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i want to be mad
i want to be so mad
i want to be mad but i can’t because it’s not your fault
i want to be mad but i can’t
because every time i almost get mad, i almost yell at you
i almost scream
i get sad.
i get sad that it’s hard to move,
difficult to even talk,
and impossible to do anything but cry
i’m sad because you’re beautiful and i love you
and you love me
but soon you won’t be mine to love anymore
and that hurts more than it angers me

i feel like if i love you hard enough you won’t leave
even though deep down i know that’s not true

when i remember you’re going to leave anyways
i try to feel angry so that i don’t feel sad but i’m still sad
i’m sad
sad that it’s hard to eat
sad that it’s hard to sleep
sad that when i laugh i just wanna cry
sad that sometimes it hurts to breath

if only i could pop one too many pills this time and be done with it
if only i could accidentally cut too deep this time and be done with it
and if only you weren’t leaving me this time i wouldn’t have to wish i was so angry
so that i don’t have to
be sad
i feel like i should feel bad
i feel like i should be sorry
because here i am doing the thing i said i wouldn’t do again
i said i wouldn’t hurt myself anymore
and the only thing that has kept me from doing it
is knowing i would be hurting more than just me
but here i am
sitting here, like i have
so many times before
just tearing at my skin
and i don’t wanna ******* talk about it
can we jus talk for a second about how hard it is to open up to someone about being sad for no reason. let’s talk about how hard it is to explain to your friends and family that you have this heavy feeling in your chest and constant ache in your stomach for no reason. let’s talk about how ******* hard it is to understand why you’re having a panic attack just walking home or walking in the halls at school or when you’re just relaxing in your bed at home. let’s talk about how hard it is to understand yourself and how scary it is to feel like the entire world is falling on your shoulders & you can’t breath, and you have no idea why and there’s not a single thing you can do about it

— The End —