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Dec 2014 · 257
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
Most think nothing of it
They say it's just
Your subconscious
Making you see things
I'll admit I once
Thought that was true
But now?
I believe my mind is sent
To a different version
Of myself at random
Only for the time being
I feel, think, and understand
Just as they do
I'm sent back usually
When they die
Or some random
Dying over and over
Just to wake up
To live my  life
That I have control over
Seems fine for now
Dec 2014 · 227
The Beginning
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
There's nothing really to say
I was just always mad
Barely happy
I was looking for something
But I had no clue what
My parents always
Got me stuff trying
To buy my happiness
Soon they just stopped
I slowly became
I started thinking
Of all the things
I wanted to do
And ask
Do I really want
To do those?
The answer was usually
I began to think
There was nothing
So I thought I was nothing
At the time
I didn't have a reason
To live
They thought I need help
They were wrong
I needed a reason
But at last I have one
And I know what
I want to do
But that's a different
Page for a different
Dec 2014 · 188
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
The feeling just isn't
The same
I liked it better before
One of my creations
Came about
I'm proud it made it
As far as it did
But it just seems lost
I create more just
To know that one
Will notice but
By saying they
Get the wrong idea
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
When you reach a new level
You feel joy
All the work you did
Finally showed through
And now you're on a new level
But now that you moved up
You don't see the tiny steps
You make anymore
You only see the floors
Going by one after another
But you got more joy
Out of all the little steps
Than all the floors combined
It's not like you don't want
To see them
It's  that you can't
Dec 2014 · 273
Middle Man
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
I'm not really the
Leader type
But people say I am
All I see myself as
Theone wh does all
The work some how
No matter what
It's me
Not even my group
That I choose
It's me
They all just sit there
And watch me
I'm never in the best
Of health but I
Never stop
I  have  to  keep  going
I tell myself
Never really resting
Always thinking
Dec 2014 · 311
Escaped Emotion
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
Everything seems to go so well
But then I do something to *****
It all up
Envy is such a strong feeling
It makes you do things
You wouldn't normally
I just can't help it
It all just comes out before
I have the time to think
And disaster stacks
I'm pretty good at keeping
My emotions in check
But that one
Because of this I hurt people
I love and then I start
Hating myself and
Imagine if was never here
Dec 2014 · 306
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
We all have our prisons
But whats the worse?
I don't know for sure
But I would have to say
Your own body
Sometimes I can feel
The harsh reality of me
Most of my emotion at times
Are locked away
No matter how much I try
I still act the same but just
With no emotion
But I think one day
I'll be released from this
Dec 2014 · 1.5k
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
She's very special to me
She always knows
I'm really here
For her and for myself
Once I first saw her
In that shop
My heart knew
I was sceptical at first
But quickly came around
Now we're closer
Than ever
Dec 2014 · 511
She Calls
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
She calls me Mr.Demon
She calls me alot of things
I try to tend to her needs
But I seem to still fail
I welcomed her into
My frozen home
Yet she still cries
Her tears
Are the coldest thing
To ever touch me
Yet she still calls me
Over to be
By her side
Dec 2014 · 301
What If?
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
What if everything would
Stop without the
Of someone?
What if all the wars
All the people who fought
In them were just
Pawns of pawns
for something
But even a pawn
Is important
They're always
Which makes them strong
But what if there was
A pawn that was nothing
More than just a
Or what if this is
All just in our heads?
Dec 2014 · 225
The Hated
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
I could walk into
A random town and
They would stay clear
For no matter
They hate me
They leave me in
They all whisper amongst
Looking over their shoulder
To see ic I was still there
Why am I
The Hated
Dec 2014 · 183
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
We dressed in all black
We all did
We didn't have a choice
They all had someone
To be with after
I jusy went home
But once I returned
My home was all white
As I stepped in something
Was wrong
I had the feel that
I wasn't welcomed
Because I failed
Or something
Dec 2014 · 675
The Team
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
I was once proud
To be apart of it
It was something
I tried to promote
But that was when
I first joined
We weren't the best
But we had a blast
Over the years we become
Better and better
As a team but
At a coast
Our spirit seemed
To fade
Many were my
Friends but now
They dwindle in
What happened to
The Team?
