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He's the stickiest sweet
You'll ever meet
And he's gonna get stuck in my teeth
If you're into that crew
He'll get stuck in yours too
But remain just right out of reach
It's not his fault
He can't be
The man I wish he was
I wish I had a talent
That everyone could see
Something that smacked you in the face
With its undeniability
But I've got to realistic and sober
I'll settle for being mediocre
You ever notice how talent never brags,  and almost always spreads itself as far as it can.  
Talent has a way of rubbing off on people.
Tangled up in you
Paying attention
To everything you do
Of course, it's all so new
It could be fleeting, too
But the tangle could become undone
And we continue two
As one
I'm pretty sure I made him laugh at himself.  
I love when that happens
I'm thankful I'm going to their house, and I don't have to cook.
On this Thanksgiving, it's not about the delicious dishes
For me, it's all about those tender little-kid kisses
Thank you
So insignificant when it's said
And completely
Significant when it's not
He's got this way of saying exactly the best thing
Without even trying
I think that's the only way
His way is
The only way
There's a Tennessee kid
Who knows he has my heart
He just knows it
And he's so right
But he's so wrong,
When it was good
It was The Best
It was bad, too
I can't deal with bad
When it's coming from
Any boy
Even That Boy
Hard to accept.  On total boycott, because there is no other way.  Still miss him, though.  I know he feels that too.  We broke each other's hearts.  I went crazy on him....literally, right before my anyuerism, (or however you spell that ****)  Even after all that, and I healed, he told me he lived me, and always would.  I knew he was telling the truth.  I loved him too, but he crossed some lines with my family during my stroke and recovery that are insurmountable.  And later, he crossed it with me, too.
You're trying so hard to be disagreeable, it is coming across as paynoattentionable.  
Disagreement is healthy in reasonable doses
But apparently it can become addictive
I think it's because you value debate
And so do I
But debating over whether the ants on the sidewalk are carrying crumbs of bread or cake is futile and a snoozefest
But I gotta say
I like you so much better then the other one
Who immediately blocks at any sign of debate
And I'd much rather invite you to the party, than I would the different other one, who only always agrees.  
So, I suppose this is all *******,
And I really hope you'll stay exactly as you are
Insatiable itches
Become demanding *******
I gave him a pile of crap
About how he was all wrong
We went back and forth
And then he wrote me a love song
I loved that stupid boy
And I know he loved me too
But at some time in his childhood
He saw too much abuse
I could say it's not his fault
But that would be a lie
That boy I loved too much
Turned into the wrongest guy
Hey, that's the way it worked out.
He wants me,
He wants me bad
But he don't have a problem letting me know
He's likely to want the next girl
Without wanting me any less
I'm gonna let him have me
Well, like 22%
It wasn't that your poem was too long
It was really too long
And repetitive
But hey, I am just an amateur
So keep up with the epics
And ignore the skeptics
I'm looking forward to the day when there is no such thing as gender
When reassignment will not exist
Because there will be no original assignment
When we no longer use
The terms
He or she
But have evolved to use a universal term
To denote any human
I hope I see it
In my life time
All the flowers in the field
See the little girl
Making her selection
"Pick me, pick me!"
They cry out
With their silent voices
"Where are they going?"
The littlest flower asked
"I don't know," said one
"Away from all this grass"
We elected a president
Who screamed "make America great again"
Maybe it's just me, and of course, I am too late
But why would we elect a leader
Who doesn't think we're great?
As I was people watching
Which I like to do
A girl and two guys
Came into my view
She was wearing daisy dukes
And a bomber jacket too
I thought, how can you be ****
When your legs have turned bright blue?
I don't have a
"One that got away"
I have a
One I wish I didn't have to
Get away from
That **** boy
The one is
One whom with you can have
On a regular basis
A conversation
That feels
That Boy
He's a really short guy
With a huge *****
A surprise to all who see
Here's this tiny man
And his ****
Hung right down to his knee
I'm the poet with teribel gramar
And I cannot spel
I set a long this careir path
But it hasnt gone sew well
Bad luck
Bad vibes
Bad friends
Bad times
***** men
All the time
Power trip
Success crime
Wash it down
**** it out
Happy pills
Lights out
How does
It come to pass
That no one in Catholic church
Realizes it is traumatizing to a
To tell them they're
"The body of Christ"
He knows
I know
He's thinkin'
I know
He knows
I'm thinkin', too
In my witchy mind
I believe in the power of thought
When I'm thinking of someone
The thread between us connects
And they begin thinking of me
Well boy, you must be tripping over string
His brain was so much more beautiful
Than his personality
I really, really, really need to
Find a **** guy
It can be poetic
Or maybe just a sigh
And that's the situation
For now
I'm not sure I believe the story
About the three wise men
It sounds great, but I swear
I'm not sure there's ever been three wise men
Together anywhere
You can't thumbs-down the truth away
But apparently
You can blame the one who told it
As if they somehow made it true
By pointing it out
Telling someone they are making a mistake does not make you a bad person.  Allowing someone to continue to make a mistake without telling them does not make you a good person.
Titillating poem titles
Is poetry
In itself
As a young girl
I HATED that I had little *******
I feel you
You young
Little ***** girls
It *****
Being little tittied
Until you hit about 35
And realize how blessed you are
With those perky
Little *******
It is not that I am heartless
I just have a low tolerance for *******
Everyone cared
As soon as she died
Love shows up from all corners
After suicide

(But not before, because if you talk about suicide more than once, you'll just annoy the **** out of people, and if you talk about it too much, they'll start to think you're full of ****)
When a person commits suicide
They should examine their teeth
A toothache has the power to make someone feel suicidal
I can't understand why I still think of you
You're such a ****, for real; through and through
But you also paid me my best compliment
And you always said just what you meant
I suppose one day, I won't think of you
But I hope I find one who can do like you do
Harder on the giver
Than the receiver
I think
It is really tough
To practice
Tough love
She had the aura
Of a woman
In love with a man
Who didn't deserve her
It is a tragedy that being tragic
Has become so fashionable
I'm not one of those people
Who can use
"Glorious Heavenly light from above"
Instead of the word "sunshine"
The moon, to me
Is just a moon
And not "a spectacular flowing heavenly orb which travels around our planet home"
I appreciate those who can do it
But it's too much work for me
Just talk about how amazingly awesome poets are.  
Your poem will be loved wide and far
I can't tell whether it is meant to give warning or gain attention
We all wanna pull that trigger
Without consequences, of course
I'm starting to think the words
"Trigger Warning"
Have become the trigger
I have actually fallen in love with a boy
On account of his playlist
I fall in love all the time
My first kiss
Was with a boy named
Rainbow Gribbon
We were sitting atop a roof
Of a house shaped like a mushroom
In Provincetown
It was probably 40 years ago
But I bet he remembers it
My first love was a boy named Zebba
He was really sweet
My first kiss was a boy named Rainbow
Magic when our lips did meet
My first date was with Woody
We went to see Joan Jett
I'm still looking for the love of my life
But I haven't met Agamemnon yet
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