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Keith W Fletcher May 2019
Looking for an more dignified
way to commit suicide
one that won't be so
much a mess
I can shoot myself
I might miss
and if I didn't it would still
Leave a mess and I guess
really isn't very dignified so ...
    ...I could leap out
in front of some moving car
but then again
I don't know who those people are
it may cause them to have a wreck
Either way What or how the heck
Could any of that be dignified
To ruin somebody else's life
would not ever be dignified
I guess I could take a lot of drugs overdose but who knows
I might just end up going out
and have a good time
To wake up the next day
find out that you were
the life of the party ...and that
everybody had a great time
Though i haven't a clue
What party where'" I went to...?"
No clue who Sent the message
I got 46 friend requests
And 17 new friends...OH no!
Thats not something you do
just before you want it all to end
Thats definitely undignifying
I guess I could leap off
Some tall building enjoy the ride all the way down unless of course you look and see  down  below something you couldn't know
A older lady getting out of the car
Or a nanny with a baby carriage you know youve gone way too far cant  stop now and you know
cannot change your direction so..
...that's not a very good selection
And definitely not to be considered dignified
I guess I could go jump in the lake drown myself since I cannot swim not very well at least but ohhhhh
would be one easy way
but then again I can say I've seen
those people they finally dredge up
All bloated white and sickly green.. way  is that dignified
I guess I could try to hang myself but then again that might to lead to something else
if I didn't die I might just try
to figure out how to do it again
Because it was sort of ****** fun
Ive seen those people on tv news
Live or die that's not the one one
Found like that can't be  dignified
I just about run out of ways
to think about how I could do it
I guess I really always knew
.....all along what was really true
there's nothing dignified
about suicide ever...unless maybe if you were to leap onto
a live grenade in order to save every one around you or if you
were to step in front of a bullet run out into traffic in order to push someone out of the way
I can say
it's true that in a sense
it would be suicidal
In its own way because you chose to do what you did
but any of those circumstances messy or not you died with pride and that  will always be...
....dignified . But not suicide.
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2019
Upon reflection
I can see
What cannot be imagined
That part I didn't leave behind
I never had
So for all my own insurrections
Fought along the trail I've blazed
and true to form
I see not of the mind
beyond that deemed
As being predescibed
as falling beyond the norm
a bit meandering yes perhaps
But no journey
into places unknown
Has ever obliged a map
And I do look back
In efforts to gauge
my....Progress....or..lack of...
Sometimes I do will myself
By all the strength accepted
That fear can muster within
So I may portend pretending
That upon that skirmish ending
I chose not that look back
For reasons I choose to entertain
Conferring within. - seeking  spin
My spirit  to ordain
Do not give rise within my eyes
A pace that none would ever
to render as a measure
As that may be a reality implied
That less achieved would garner not..
           aside ones own displeasure
Just the same would be the shame
Heaped upon
Any life lived in self- blinded obscenity
willingly giving rise to compromise
with reverent resistance to the existence
Or any such guiding force it implies
So it is upon the highs,
where vision becomes extant
All effort behind drawn out in the abstract
as it's seen meandering
Side to Side far more than
What could easily be polluted
If all distant were not included
In the journey forward  
That never was
heading for a destination
Not mine anyway,
I was just going to what I was led
Along the imaginary trail that  accepted
would never exist ahead of me
only behind and in my mind
So as first stated herein I cannot imagine
All those things left behind that I never had
Comfort ,normality, a sense of some reality
Domestic security a bit of maturity applied
Maybe I will end up old , broke, some local joke
A dreamer
who believed too much in himself
A wasted life lived  creating things
That may well by themselves
seem worthless and a lot of wasted time
So I willing accept without regret turning back
And get my life on those prescribed by you
To be the right track...
          ....that is if you will take the time
to look back on your own existence
recall all the things you might try to describe
As you would the best wine ever tasted
Whether it's achievments had or left behind
Some dream never existed still carried in your mind
That chance untaken that persists in you forsaken but not ever shaken
From the cobwebs of sacred places and define for me the meaning of..WASTED!
     If you really can, do this ,I will toss all my dreams away
But I'm not concerned...if nothing else in my life
Is true to form
the one thing I know -without doubt -I've learned
Is as true as it can matter the circumstance
No matter what the final results are. ..
true efforts are never wasted  ..although may be that sometimes
They are left behind..incomplete!
Just waiting for someone else..
to come carry on!
To complete.
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2019
You know it's funny the things that leave an indelible mark on our lives! 2 times when I was 8 years old, a catastrophe landed square on me that still haunts me... almost 55 years later. Funnier still is how alone I feel in this, as I've never seen, or even heard of it happening to anyone else! Surely it must have, (punched someone in the metaphorical gut - besides me)  as this cannot be the one thing that makes me unique among human beings.  We played real baseball back then, not t-ball and because we ( my family) moved around a bit during those years; that town and field time dates itself as the  2nd or  3rd grade, so I was 8 or just turned 9 when life turned on me...twice!! With the benches filled with the enthusiastic, happy faces of cheering parents and friends, the hot lights in a perpetual battle with the cool night air of early spring, creating a foggy haze that hovered just over our heads like a gray wool blanket and added something to the crackling excitement of this rite of passage. I loved it all!  I loved it for the excitement and I loved it because it was mine ( all mine) not a hand me down shirt or pair of pants! It was the first thing in my life, that was mine!  Because I paid for It by sheer sweat and determination! Paid for with all the effort made that took me from the Siberia of the right field - that 1st year - to pitcher/ first base the next! Yes, I loved it all; and aided by an even swing and a penchant for meeting the pitch with the sweet spot of the bat, giving me status and accolades that I admit was to be loved as well! All that mutual love made the pain of... well you will see!
    I found myself on first base, by walk or a fair hit, where I'm sure I was leading off and taunting the pitcher; as were my teammates on 2nd and 3rd ( a fact guaranteed to promote to a higher level our taunts and threats of stealing a base!) Yes! but what base? What with them all occupied. Bases loaded was almost a no steal zone! So then, with the resounding crack of a good hit filling the crisp cool spring night, we all 3 began to move around the bases, pushed by the 1st base coach and aided by the one at 3rd ,who was like the traffic light in human form as he urged us to make a left turn and head for home, unless the light went to caution or red. That then was the time to obey ( without question ) the traffic laws of the ball field!  Sometimes the signal went to caution, slowing all progress as everyone waited for the ball to return from beyond the wool blanket!  At that age we had no more free will than the merry - go - round did ,or the kids aboard it did ,when suddenly hijacked and assaulted by bigger and stronger kids bent on turning  it into that momentary " hell ride " while they pushed and pulled together, creating enough momentum that you were too  scared to remain and.too scared to jump! As bad as that was back then, I would have taken it 100 times to 1 in avoiding the catastrophe and walk of shame dealt me then. , The runners, all but the one going from 1st to 2nd (me) were running toward a coach. The one at 3rd base, now with the caution light shining ,then flicking to red as he saw the ball appear from the glaring haze of lights to be an easy catch for the outfielder in question! Then, just as sudden , the red went to green and the race was back on, aided by a collision ( usually ) of those not calling out " mine"  or someone else not hearing it. From 1st to 2nd I had not been guided by a  coach, but as I was returning towards 1st. I could see him waving me in, only to start waving me off, yelling at me to go go go!!
Clear in my mind  - even now - is the scene I turned back to as I went towards second! To my left, I could see the kid round 3rd and head for home, with the traffic light behind him bouncing and swinging himself around like a happy 10 lb. dog with a 20 lb. tail! To my right I saw 2 players doing an Abbott and Costello routine as they scrambled around, bouncing off each other while trying to retrieve the ball, and there, straight in front of me I see the returning runner land back on second and stick there like a lawn dart! From the corner of my eye, I see the winner of the scramble fling the ball towards home plate, arriving just in time to not get the runner. And then...  there's me, standing 5 feet from second base; lost, confused, embarrassed, and boy am I *******!   Now ******, it's not fair! I followed the rules and obeyed the signals.
   No walk of shame is nice, no matter how much dignity one might portray, but at that age, under those hateful lights and the faces of those mean people on the bleachers, who keep staring at me... I'm sure I was crying as I walked that long walk back to the dugout!   2 times that happened to me that year. It wasn't fair, was not right, and in point of fact,  it was cruel and heartbreaking! Why else would it still permeate my life 55 years later.? Am I alone in this club and should I let it affect my memory so? IDK, because as far as I know, it's just a one-man club and no others for assimilation.
  No one else has paid the dues to join  - that I know of - but  I truly hope I am not alone here, Okay so It happened and it broke me at the time, yes it did that, but it; also prepared me for life, and armed me with the knowledge that sometimes we must endure the pain from doing " no wrong"!   That's where that dignity comes from, as we take the walk of ( undeserved ) shame, with head held high and caring not if anyone sees the gleam of tears... that may fill our eye!
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2019
they are in there now
and they are dancing
slow and sensually
just the way we used to do
and I can see them moving
but I cannot hear the music