Dec 2014 · 296
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
I called her that
Mainly as a joke
But it seems
I've become a
She blamed herself
For something
I did
I told her
I'm  fine
Yet she still blames
I just don't know
How to help
My Master
Dec 2014 · 944
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
He's usually so peaceful
But everyone has there
Breaking point
He snaps so quickly
Everyone stops
As he lets all the
Molten lava that has
Been eating at him
From within
But as quickly as he
Snaps he pulls himself
Back together
Back to the peaceful
Mr.Volcano we know
Dec 2014 · 183
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
They tried to
Separate us
They were fine with
Us in the beginning
Until we created
Life together
But they can only
Keep us away
For only a little
While longer
We'll soon have
Our own family
Dec 2014 · 208
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
isn't it strAnge
to look into a mirror
and not recognize
everyday tHere's
someone else Looking
back at mE
but theY don't
see It
They just see the
me they aLways dO
eVeryday it's thE same
but to YOU
Dec 2014 · 221
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
She started feeling sick
Started throwing up
I told her to get some rest
She wouldn't unless
I watched over her
I agreed of course
She woke up several times
And I was there
To help with anything
But we both knew
I couldn't stay forever
When she awoke
I was gone but
she was safe
Dec 2014 · 229
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
I may be a Demon
But I'm not a ghost
So why don't they
See me?
I do all these things
And nothing
I show them my
Yet still nothing
Dec 2014 · 134
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
I'm always told what
To do
They always ask of me
And I usually do it
But the very few times
I don't they are surprised
It seems they forgot
I'm human too
Dec 2014 · 255
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
People say they love
My voice
But what if I never
Had it?
What I say has never
Matter anyway
I never know what
To say
But I always get my
Point across
What would I do If
I was Mute?
Dec 2014 · 252
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
Something just feels
Everyday since
I appeared I
Did one or two
A day it just feels
Wrong not to do one
I wish I had more
Of a talent for this
Dec 2014 · 285
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
Is that all we are
Numbers, a percentage
We're judge by that
Either the one we're
Born wih or the one
We created to
Define us
Dec 2014 · 181
That Place
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
I feel I don't belong here
In a sea of talent
And I'm just a rock
Sitting there
I'm told anyone
Can come here
Who you are
I just don't see
It right now but
one day I'll see
That place
Dec 2014 · 175
Ghost Cat
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
Such a beautiful creature
Flying through the air at night
Going through whatever
But as much it is beautiful
It's also dangerous
Throwing is it's
No matter what it did
Nothing could see
What it truly was
Until the Demon
Dec 2014 · 150
That Feeling
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
I feel like I slip
In and out of reality
Sometimes I can't remember
Anything that happened
A few minutes ago
There are times
I can't feel anything
Sometimes I think
If I'm really here
Or somewhere else
Dec 2014 · 667
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
Such a weird combination
A demon and ghost
I flow by with a trail
of ice following behind
She flies through the
Air leaving a trace
Of her spirit
Our paths met
She didn't freeze
She could be see
We didn't trust
Each other
She had her
Throwing knives
I had my
Now we're inseparable
This is to us
Dec 2014 · 279
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
So fragile it can be
I'm often forget
How much it
Can take before
It breaks
It goes through
Years of abuse
For it's user
And repairs itself
To go through
It all again
Dec 2014 · 371
Closed Door
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
The door was made
To keep them away
And to keep me in
But a door is a door
It will soon
Crack  open or just
Fall apart
Once I saw it
The door started
To crack
I did everything
To reinforce it
But it started
Swinging an ax
slowly the door
Crumble into pieces
I knew every door
Will one day open
Now it holds out
It's hand and says
Come with us
But I'm not
Allowed to leave
It just nods
And sits down
The door maybe
In piece but
It still remains
Only one will like because only one knows
Dec 2014 · 329
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
I am accused
Of being a fraud
In a world were you can be
Whatever you want
And yet
I try to impress them
Writing whatever I feel
So someone will see
My true intentions
I only started this
Because they said
it could that I
could be happy
But it only seems
looking at the number
Stay the same causes
An absents of feeling
I could sit down
And think for
Or even the rest of
My life
And I would be able to
Make a piece of work
Worthy for them
Dec 2014 · 298
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
They ask for so much
I always give
When I ask
And yet
They keep asking
Why do I help
When they don't
I guess I'm just
Hardwired that way
Dec 2014 · 194
The Demon Returns
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
they all knew it was gone
but it wasn't gone forever
they could tell it was near
the air became so thin
and before they knew it
it had taken it's home
whole again
Dec 2014 · 163
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
They said it could happen to anyone
Never did I think it would happen
To someone close to me
Even to my own sister
Tears did fall
But not from me
I feel anger
Not sorrow
My sister
Dec 2014 · 227
Stain on the Table
Kevin Haack Dec 2014
No matter how well
or fine the table is
the stain remains
it could be made out of the finest wood
but all they see is the stain
no matter of it's history
or worth
it's just a table with a stain
to them
Nov 2014 · 272
Demon of Ice
Kevin Haack Nov 2014
forced in isolation
freezing everything
but the wounded
yet they still run
it's cold claws
cutting through like a blade
but it's skin
protecting there host
Nov 2014 · 214
Kevin Haack Nov 2014
there they are in my lawn
to them it's a fun house
they always come
not knowing the truth
whats really behind the door
they'd be surprised
to see only a monster
chained down
covered in it's own blood

— The End —