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542 · Jun 2015
Crushed Heart
DC raw love Jun 2015
The mind of a crushed  heart
leads a wicked trail of hurt

Things are misinterpreted
sometimes for good reason

The mind begins to play trick on one
The stomach hurts with pain

The one we loved has betrayed us
Betrayal is so hard to swallow for most

The mind constantly thinks of  the hurt and why
What did I do so wrong to deserve this we say

We fell nothing but self pity with out knowing
No one has an answer we want to hear
We become self seeking without knowing

Yes it hurts so bad and I have too have been crushed
It lead me down a road that I am not happy with

My wall was so tall no one could get through it
Now my wall is down and I am letting some in
541 · Mar 2015
happily ever after
DC raw love Mar 2015
If you can't find your prince charming
Start kissing frogs
and live
Happily ever after
541 · Dec 2014
protect myself
DC raw love Dec 2014
the life
the love
the hate
the fear you bring

your smiles
your lies
your decieving eyeys

the things you steal
                    you take
                    you feel

the times you sin
these feelings you bring

do i need to protect myself
from you

do i need to find someone else
besides you

I'll never forget these things
because of you

do we have to seperate our lives
and find someone new

these things you bring
make me hate you

i have to forget this life
with something new

i just need to protect myself
don't you have a clue
540 · Mar 2015
Messiah Complex
DC raw love Mar 2015
If God tells you to love another, you love another
If God tells you to forgive, you forgive the other
If God tells you to minister his word, you minister
If God tells you to help someone, you help someone
If God tells you to be confident, you walk with your head high

Did God actually tell them to drink the koolaid?
Did God actually tell them to carry machine guns in Waco?
Did God actually tell them to blow up abortion clinics?
Did God actually tell the man to **** his neighbors dog?
Did God actually tell the mother to beat her children to death?
It is such a sad story when something starts off as a good thing for God turns out so terrifying.
539 · Jan 2015
without you
DC raw love Jan 2015
i am

like the bread without yeast
like all deserts sands that have blown away
like the fresh waters of life has evaporated
like the stars and sun disapearing in the skies
like the oxeyen being depleted from the air
like cars without tires

i can go nowhere without you
536 · Feb 2015
DC raw love Feb 2015
say what you say
do what you do

keep your thoughts
all the way

never put them away
take it up higher

to your own level
so you can speak down
on others

trick them your own way
to get what you want

i'm not nice today
just like that
i live for today

nothing changes
but the day

keep us alive

i don't want
but do we need it

living for that next day

why do we live this way
nothing but a mental clause

something always on the border line
so turn around

it takes a beast to cross the ocean
so watch who you become
effort or desire to equal or excel others,  jealous rivalry.
534 · Apr 2015
DC raw love Apr 2015
I sometimes converse with myself
only to get lost in the conversation

I sometimes converse with myself
only to realize that I am babbling

I sometimes converse with myself
only to get bewildered by what I say

I sometimes converse with myself
To try to figure out what I am doing

I sometimes converse with myself
To thank my lucky stars

I sometimes converse with myself
To thank God for helping me though hard times

I sometimes converse with myself
To figure out how am I still alive
533 · Jan 2016
Drunken Night
DC raw love Jan 2016
As my eyes cracked open....
And my thoughts begin to turn...

A morning light,
shines onto my head....

With  thoughts from a dream,
still in my head.....

I have fog from the night,
and cobb webs in my head....

I thought it was a dream,
yet it was a drunken night....

I felt an illusion,
come into my life.....

It was a girl,
that made the night....

Yet I can't remember,
if I had *** last night....

A note in lipstick,
written on the wall....

That said:
You were awesum last night,
give me a call....
533 · Nov 2015
It's your life
DC raw love Nov 2015
To read a mind could be a dangerous fate....
To live a life of lies is a big mistake.....

To pose and play games is a shame.....
To live a life of drama leads to despair....

To love and joy.....
To hurt and pain.....

From the times of our past...
To the times of our future....

What life holds for us, is for us to direct....
To give security and respect to the one's we protect....

The rules in life will always change....
Just be prepared to do the same....

To death and fate...
To heaven and hell....

