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 Sep 2013 Kelly O'Connor
you'll live in
her hippocampus, for now,
but when it's done with you, you'll be exiled into
dark, slower, parts of her brain (where the angler fish live),
you'll learn to keep silent just so you can survive,
don't try to swim to the surface, you'll just be pushed back down
The Light Doesn't Want You.

You may feel a disturbance in the waters, a rogue ray of sun, perhaps,
maybe an oil spill
But This Isn't An Invitation.

The Light Doesn't Want You.

You live here now because the pre-frontal cortex didn't want you,
you were too expensive to keep around.
Do You Know How Much It Costs To Set Off the Sprinklers?
we don't need to wash away your messes anymore.

So you'll live Here,
your movements will stir the plasma only slightly, and yes it'll affect the Ether but /shrugs,
it'll do.

Don't make a sound.
I am sure, it might be midnight somewhere
Sun long gone to where I'll never know
Moons sing songs while rivers flow
Gashing and sifting between rocks
Crashing with utter silence
Everything breaks apart
Leaving scars in the heart
That can only be healed by being apart
We are together only at the start
But in the end the storm is going to tear us apart
Soon the storm will pass and I will love again
Looking toward the horizon
I took a deep, long breath
And dove into the water
Sinking slowly, deep into the blue
Elephant, which means the dream was about to come true
And then something amazing happened
Something I could have never imagined.
Pains me to think of the money I will never see.
Awash in the blue, I am losing my mind
Mind of a squirrel going nuts
Scampered down the street, needing more food
But he couldn't find any so he went home and got high
Lost his thoughts and began to cry.
Such a cool poem I think. The is a collective poem from my creative writing class. In my class, every student had to write down a line based only off of the previous line, and in the end it would create a poem. Hence "the exquisite corpse" because there are a bunch of various lines randomly put together. Definition link -->
 Sep 2013 Kelly O'Connor
 Sep 2013 Kelly O'Connor
Someone find me peace
Find me a silence that is terrifyingly deep
Find me a white noise in the background of dreams
Find the voices and calm them please
Find the crazy and bring it to it's knees
Find a gun to shoot it between
Large eyes glowing green
Find anything that might make me feel free
If you see that I'm chained, find the key

Someone find me kindness
In the hearts of the open-minded
Find the heartless
Give them each a piece of my heart so I can hurt less
Find the tired and lonely and hardheaded
Tell them to stop making the sun shine less
Find me the the ones who make the timed tests
They need to tell me how much time I have left

Someone find my Nirvana
I'm sorry you had to steal
what was already freely given.
I hope your heart never burns
like mine did the day I wrote that.
I give to you freely
what you honestly deserve,
that is a second chance,
and a word of advice.
Give from yourself,
no gift can ever be poorly graded.
I am not the kind of boy who fits the mould of it's social stereotype:
Does sport
perving on girls
has the tendency to treat girls like a piece of meat

No, that isn't me.
I never liked sport.
I was a boy who didn't like to watch or play with Action man or Power Rangers,
Instead I was the kind of boy who would tell his friends that he was going to football club,
When in fact I was going to dance club.
At school I studied dance.
"What lesson do you have next, Lew?"

As the school year rolled on it was revealed,
When I had to perform in front of the whole school,

After that I rolled with the punches:

It angered me that because I didn't stick with the 'traditional' ideology of a boy I was an outcast,
labelled with a stereotype that also didn't fit me.

I like Lady Gaga
In fact, I adore her.
Because I support the LGBT community I am misunderstood as a person.

To this day I struggle to overcome constant attack of prejudice and disrespect that people show me,
I struggle to hold on to that last thread of self confidence.
I don't dance any more. I am too scared to try it again
I don't tell people that I listen to Gaga and Lana Del Rey. They'll laugh at me
Whenever I say I like a girl people think it's a lie

**All of this because I am a different kind of boy.
I keep a picture of myself
In a drawer beside my bed at night
So when I wake up in the morning
I can remember what it is I look like

Because when I look into the eyes of the mirror
And it looks back into mine
It takes who it is I feel that I am
And replaces it with old man lies

It doesn't see the youthful heart in me
That I wish it would, so instead
I keep a picture of myself
In a drawer beside my bed
i met a boy today

with warm hands

and his fingers bumbled as

they passed me my change.

i don’t think i’ll see

him again.

but that’s okay.
this is about the girl who drowned in fate.
the rain came down and she danced
but one missed step
brought her to her knees,
begging forgiveness from a god she didn't believe in.
this is about the boy who loved the stars.
he could feel the echo of their loneliness
inside of his bones
and thought it was
his own.
this is about you.
the one who fought.
the one who lived to tell.
the one who gave me hope.
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