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 Feb 2015 KD Miller
I know I require something deeper because I don't have *** dreams,
but my fantasies involve being held by someone who makes me feel small, yet important. Precious and desired, wanted (coveted) but secure in a trust that only can be described in my subconscious as warm. he's warm. fact: he loves me so much that he waits for me to get off my shift, kisses my neck and cradles me to him like i'm glass.
I wake up missing something I never had a grasp on. I lazily pull that feeling out, examine it like an antique scarf. Thinking, *what a life. what a life to know that i could make someone feel whole, and they could convince me that my presence is necessary for the world to continue turning. that all Life needs is tenderness in a person, in a human connection that could go on for Ever.
 Feb 2015 KD Miller
“instructions on how to destroy yourself from the ground up, and vice versa”
i say i think i am a better ghost-- and she says, dont be so cliche
this isnt a fairytale, this isnt Wonderland

, but i was born shoving the barrel of a gun down my throat like it was someone else’s tongue
and after a while they start to taste the same
less like a herald and more like sour lips curling around a sentence over and over “nobody exists anymore
welcome to the Forgotten era--”
swallowing glass just so my throat wont feel so empty
when she kisses me she says shes sorry
when she says my name it sounds like a swearword, like her mouth is too brittle to sound it out right
“instructions on how to build the perfect barricade”, start with enough wood to burn yourself to the ground
start over. start over. start over.
(seventeen crumpled dollars and a neon sign that says WELCOME TO PARADIS, comical in a way that makes a nine year old on a too-small bike start crying)
We Need To Talk / cutting your bangs uneven with a pair of scissors you found in an abandoned building / LACHRYMAL: CONNECTED WITH WEEPING OR TEARS
“instructions on how to change the way your name sounds”
i bleed empty promises,call people in the middle of the night just to say that I’m Fine
(i dont even remember the last time i ****** awake coughing up consonants, trying to
rebuild myself, i swear!)
she says my name right and it’s a tuesday. there are guns on a basement wall twenty miles away
, and it’s raining outside
, and she tells me she likes the way it sounds
(she swallows it whole)
 Feb 2015 KD Miller
Jon Shierling
There it is!
Vague memories of a night
at a Brand New show,
when the truth hit as hard
as the ***** and the music.

I'm only good for the people
I love, and that love me,
when things get to the point
that crisis appears.

I can dance Irish jigs in the street,
but only when I'm drunk,
I can spit in the face of people
much bigger and angrier than me,
but only when I'm drunk,
I can live how I believe I should,
but only when I mix the right amount
of alcohol and/or other things,
and only for that night.

The rest of the time I am
a slave to memories and
intrusive thoughts, states
of agitation based on a
chemical and experiencial
**** up in my head.

When you need me to
pull you out of a crack house,
or be fierce enough to keep
you from shooting up one more time,
I'll be there of course.

But happiness and bliss,
when everything is going
exactly the way it should...
I'm bad at that.
 Feb 2015 KD Miller
Jon Shierling
Found written on a piece of leather in Arabic, at an excavation twenty miles outside of Samarqand. Carbon dating traces it to sometime in the 1400's AD.

Through the door lay possessions;
silver teacups and sumptuous carpets.

One golden tray upturned on a table.

Through the door lay memories;
clay oven and well worn utensils.

One can still smell the cooking fire.

Through the door lay love;
clothing discarded and bedding displaced.

One single feather on a pillow.

Through the door lay life;
oud* in the corner and child sized shoes.

One single moment of peace.
An Oud is a Middle Eastern instrument, ancestor of the Guitar but with only four strings (sometimes more, sometimes less) and a bowl shaped body.
 Feb 2015 KD Miller
Jon Shierling
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' "Jubilee Street" is playing as I write*

I remember, all those years ago,
the first time I moved to kiss you,
to hold your face in my hands,
an expression of tenderness,
and you telling me that you hate it
when anyone touches your face.

Had I been then,
who I am now,
I'd have recognized
that shutter closing
behind your eyes.

Had I not been a shell
of the man I should have been,
twisted and distorted
by the same horrors
that haunted you,
maybe I'd have been
strong enough to understand.

****, these days I'd laugh
in your Dad's face and wonder
why he had to hit you in order
to feel like a big man, why
he had to act like a drunk hardass
when I came to pick you up for homecoming.

There for a while,
you and I had something,
something that might be termed special,
but that feeling drowned
in a hot tub in a single night.

I heard rumors and murmurs
of you as I stumbled through
my life since that night,
drug abuse here and abusive men there,
and the random facebook messages,
the one ****** up phone call
when Rachael and I asked about your chickens.

And now, so many years and
memories and loves later,
I still wonder what I'd do
if I ever saw you again.

You're not that far away either,
and I promise you,
drunk as I am,
that if you called right now
I would in fact burn down
to Orlando for you.
 Feb 2015 KD Miller
Jon Shierling
Isn't that who you are baby?
Goin up town in your red dress,
face painted like a Goya,
clinking glasses with high life
at a fundraiser and older rich
men laughing at your ****** jokes.

You having a hole to fill,
a need to be more than where
you came from, no ***** trailers
to wake up in anymore girl.

Spent the money on this ticket
that coulda bought ramen for a week,
but you need this night more
than you need food.

I don't want to sound judgemental,
because I'm not judging at all,
just commenting on a life
so many women like yourself
have wound up living.

Least you're not turnin tricks anymore,
so I hear, and for that I'll thank
whatever deity is responsible,
hopefully you never need to sell
your perfect body like that again.

All those boys you thought were the one,
all those nights with a needle in your arm,
all those mornings waking to sadness.

When you get home tonight,
to an empty bed and dusty memories,
I hope somewhere deep down,
you know my heart goes with you.
the women of the past keep
there was another yesterday
arrived from out of
she wanted to see
I told her

I don't want to see
I won't see them.
it would be
gruesome and

I know some people who can
watch the same movie
more than

not me.
once I know the
once I know the
whether it's happy or
unhappy or
just plain

for me
that movie is
and that's why
I refuse
to let
any of my
old movies play
over and over again
He tried to spit out the truth;
Dry-mouthed at first,
He drooled and slobbered in the end;
Truth dribbling his chin.
 Feb 2015 KD Miller
W. H. Auden
Dear, though the night is gone,
Its dream still haunts today,
That brought us to a room
Cavernous, lofty as
A railway terminus,
And crowded in that gloom
Were beds, and we in one
In a far corner lay.

Our whisper woke no clocks,
We kissed and I was glad
At everything you did,
Indifferent to those
Who sat with hostile eyes
In pairs on every bed,
Arms round each other's neck,
Inert and vaguely sad.

O but what worm of guilt
Or what malignant doubt
Am I the victim of,
That you then, unabashed,
Did what I never wished,
Confessed another love;
And I, submissive, felt
Unwanted and went out?
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