From God above to the one's we tell....
It's your life so live it well.....
532 · Mar 2015
DC raw love Mar 2015
hypnotized by your beauty
looking past your words

I now find you like glass
I look through your beauty

I now listen to your speech
And find nothing but a dumb blonde
sorry to the girls that are blondes
if you are a real blonde
and you do not understand
message me
with any questions you may have
528 · Feb 2015
not to use me
DC raw love Feb 2015
bright lights almost blind
looking for what I need

I have a fear of being lonely
i am not use to being used

i'm not use to what you make me do
my face cracks from crying

deaf and blind
I tell you now

not to use me
DC raw love Dec 2015
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house...
There were no signs of love, not even for a mouse....

There was no Christmas tree with glitter and lights..
Just boxes to sleep in and a smelly old couch....

There old whiskey bottles glistening in the night.....
There were feelings of loneliness and feelings of doubt.....

There were candles for light, with no hope in sight...
The chimney was boarded to keep the cold out...

A home for homeless, hungry, lonely and cold....
Wanting someone to love them before they grow old....

With a light through the window, then a bang on the door....
In came the police and they dragged them out the door.....

Moral to the story....
If you don't get what you want for Christmas.... Be joyful that you have someone that loves you!!!!
Merry Christmas and God Bless....
526 · May 2016
DC raw love May 2016
Deep into the thoughts of one's mind....
We look for a life that will be kind...

As the days change,
so does our thoughts....

A key to life is,
can one control ones mind....

How the mind changes,
from simple things,
to confusion....

Confusion can hold the mind,
and **** with the ability to think...

do you accept it
or change it.

What is life's real passion....
Just to be comfortable....

For some it's great....
For others it's giving up...

Controlling the mind...
Street smarts....

Strive for what you want out of life....
Choose your friends carefully....

And always keep god first....
524 · Apr 2015
DC raw love Apr 2015
What really makes a person

Some say it was what one has been through
Some say it is what one knows, schooling
Some say you have to experience certain things

Is it really what one has been through that makes them

Yes, I had my heart broke and yes it hurt
Yes, someone close to died and yes it hurt
Yes, I had money and toys and yes I was happy
Yes, I was in love before and yes I was happy

But you know what
I didn't have a ******* clue who I was

Right now I am a little sickened with tears in my eyes

This weekend I traveled 4 hours to Houston
Pretty town on the outside, ***** on the inside

I went to feed the homeless with people from New Orleans
that I didn't even know, and they were from a different ethnic

Me I love all people, we brought food and clothes for the homeless
Set it up in a closed park and they came in the groves

I talked and listen to testimony after testimony and really listened
I listen to hurt like no other hurt and they were so thankful
they wanted to express feelings to someone about what was going on

The police arrest them and the city won't help them. They say they do but they don't.

I have seen homeless, yet some of the people with me were shocked

The police eventually came and did not have the heart to throw us out.
They said they did want to help, but city all says get rid of them.
I heard it straight out of the mouth of the police
524 · Dec 2014
what is love
DC raw love Dec 2014
what is love

is it something to hold
                           to look at
                           to hide
                           to abide

is it something to make
                           to hate
                           to chrish
                           to let die

is something that makes you happy
                               makes you sad
                               makes you glad
                               makes you cry

is it something that you fear
                                   you hate
                                   you adore
                                   you slate

is it something you sell
                           you steal
                           you ignore
                           you break

                   can it make you real

                     WHAT IS LOVE
523 · Apr 2015
Slipping into a daze
DC raw love Apr 2015
Please tell me baby
Do you feel the way I do

Hey wont you tell me
What can I do for you

I'll come to you any waken hour
When a minute feels like a lifetime

Sitting all alone looking at the clock
Watching the hands tick away

Slipping into a daze
Why do I feel this way

Please tell me baby
What your looking for

Feels like a lifetime
Trying to find my way

Trying find you Baby
Why do I feel this way

I'll sing a song for you
If I can inch closer to you

Baby you take my heart away
Every time I slip into a daze

Why do I feel this way
There was a time I can hold on

I can no longer hang on
Slipping into a daze
A song for a group I manage
521 · Mar 2015
Reign of Love
DC raw love Mar 2015
Reign of Love controls your life
Your life is controlled by time

Time is controlled by space
Space is just a rock spinning

Spinning in a universe beyond belief
More  then there is grains of sand on this earth

The universe can be held in the hand of the man
The man can be the son of a father

