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i fell in love
with the ribbons of gold
in a strangers soul
as we brush shoulders
i forget my own name
and stare deep
into eyes insane
like an innocent wonder
that seeks beauties touch
who’s yet to be broken
to just be, is enough.
i followed the sound
of battered feet
and found in myself
something so sacred
so sweet.
like audible honey
in sound we bathe
jumping through fire
a cosmic parade
these beautiful people
i drink them up
fall in love a thousand times
its never enough.
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
Timothy Brown
I really want to be as cool as you
But I only have one tattoo
well two.
They're black, I'm brown but my jeans are blue...

You like them where the sun shines
and some places it won't.
I've stopped giving you signs.
I know. Anxiety daunt.

Birds sing while my face is buried in books;
Your stumbling up and down stairs and tumbling in your mind.
There is a disagreement but I know how good looks.
Inclined to be entwined where one may find the truth of mankind.
At least I want to be in there

But I am terrible with conversation.
You can see something is wrong with me.
I speak nervously in dilation.
My words are better read than said which is I write poetry.

It would be worst than the first rejection
So I'll admire you from afar.
Just an unspoken affection
to prevent the collision of worlds bizarre.

P.s This was supposed to come with a cookie but I ate it... I'm really sorry about that.
WBC day 3. Hint Hint. Wink Wink. Ahh forget it, shes probably not gonna read this.
© April 26th, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
Mike Hauser
I'm coughing out in rhythm
As I draw in more lushest smoke
Ain't never done me any good
But the Marlboro Mans got my vote

Two packs a day at minimum
I see no use in quitting
Though the way I wheeze in the morning time
There ain't much use in living

The doctors give their warning
My lungs are tarred and blackened
The only thing I see I'm missing
Is the free breathing that I'm lacking

So leave me be to my greatest need
We all know what that is
Carcinogens and nicotine
Are two of my favorite hits

They say smoking wont send you to hell
It just makes you smell like you've been there
And to a smoker that's just as well
In hell you'll never need a lighter

So the doctor's can warn me all they want
If they feel they must
But I ain't leaving outta here
Until that very last lushest puff...
I'm not a smoker myself...
This is just something I thought all you smokers would enjoy...
So everyone light up, inhale, draw deep, exhale, Ahhhhhhh......
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
Kimani Jones
I am the *******,
and poetry is my ****.
slapping me around with its,
enriched vocabulary,
scarred vowels across my face.
i owe you,
1 minute of sinful poetry.
I put a ****** on the mic so I
wouldn't pass off my poetic S.T.D.
infecting the dictionary.
but my grammar was incorrect.
after 9 months-
out comes the alphabet.
and when i gave birth to English,
you took it from me and created tongue twisters,
poetic metaphors that will have you,
and I'm back at point one.
I am the *******,
and poetry is my ****.
scarred vowels across my face.
Copyright Kimani Jones-4-17-10
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
Brandon Webb
It's only 11:30 when I plug it in and go bed,
Screaming at myself, tears in my eyes
It had only been five days
and I didn't love her Monday,
I grew into it
and I thought she had too,
until those three words came from her tongue-

"I have someone"

my world shouldn't have shattered
I shouldn't have stayed up all night
screaming at myself and writhing in pain,
clutching my aching stomach.
I should have rolled over and gone to sleep

I should be used to it
Used to spending nights like this
Used to being dissapointed
To having to turn the thermostat up to 75°
so I'm not cold at night.
To having to get on facebook and talk
so I don't fall asleep completely lonely.
To having to write so I can say
"I love you"
at the end of a poem
just to get those words out of my system.
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
Brandon Webb
I stop halfway up 12th street
and stand there, letting cars pass me
not moving an inch.
I want to stay there
standing in the freezing rain
staring at the last curve of the road
until I fall over
frozen and soaked to the bone
waiting for someone to stop,
to get out, wrap me in a hug
and pull me to their car.
but I know  nobody will
that I'll die here
forgotten on a busy road
so I continue on
back to my empty, useless, repetitive life.
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
Harry J Baxter
At times it might feel as if
you can't do anything right,
like the only thing you're good at
is ******* things up
and every turn you make
leads only to dead ends,
The clocks on the wall
still tick tock their pretty little hearts out
like laughter,
cruel laughter
at how broken you are,
but the important thing
is to never forget
that a broken clock
is right
twice a day
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
Harry J Baxter
"Do you like me?"
the words took courage
courage which would go unnoticed
"Not really, that's why we're so good"
words cushioned by a teasing smile
it was that same **** smile
which chased her dreams
all night long,
"You're bad"
"I'm certainly not good"
"You're nothing but a quick tongue,
aren't you?"
it made him laugh
"I'm hurt you didn't mention
my killer ***"
she had to admit,
it wasn't too shabby
"I think you love me."
"I love pizza,
but let's not get into that"
she looked cute
colored by the flush of frustration
"God, you're an ***"
"You wouldn't have it any other way"
"You wouldn't let me"
No I suppose I wouldn't"
they stood awash in a comfortable silence
she wished he would agree with her
he wished that he could
he knew that he did
"What do you want
to love me for anyway?
You are leaving again
after the summer"
"So what?"
"So that."
she was a ball of energy
and he wanted to take her in
and feed off of her,
wanted to keep her fire going
yet he feared,
his ice couldn't be melted
she tucked her chin
into her breast
and he cupped her face
by the jaws
leaned down
and gave her a kiss,
"Things are always better
in the summer"
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
Harry J Baxter
the words sliced deliciously
drawing not blood
but ink
furious passionate ink
she was just words on a page
in a human shell
he was just
another who wanted to try
with expendable arms and legs
but still the ink came
the words sliced horizons
not vertically
so as not to ****
only to bleed
and before the cut
has a chance to heal
pens and greedy fingers
jammed into the wound
hoping to take
the last drop
of art
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
J Drake
 Apr 2013 Kendra R
J Drake
I fall into these twilight hours,
  Body drifting, mind awoken;
Captured by these moonlit powers;
  Spirit lifting, life has spoken.
Trails of thoughts that lead to peace,
  Ego resting, soul at ease;
How can one explain the pull?
  The simple joy of living full?

Realized fantasy, dreaming awake,
  Finding a reason to do what it takes...

To live your own life
  And not someone else's;
To follow the wind
  And know who the self is.
To learn who you are,
  And learn how to think;
To listen to life,
  And laugh when she winks. ;)
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