Can you see when I was a child
Can you see what goes on inside my mind
Is there a reason, is there enough time
I can only dare, to roll back the days
When you tell a lie, I know it was mine
Riding on this high, I fall to the ground
Feeling like I was shot in the head
Everything before my eyes, turns to red
I don't care to ask the question, why
Only feeling, like I am back from the dead
I can now only pretend to be, who I am not
Just give me a reason, to shake your hand
I can capture you, with a smile
As I look deep into your eyes
I will not speak, my tongue has been cut
As my ears listen for the next lie
The truth only seems to confuse me
I have never known the words of sincerity
The true meanings of words such as
I Love you
Yes dear
I care
Are you ok
I don't quite understand
because they have never been spoken to me
I am trying to figure this out
As I look inside of my trembling head
Only to find nothing new in my flesh
Wanting a new life that I can hopefully understand
I try to purge my mind any way possible
I've tried drugs, alcohol, and thought of hurting myself
Nothing seems to work and one day I felt it
Tears from above, as I spoke about my past
It was my life rewinding in my head
I played it through to the end and watched it
Over and over and over again
and edited every bad part in my life
Finding where I went wrong if life
We cut those parts out of my past
My outlook on life has know changed
It is no longer about me, how selfish I was
My eye's are know clear
My ear's now listen
I can know speak the truth
And most importantly i understand