The father that looks over us
The father who shares his love
521 · Feb 2015
your love is real
DC raw love Feb 2015
your the ruler of my heart
your kiss is real and i'm trying for more

your love is king
I will crown your with my heart

your loving feelings are real
i will touch them with my heart

your loving eye's of blue
i will stay in their gaze

your warm loving arms
will always hold me

your love is real
and I will always be with you
520 · Jan 2015
carry on
DC raw love Jan 2015
Feelings, is what they tell me

Low, is how my life goes

Lord, am I unholy

Control, is what they sell me

Despise, I let control me

Soul, is my own misery

Storm's, entertain me

The beast in me, is my only friend
Who helps me carry on.
519 · Apr 2015
treacherous path
DC raw love Apr 2015
Lost souls of fortune
Like hollow gold

Leads us to sadness
As we grow old

The harder we try
The more we cry

With no end in sight
We hold feelings of freight

We dig in our mind
Only to lose it in time

Can our lost soul be found
or is it just a
Treacherous path in time
519 · Feb 2015
a ship called apprehend
DC raw love Feb 2015
Sailing on that ship called

wanting that master plan
to understand

trouble waters
calm oceans
stormy nights
just like life

going to port
where everything is strange
then setting back out to sea
another learning experience

as you look into the sky's
and dream about your life

there is nothing more forgiving
then a beautiful night

a place where no one
can walk away from you

at the end of the night your all alone
but do you really know what alone is


of a life without love
a life without hurt

yet you learned
what it takes to live
519 · Jun 2015
DC raw love Jun 2015
One who always has a better storey then you...

One who says they have everything, yet has nothing.....

One who has done everything, yet doesn't even know life.....

One that says they have money, yet is always broke.....

One that lies on a regular bases and believes what they say.....

The funny thing about some poser's is, that they just want to fit in....

The sad thing about some posers is, they think they are better then all....

One thing about a poser is, I can spot them a mile away......
518 · Apr 2015
Little Amuck
DC raw love Apr 2015
I once had a goat named Little Amuck
that would always gloat and never gave a ****

This goat would always mess with me
and play with my favorite stuff

I loved her when she ate the trash
I hated her when she ate my stash

But when Little Amuck
started to eat my favorite stuff
It was time to discipline Little Amuck

It was just Little Amuck lucks

When I tried to kick her in the ***
She would run really fast

When I would get her in a corner
She would faint as I got closer

I would always feel sorry
for my Little Amuck

Yet she always gloated at me
and never gave a ****
517 · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
Moments change every second,
take the past moments,
use it  to push you,
to the future moments
516 · Jun 2015
Love Again
DC raw love Jun 2015
When I close my eye's and wish you gone, why are you still there....

When I get rid of the hurt you caused, why must you continually hurt me....

When I try to help you, why must you always tell me that I am hurting you...

When I talk to you, why do you feel you must constantly lie to me.....

When I try to love you, why must you spit in my face.....

Why ,why ,why, can't we just get along......

Why ,why ,why, can't we find equal ground......

Why ,why ,why, can't we just learn to love again......
516 · Dec 2014
Insecure People
DC raw love Dec 2014
insercure people
they hold their junk

they lock it inside
and put up a front

the stories they tell
the people they know

they tell us lies
so watch what they say

there insecure people
it's what they say

it's never about them
it's neve about us

it's what they believe
it's never about trust
514 · Aug 2016
My shit is tighg
DC raw love Aug 2016
My **** is tight
My great white hype
X men gene grey light
50shade 555 grey
Apocalypse delay
Russia wars decays
Let take all day
Take three ways
Triple six man of cay
Stick figure draw play
But explain the ray
The rate and Illuminati rates
Blood sacrifice pray
Hollywood royalty pay
California flames of hell say
Scramble imagine always
I'm feeling myself I'm okay
Shallow smiles hurray
I'm a.Ali with bee spray
514 · Jan 2015
forgive me
DC raw love Jan 2015
Bleed is what my sins tell me
Greed leads me to my own misery
Hurt is where it leads me
Pain let's me know that i am filthy

Lies is what they me
Despise is my way of living
When I die who will take me

Lord can you forgive me
514 · Nov 2014
true love
DC raw love Nov 2014
How does someone
Find true love
Real love
Feelings you never felt

Were does it start
With a look
With a smell
With a glare

Is it quick
Is it long
Is it sound

How does one know

I think it's within
Within the heart

A heart
That feels love

It goes below
The skin
It comes within

Someone you can
Bury yourself in passion

Passion so deep
There's no escaping


I'm still looking for

True Love
513 · May 2015
One Look
DC raw love May 2015
Captured by her smile
Spell bounded by her beauty
and hypnotized by her voice
I am left speechless

