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nudges to connect
the more the merrier
spend more time looking at screens

immerse yourself in technology
who needs real life?
hey, you need a new phone

it's brand new
it's brand name
it's calling for you, my dear
it's ironic now because i've been sitting here staring at the monitor for an hour
sorry world
i've failed you
Your words inspired, to persevere,
to push through pain and ignore all the fear.
You made it look easy, even offered a hand.
Showing me how to be more of a man.

We all have our demons, but yours never showed.
You simply encouraged me, on down the road.
If only I'd asked, then maybe I'd known;
What made YOU think, that you couldn't go on.

I try to imagine why you Hung around;
even how long till the cops cut you down.

-RIP Friend
 Jun 2013 kesha bernabe
grass crunches softly in rhythm to your compassionate jaws
to be slow and spotted is to be the subject of some onlooker's pause...
no words to exchange
  just desires to imitate
    through sounds and the absence of thought.
friends weave their wishes into the moist poetry glistening out of your big brown eyes
while the mellow motion of your mouth traces saturn's rings around the sky
i, entranced and graciously assured
  the world and all its needs
    are a body to drink from, like this lake at your knees.
it isn't random how we found each other with only a fence between us
what's a fence if we've grown tall enough to step over or strong enough to walk through?
to everyone around me it seems
there's somewhere else to be,
this scene bearing you and your family lays itself out like acrylic cows and trees
a moving picture to impregnate
the awakened veins of my future.
switching bodies, i poke & sniff at shade and water
while these dry stones beneath our feet
in part gravel arriving here from mountains we've yet to reach,
find me realizing
i was never just passing through.
  moo was meant for me
    i was meant for moo
 Jun 2013 kesha bernabe
Not even the way
the moon glows
and lights up the
night sky
can compare
to the sound of your
enticing heartbeat
against your
prisoned chest
as your head lay
etched into my neck.

Not even the feel
of raindrops against
my cheeks
compares to
the feel of your hands
as they press into
my very palms,
run down my body,
even as you hold
my face with gentle

Not even the smell
of freshly cut wood,
or baked cookies
compares to the smell
of your strong cologne,
nestled in the tiny
particles of your shirt
and nestled in the skin
of your neck.

Not even the sight
of a beautiful sunset
on the beach
or a lovely rainbow
full of distracting colors
compares to the sight
of your golden eyes
on a hot summer day,
or even your handsomeness
that's constantly showing.


I miss you
You're not missing me
I missed you before you left
You may have missed me for a day or two
I miss they way we'd ride around in your car and stare at the stars
I miss how you used to hold the door open for me
I miss how whenever we sat down no matter who was in the room, you sat so close to me when your arm around me tight
I miss the way it felt to lay on your chest at night
I miss the way we laughed when we woke up to the other one just staring waiting
I miss the way you used to look into my eyes and the whole world disappeared
I miss when you wanted me around all the time
I miss when no one could make me doubt you
I miss the way we used to sit on the couch in "our" house and watch movies , with the puppy curled up besides us
I miss meeting you at work on your lunch breaks
I miss knowing I was the only one who made you smile
I miss being the only one you called "mine"
I miss the days when I trusted you weren't texting someone else
I miss when I trusted you with my life
I miss that sparkle in your eye
I miss how you face lite up when you saw me and we'd both be awkward for a moment or two
I miss that my acceptance used to be enough
I miss that I used to be enough
I miss how you used to hold me and wipe my eyes when I cried
I miss that I missed the moment things began changing
I miss that instead of asking less questions, I just tried to get you to look at me how you used to
I miss the fact that I never knew how serious our problems were
I miss the way I could talk to you like no one else
I miss the day before it all came to head

I don't miss listening to you telling me goodbye and standing emotionlessly
I don't miss how unaffected you seemed by my tears
I don't miss frantically trying to get a hold of you and you ignoring me the whole time
I don't miss you're excuses
I don't miss watching you lie right to my face
I don't miss that you just thought another guy would erase you from my heart
I don't miss how you're such a hypocrite and in the same sentence would beg me to stay in your life
I don't miss all the random moments I burst into tears simply because you weren't there
I don't miss every night I knew you were with her
I don't miss how when the sun came up the next day, you were at my door again
I don't miss how I always let you in, and how I clung to every moment with you
I don't miss the involuteery see saw ride you put me on while you tried to make up your mind
I don't miss all those hours I prayed you'd come back to me
I don't miss how when I would snap and tell you to "*******"
I'd cave the second you text my phone

I miss the vacations we took together
I don't miss the way you seemed to have just forgotten
I miss how you were always getting mad at me for letting people walk all over me
I don't miss how you became one of them
I miss how every time you came around, no other guy could touch me or how you'd put your legs across me to mark your territory
I don't miss how when I did that, you still saw her
I miss when I thought you were so different than every other guy
I don't miss realizing you weren't
I miss how hard it was for you to tell me goodbye and that you had tears in your eyes too
I don't miss that just because she had more money she got to be the one to come visit you
I miss the phone calls every week
I don't miss when she moved in and they stopped
I miss how I never saw this coming
I don't miss that in your mind I'll always be here waiting

I miss you
There are so many types of pain one can endure;
And sometimes the person can't find a cure.

There is a physical pain of the body which stings every time it's touched;
The scrapes, cuts and burns that can't be covered up that much.

Then there's the emotional pain which makes your heart feel like its being stabbed with a knife;
This type of pain occurs everyday depending on ones life.

The amazing connection between the two types of pains is that one of them is caused because of the other pain;
When you're emotionally insecure you tend to hurt yourself, which really just makes you go insane.

When you have physical pains it actually hurts you emotionally because of the pain you're trying to deal with;
You can't help but feel these emotions and make a better switch.

In the end, you have to accept everything that happens no matter how much it may hurt;
There will always be a resolution to keep hanging on for even though you may feel like dirt.

— The End —