will you always feel the ache
Of betraying your own heart…

You can never tell him
He must never know
Have you wonder if you will
Ever feel the smile again upon your face…

Have you ever wondered if you have to tell
Is it true in effort to fix your busted heart
Must you expose your soul
And break his apart
Just so you can lift the darkness
And mend the broken cracks…

I say its better
Just to keep it Shhhhhhh!!!
A Poem by KimLove "The Beautiful Butterfly"
"Secrets never told"
Dec 2012 · 4.5k
Looking for My King
Kim Love Dec 2012
As she walks along the path
She came across a young man
I am your Queen
I'm in search of My King

The young man speaks to his Queen
Well I am Prince Charming
I'm sorry she says
You're just a boy and are not he...

As she came to a cross roads
She came across another
I'm in search of My King
Can you tell me where to find him?

He asked of her can you describe him
He is quick witted,
Speaks words of love,
Very slow to anger,
When the storm is upon us
He will always stand strong
Will be there when the storm passes.

Well I am you're Knight in Shining Armor
Sorry to say
I'm not in need of rescue
I'm in search of My King, so she walks on...

She came to a lake
What a beautiful lake
There she saw a man standing by a fire
He stood tall & strong
Spoke words of love

She said to him
I am your Queen
I am looking for My King
He is not the perfect man
For we all have our flaws

The man who will protect me
But will share in all endeavors
Sir please do tell
Are you aware
Of where I may find him?

My Queen
You Need Not Look Any Further

I am standing here before you!!!
A Poem by KimLove "The Beautiful Butterfly"
A Queen in search of her King!!!
Dec 2012 · 1.0k
Kim Love Dec 2012
I lay here drifting in between two realms
Drifting between reality and dreams
Brief moments where I find I can bring the dream to life
However brief the moment
For that moment you’re here with me

I can feel your breathe on my neck
Your hand as it slides down my body
Ever so gently brushing the side of my breast
As you work your way to the curve of my hip
Around to the small of my back

I can feel your breath as it quickens
As you whisper in my ear how much you want me
How you have longed for this day
My mind swims with emotions

I begin to cry as every nerve comes to life
I can taste the salt of my tears
As I bury my face in the crook of your neck
You feel my tears fall onto your shoulder

You gently reach to stroke my hair from my face
As I feel your hand touch my face
I tremble at your touch as you lift my chin
So as to look into my eyes
As to wipe the tears away

That’s when you take my mouth with yours
With that kiss, that single kiss
The years of pain begin to melt away
Disappear as if they never even existed
Everything begins to make sense again

Just as I start to let myself feel again
Enjoy the happiness in your arms
Let myself feel the peace of this place.      
                            Trusting you’re here
Never to cause me harm

Another hand reaches out for me
To stir me from my dreamscape
I awake to all the pain, hurt and anger
Tears return
Only now there is no one here
To wipe them away
A Poem by KimLove "The Beautiful Butterfly"
Just a dream... But so I am told sometimes dreams do come true! xoxo

— The End —