Have I died and gone to heaven
If it is a dream please never wake me
Let me sleep for this life is gracious
For her love it will never be mistaken
513 · Mar 2015
Hide your Heart
DC raw love Mar 2015
Running from everyone, never wanting feelings
So afraid of the hurt, your only friend is yourself

Beat down and betrayed, from your past
With only notions of love, they quickly pass

As you scribble in your diary everyday
Only about the hurt that someone can cause

Blinded and petrified you only do one thing
Hide your heart
Hurt is so cruel, but is does pass
Don't keep reminding yourself
511 · Jan 2015
who loves me more
DC raw love Jan 2015
my girl told me i love my dog more then her
so i put them both in the trunk of my car
drove around for a short bit to think
i popped the trunk to talk
she hauled off and slapped me
and my dog jumped in my arms
showing me nothing but love
i guess she was right
510 · Dec 2014
War Pigs
DC raw love Dec 2014
Generals gathered in their masses,
just like witches at black masses.

Evil minds that plot destruction,
sorcerers of death's construction.

In the fields the bodies burning,
as the war machine keeps turning.

Death and hatred to mankind,
poisoning their brainwashed minds

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war

Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun

Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'till their judgement day comes, yeah!

Now in darkness, world stops turning,
as you hear the bodies burning.

No more war pigs of the power,
hand of god has struck the hour.

Day of judgement, god is calling,
on their knees the war pigs crawling.

Begging mercy for their sins,
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings...Oh lord, yeah!
509 · May 2016
Life's Curves
DC raw love May 2016
How can one be content,
if they know no different....

How can life change,
if your not willing to change....

How can one be real,
if they don't know how to feel...

Life throws many curves at one.....
The thing is can you adapt....

To hope is to believe....
To fear is to fail....

To love,
To hate,
To life and faith...

To God above,
to the ones we love...

**** will always happen...
The thing is......

How will you handle it.......
509 · Aug 2016
Until we die
DC raw love Aug 2016
Falsify your beliefs,
with a lacking heart..

Dream about love,
then stab the heart...

From a candle for light,
and oxygen it absorbs...

The night becomes cold,
as my mind begins to mold...

My thoughts of passion,
have now been sold...

Bought by the rich man,
who's lonely and cold...

He looks for the life,
of things he was told...

Was it a cold day in hell,
or the truth not told..

With the stars above,
that hold there glow...

There a shooting star,
and I wish for love...

Now just a whimpering thought,
from times gone by....

Life goes on,
until we die..
508 · Dec 2014
La La Land
DC raw love Dec 2014
A place we go
Where we do know

What we say
and what we do

It a place we go
To be a fool

You'll say things
You aren't supposed to

You'll break your golden rule

You'll tell on yourself
You'll tell on a friend

One to many
Can make it the end
507 · Jan 2015
a word from the wise #3
DC raw love Jan 2015
The feelings of being hated only affect the weak and insecure.

For me, if I see hatred from a person, I see signs of weakness and insucureties in that person.

How does one deal with a bigot. Bigot is a bit different. It is when one tries to influence one with hatred.

If someone hates you for what you have or the friends you have. It may sound like hate. It's called, envy or jealousy.

If someone hates you from something you've done to them, that's resentment.

As long as you've done nothing wrong, there's nothing you need to change.

I live my life by one rule, as long as I live a clean life. I do not care what one thinks.

I keep nothing but love in my heart and stay wise to everything.
506 · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
When one says,
they know it all.

They then set themselves up,
for failure.
506 · Apr 2015
DC raw love Apr 2015
Everyday, everything seems the same
Everyday, nothing seems to change

Everyday, I try to make a change
Everyday, I feel I'm going insane

Everyday, I try to take a break
Everyday, I always make mistakes

Everyday, I cry the same old tears
Everyday, I add time on to my years

Everyday, I feel the same each day
Everyday, it eats my heart away
505 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
Hello to my mother
For she is in Heaven
Hello to my father
For he is asleep
Hello to my brother
For he is he
Hello to my sister
For she loves me
Hello to my niece's and nephew's
For they make me laugh
Hello to their children
Who make me complete

