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 May 2013 Kendra R
Danny C
I learned to hate when I was 10
and studied my flaws first:
frayed and wispy hair,
weak and bony shoulders,
and a smile more crooked
than old, crumbling floorboards,
(a calloused thumb to blame).

When my only few took to rushing out,
like blood from an open vein,
I wasn't surprised: Everybody leaves,
and why wouldn't you?

Soon my house would have
one less body, leaving alone
to sleep in another empty bed.

When I was 16 I tore myself apart
on the bathroom floor at 4AM.
I knew it was my fault
that she didn't love me.
I saw every reason in the mirror.
I chewed my lips to blood and scars
and tore my brittle hair from its roots.

I studied my flaws like a science,
measuring the chips and stains
on my teeth, still crooked
like an uprooted house.
 May 2013 Kendra R
the haaaannnggg in hangover grapples
my chest like another sad defeat. some
created battlefield felt my angel control
nothing, control nothing. I cry at constant
implication, and the choice is yours again.
you, with your busy life, pick my heart like
a puppeteer having not yet noticed the strings.
I pull in all directions and wonder why I do
this to myself; why I look for pegs to stick the
strings together, hand you a puppeteer's hand-
book and tell you my world is always ending
whenever you're around.
you grimace a little
every moment I speak.
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
JK Cabresos
Patience is a whimsical weather,
a scenery beneath a pale moonlit night;
somehow a velvet rope,
which binds memories between the lines.
Patience gains that trust
rare in a world of waiting,
a knightly sacrifice
that only someone's words can end.
It should not be talked about,
it has its own voice to speak for itself,
it means no boundaries,
no time, no conflicts.
It is a bizarre blossom,
a man could ever hold in his hands.
And patience is a kind of love,
explained in every bewildered circumstance.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
JK Cabresos
The difference between
knowing YOUR ****
and knowing YOU'RE ****.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
time stands still....yes
awake at last
much less hurt.

superb splashes of colour
ingenious maker dabs
deep strokes

no words needed
silent canvass
bold moves
timeless heart.

riding on a wave
yet to be discovered
such delights....

reality tilts in surreal way
no apparitions
pitch-black night.

atoms split
from unexpected quarters
so, grateful for support.

in your eyes
not yet seen,
layers of
insane aliveness.

sweet and simple sounds
lead to redemptive road

affording faith leaps
believing strains of truth
finding forever sought.


S T, 27 April 2013
sure ain't nothing like being ALIVE, hey!

ultra :)

happiness button missing from keyboard, so meantime juggle an assortment of combinations....until

always hope to get right sequence - just don't delete so quick.

contrast is amazing; thank heavens for diversity.

oh yes :)
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
Harry J Baxter
I've been to Paris
seen the city
unwind in flashes of art before me
but do not be fooled
by the amateur writers' ideals
for Paris is full of stores
with neon signs in the windows
which read
*** toys,
and lubricants
in perfect English
Paris is full of
hotels and hustlers
African men,
met us off the ferry
and tried to sell us lighters
and fake watches
And the homeless line the street
like unfortunate corpses
and there are areas
of great dangerous people
full of edge and hate
but at night
the cathedrals
Notre Dame
and the the landmarks
are lit up like supernovas
and it is enough to make you forget
forget all that is ugly
and wrong with the place
so if you wish to seek Paris
just remember,
you have to see beauty
through the ugly
They sent Daddy home
from suicide watch—
he was bound to lose it someday.
Mom locked up the
kitchen knives.
She comes back to me,
her quivering voice
delivers some deluded promise,

“He said he won’t hurt himself,
I’m just being safe.”

The house is still silent with absence,
he stares at the wall—
hidden in the basement
like the last twenty thirty years
of some void of a life,
guarded by an eggshell
cracked by decades of denial.

You aged ten years in a weekend, Daddy,
And I always feared I’d bury you
before I witnessed my first grey hair,
silver like the lining
of some magical cloud
I can’t seem to distinguish
in this homogenous fog, looming
in the bleak and inescapable sky
hovering over me
with careless indifference

I knew there’d be a day like this,
only now has it come true.
I knew you couldn’t love me, Daddy,
You never loved you, too.
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