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On the wings of paradise
she gave to me her love
like diamonds shining up above
that glitter through the sky

I saw her love for me in her eyes
on the wings of Heaven
and felt the passion of her sin
as I touched softly upon her skin
caught up in her every moment
lost in every second with her spent

Feeling inside me a new kind of high
on the wings of serenity
I found in her an Angel of fantasy
wakening in dreams of my reality
where I searched and she found me
in the shadow of her beauty
Spiritwind ©2015
With all that it seems
that was once between us
was not all that was real

With all of our dreams
would not be all we would feel
with all that we once had
gave us only tears now of sad

With all the good times shared
it only brought to us the bad
inside hearts that once cared

With all that we thought we could be
now was not in a future to see
with all what was inside you and me

With all of a love we once would live
was now only pain left to give
filled with hate and misery

With all that love would soon ****
would now all remain silent and still
and in the end would lose love's trust
Spiritwind ©2016
Tears that fall of rain
with eyes of pain
another love is broken
with no words spoken
time is now forgotten
while hearts break again
empty faded memories
while another love leaves
a soul left to things blind
to what it no longer sees
days that can't rewind
of what is left behind
while another love believes
what the other couldn't find
Spiritwind ©2016
With pride of our Ancestors
we'll beat our drum's loud
for we are the Warriors
of our new generation
with wisdom and courage inside
together we'll be as one
standing strong and proud
with our will that shall be done
in our veins our blood will flow
the Spirit's of our yesterday
and through us our people's pride
will forever and always show
in hearts of every Tribe's Nation
for we are the Warriors
that will rise up again today
Spiritwind ©2016
Words can sometimes steal a heart
while love will always play the part
in dreams that can take you away
where love will make you stay
and in your love you took my soul
to a place I could not let go

I saw through your eyes
so warm soft and brown
love that would not let me down
such a picture perfect beauty
that Heaven had sent to me
and with you it was meant to be
no matter how many miles apart
with you I knew love would find its way

In your voice was a sweetness
that melted inside right through me
as I longed for your touch and tenderness
and the taste of your lips from a kiss
as our bodies would become one
while we made love into the morning sun

And with you I saw a paradise
in a fantasy that never dies
as I take you in my arms close to me
and whisper love so passionately
forever giving to only you
a love you needed to feel and see
Spiritwind ©2016
Where would we go
if tomorrow never came
would the flowers still grow
if we never felt the rain
would you still love me
even after the pain
and miss me when I'm gone

Would fire still burn a flame
and would you call out my name
in dreams that only fade
would you still love me
when our eyes couldn't see
the memories we made

Would yesterday still remain
if I was to hold you again
and your heart I could mend
would you look at me
if I gave you more to see
would you still love me
if we were able to be
what we were in a song
Spiritwind ©2016
Dream me a poem of love
and for you I'll sing in a song
show me a Heaven above
and with me I'll take you along
flying forever high

Give me a reason to believe
and by your side I'll never leave
together just you and I
forever will ride the sky
with hearts only to see
a love wild and free

Show to me love that won't lie
and I'll give you a heart of mine
that will never die
and show you a love to shine

And when you cry
let me wipe the tears away
just let me inside and stay
give to me the words from you
that I want hear you say
whisper to me the night through

Tell me I'm the only one
all that you can think of
and I'll give to you everyday new
my love forever and always true
as we forever ride the sky
together just you and I
into love's eternal sun
Spiritwind ©2016
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