A lost soul i was
For most of my life
Without a family
With no hope in sight

Now back with my family
Which gives me true life
I have now been granted
This gift of true life
505 · Feb 2015
feb 14
DC raw love Feb 2015
it is that time of year
where hearts are upon us

to the young
they are only paper hearts
given to a friend

never knowiing

what is love
what is pain

lonly hearts
may feel the same

make no mistake
love is great

shower them well
with loving gifts

show her love and apprciate
romance like no other

she holds your heart
and you hold her's

do something different
not them norm

stuffed animals
are all the same

i can tell you a secret
that drives them insane

broken hearts
can make amends

enjoy this day with loving hearts
who was saint valintine?
504 · Mar 2015
Figuring it Out
DC raw love Mar 2015
1150 plus writings and poems
100,000 plus words
and still trying

To figure out
My life
502 · Jan 2015
The Sound Of Silence
DC raw love Jan 2015
Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.

In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
'Neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence.

"Fools," said I, "You do not know –
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you.
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming.
And the sign said,
The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sound of silence.
501 · Mar 2017
Kill pain
DC raw love Mar 2017
The killing in the vein the killing insane and ungreatful plain sight the wheels it sight ... I. Fashion with ice u say Out oF SpIte... I said alright within and withdrew the knife... I withdrawn the might and the making kite... it's all up in the air and we shall rewrite... right ya wrong and wrong ya right... then the biG man standing in the RiGht...since the premonition and permission decide... case the ciphers and cyclones gripe...the old man chair found a pipe...vanishing and expanding and exhausting all measures...and #thejscenemovement

Keeping up with the JoNes...
Keeping up with oneness
Keep the lust of ironic
Hook on phone Phoenix
DC raw love Dec 2014
as I sleep my days away
for the passion of the night

standing on the corner at midnight
trying to get my courage up

in the streets again
of the lonely nights

with losers and hustlers
were nothing is right

one old lady
looked sweet that night

with an ankle bracelet
that said, don’t be lonely tonight

as she winked at me
and drifted into the night

as my life has always been
lonely days and lonely nights
500 · Jul 2015
The Thrill
DC raw love Jul 2015
Excitement in life,
is a driving factor.

Does chasing the excitement,
die after the catch.

The thrill usually dies,
after the catch.

The catch and throw back,
is something to be expected.

Sometimes the grass is greener,
sometimes it's not.

How does one figure it out?

only you know what you want.

Expect change!!!!

Expect different!!!!

Expect curiosity!!!!

The unknowing????

So what is your thrill????
DC raw love Jan 2015
A beautiful sun set, rainy days, stormy nights, fast food, sunlight.

The moon in the sky, an ant hill, a boring walk a Hulu hoop.

A sad smile, a tummy ache, a tall tree, a dog in pain.

A tough croud, a poor man, a lonely child, the president.

A loaf of bread, sour milk, the trash can, a funny show.

A wet floor, a window sill, a happy thought, a hurricane.

Shaggy carpet, green paint, an old car, a loving cat or someone fat.

I cherish our life together.
497 · May 2015
DC raw love May 2015
What can one say about life....

Hard times come and go, we find love and learn what Heart Ache is all about.....

These feeling we have constantly change,
Joy & Hurt...
Pain & Happiness...
Intelect & Confusion...
Comfort & Stress...

Yes they are hard feelings to control.
But there is one things that separates us all and only you control it.

That is one's Attitude,
only you set the mood when you wake,
your actions,
your thoughts, and the words you speak.

Embrace change, stay real,
be your own person
and understand the true meaning of

Miss all my friends that follow my here on HP, along with the entire HP community.Things have become very successful for me again and I am having a blast.
DC raw love Apr 2015
I once dated a girl named Jane
Man, how she drove me insane

I once dated a girl named Daisy
Man, how she drove me crazy

I once dated a girl named Lexy
Man,  she was nothing but ****

I once dated a girl named Dove
Man, she was one I could love

I once dated a girl named Susie
Man, she use to try and use me

I once dated a girl named Trish
Man, she was so full of ****

I once dated a girl named Cat
Man, she actually got to fat

I once dated a girl named Wendy
Man, she always gave me plenty

The girls we come by in life
That want to be a wife

The girls we come by in life
That just want to play house

The girls we come by in life
That no nothing about life

The girls we come by in Life
That think life is a game

The girls that we come by in life
That we can actually love

So we sift through the girls
To find our one true love

Is it actually possible that serendipity exist
Is there that one person that is perfect for you

Can one love, actually last a life time
495 · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015


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