that is their
special place now
and I wish it wasn't true
I guess my feelings are
still a little bit bitter
and so often
the pain  
I feel shoot right through me
like the current times
a million yesterday's

are all stacked up
just beyond my  periphery
where I can almost always see them
if I don't try too hard
I mean
to pay them any real attention
or dwell upon that
which time does not allow
none of that
will stave off my memories
that a smell or word or those certain sunsets
suddenly coming along  and  reminding me
of how it was once the two of us
who used to hold so tight and slowly dance
but I always know
that they are there and dancing
In that special spot
that we once had shared

I know I cannot hear... the music
all it takes  is for me
to close my eyes and I see
the movement... that
will remain..., with me forever
that special place...
....within my brain

You will ... for all time... remain within me.

So ...dan -cing!
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2019
There are those who weave a spell
and the spirit
comes ready to suscitate
by the Battle Cry
as they  attempt to justify
and as the heart of man grows cold
as hard as pavement Stone
We will  reignite
all the passion that we have lost
and adorned with Justice by Design
Keepsake that we have worn
we will not have worn alone
the voices
that have awoke
are distorted by that ominous and maniacal cry
rising up
from beneath the morgue
to which weaknesses rapidly appears
no matter what it does evoke
we must persevere
we must intellectualize
to deny
The inconsideration of those lies.
and all hate that it does create
so when we all
from the wilderness return
we will know that we did not squander
all the power we did possess
Yet not by force
Justice we did reinforce
keeping guidance
by The Shining Light
that set our course
29 random words top to bottom of notebook page and weave them into a poem . 74 min.  this list came from a muted close caption HBO animation movie  about a huge good / bad insecure super hero ... i think ?  Push the boundaries within .
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2019
the sun no longer shines
where I walk where I walk where I walk
but I cannot turn around from where I'm bound where I'm bound where I am bound!!

I find my self on a slippery *****
going down without a hope
Of  ever catching my-self a breath
Or anyone
throwing me a rope
a rope...A rope...A Ro o o OPE!
there is no hope....NOOooo! NO ,,,,HOPE!!
  these dark days  the wind never blows
upon my back... upon my back
I have to hunker down and fight my way
ev er y step
Towards  those places
where I am bound
TO where I' am bound...because
the sun
no longer shines.....
Where Ever I walk!!!
Dark Days.
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