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 Feb 2012 Keith Skyy
Nicholas Rew
Isolated faces paradoxically surround
Bound by wants infinity
I strayed away from banks
Cause greed was just to trendy
The idea of friends and numbers
Threw me to the ground
Figured we'd crown 4 quarters instead of 100 pennies
Swede shoes, silk shirts, and bentleys
By some is defined as plenty
While little Lenny with stomach empty dreams of Denny's
Or some water or a Father would help immensely
Afgani blowing and Hennessy gulping MC's
Take their aperture and narrow it densely
Make millions off the Emmys some how erases Memories
Of pennies struggling in this world
Mother fiend'n they're just fending
Against the many
In class they're considered lowers
Below us they just a penny
I say our morals need reordered
cause no doubt that they're all Quarters
And deserve entry into this bank of respect
That has become run by hoarders
Loving to build borders 3 times the size
Of their self righteous shoulders
This is a disassembly of a culture surrounded by sentries.
I enjoy writing some hip hop verses every once in awhile and this is all that was intended when writing the piece
 Nov 2011 Keith Skyy
luci sunbird
Let me sit here
With my pen

Let me become
Consumed in my thoughts
So much so that
I don't here the "hello"
From the friendly fellow
Bicycling on the trail behind me

Let me boil in rage
Grasping onto anything
Trying to let it all seep out slowly
I'll manage
If you just let me

Let me lose my reality
So I can become anew
Empty slate
Free to coagulate
Become thick with hate
 Nov 2011 Keith Skyy
Marcus Lane
I fear the way you love me:
That tender-touching kiss
Seducing me to nightly
Sink deep in your abyss.

Those smooth caresses take me
To places that I dread,
Your cunning fingers rouse me
To plan such lies ahead.

But while we writhe and tumble
In lust's hypnotic hold,
I fear the final stumble
That will see the truth unfold.
© Marcus Lane 2010
 Nov 2011 Keith Skyy
JJ Hutton
Anna's kiss hit harder,
than most ****** climaxes--
left me stuttering,
sidestepping, scared of the
what's next?

Anna's hair on fire,
billowing smoke and
beckoning me to come in--
left me boiling,
bracing, barely conscious
of what's left?

Anna's bed of nails,
bled out and breathing--
left me dangerously
dumb, deaf
of what's she saying?

Anna's sharpened heels,
daggered the docile beige carpet--
left me sweating,
sighing, searching for further savior
in what are we?

Anna's black fingernails,
sunk into my shoulder--
left me lonely,
lusting, lashing in empty parking lot
now knowing,
rebirth requires a death.
 Nov 2011 Keith Skyy
Nicholas Rew
I was just a boy then
With a ketchup stained shirt
Had a mess of brown hair
Fingernails covered up dirt

I was just a boy then
When I would stare at the sky
And forget about schoolwork
Which compelled me to lie.

I was just a boy then
Fruit snacks in hand
Sat down to watch news
Just myself and old man

I was just a boy then
When toy soldiers were shipped
So I'd ask my dad why
Son that's just how life is

I was just a boy then
Could not fully understand
Why fighting and war
Made you more of a Man

But now I'm full grown
And still strain to see
How tears of a child
Could make anyone free.
 Nov 2011 Keith Skyy
Nicholas Rew
I saw the world through analogies
The I was me, and I the eye
So the eye and me compared the sky
Interpreting love, through what we see
Then write down long soliloquies
Words laid down, stacked on top
Closing my lashes, reality stopped
Simile stranded, in unknown lands
Like fools I followed, the marching band
As a black robed man, I was the judge
Never meant to judge you, my love
But eye and I could not be torn
Until the closure, soul reborn
 Nov 2011 Keith Skyy
emily webb
Since our lives were complicated
By outside reason
Our house has been loud with voices
We pulled the bits out of our mouths
And now we will never put them back
And our house has never been quiet
And our house has never been neat
A scream has always followed a scream
Like the roll of waves and the sea is never still
But for the first time in years
I sit alone on the swept floor
Of a silent room
And the cold winter wind rushes through our house
Through windows flung open to let in more breathable air
But it makes me think only of my warm spot halfway up the stairs
That I was too afraid to go to when I heard the cold coming
Now a scream echoes without a scream
And my heat is lost to a room
With nothing to hold it
She steps outside.
The sunlight beaming on her beautiful dark skin.
The breeze of the wind going through her thick ***** hair.
She embraces the world but yet there is a dark cloud following her every step she takes.
What could it be?
She can feel the warmth of it caressing her skin.
She can taste the flavors of it fondling her tongue.
She can hear the noise being absorbed by her ears.  
Everywhere she goes, it follows her.
Every breath she takes, it will always be there
Every time she blinks, it will always be there waiting.
She can't go forward and she can't go backwards because the little black cloud is there.
What can she do?
Face it head on like a battle between good and bad.
Pretend it isn't there and just live her life
Or embrace it like a long lost friend.
One puff.
I know I shouldn't be doing this
I'm just going to regret it
I thought I was strong enough to resist
But he makes me feel so good..
This will be the last time.. I promise..
Two puffs.
I don't want to stop
The peak of nirvana is suddenly tangible
I can feel him creeping inside of me
I have to make this one last
This will be the last time..  I promise..
Three puffs.
Can this be real?
I can feel your warmth next to me
My fantasy has become my reality
Is this the happiness that I've been looking for?
I'm happy now.. I  promise..
Four puffs .
Why is everything going back to normal?
What's going on with us?
Weren't we just happy moments ago?
I can feel it slipping away..
Please don't leave.. I'm sorry..
Five puffs.
Where did it all go..

— The End —