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Alaina Moore blocked me
Because I called her on some ****
That she obviously had no reply
She could admit to
And then sent me a private message
Expecting me to explain
To her
Just silly
Great Poem!
Hey check out my poem!  (which probably has nothing in common with your poem, which I didn't actually read)  Here's the link!
Why care if you can look pretty if you can be beautiful.
My daughter loves my poetry
As if she doesn't know
She is the most beautiful
Poetic thing
I've ever created
She makes tie dyed shirts
And wears Birkenstocks... know the rest
The one who the one you're in love with is in love with
Is never gonna be good enough
According to you
But me thinks your opinion is slightly askew
Why do all the best die young
When mediocre  (like me) go like molasses
I guess it's down to science
Shooting stars burn out the fastest
My poems are short
I tend to be a haiku poet
Totally lacking in
Don't ever, ever, ever
Profess to love someone
Unless you're comfortable
To **** in front of them
If you don't follow this advice
You'll just be telling lies
And, let's face it
False love lies
Are among the worst of kinds
Silence can say more than too many words.
It's not what you said
It's what people heard
When you speak through silence
You're not misunderstood
But there will always be someone
Who finds volume good
I'm a knuckle *******
Know when to shut my mouth lacker
Wish I had a ***** packer
Love me a ****-smacker
Driving range golf ball wacker
Right of the little guy backer
Skin like a saltine *******
The Mack daddy mack of macker
And a surprise pinch-hitter X factor
If I get naked in completely Deserted
I still feel weird about being Naked
Cigarettes are so expensive
Yet, I buy them; I've still got my pride
I want everyone to know
I can afford my own slow suicide
I'm such a ****
And proud to be
I love men
Loving me
I wish that I could be a ****
But I'm not built that way
Though I'm not sure what makes a ****
The line seems pretty grey
Maybe I'll define a **** the way that most guys do
A ****'s a girl who sleeps around
With anyone, but you
God, in Her infinite wisdom
Made spiders very small
I think I speak for everyone...
"Thank you, from us all!"
Smart guys are so **** ****
I love their beautiful minds
I want to explore every one of them
And figure my favorite kind
He'll always keep me interested
He'll always wear a smile
There's no one like a smart guy
To time with for a while
Everywhere I go
There he is
Smiling all the time
If only I didn't meet him
Too late to make him mine
Some souls
Are kick-***
And mighty
Others want sympathy
While cutting your psyche
It's the choice between
Always broken
Oh you snooty, snooty man
Thinking you're so better than
Apparently the point you miss
If I didn't say, I'd be remiss
Thinking you're better than another
Proves you're just like any other
The saddest thing a man ever said to me was
"I love you more than anything"
Back in the day
Church was the first
And only
Social media
If you cry alone in the shower
I suggest
You strategically place yourself in the bath
Girls are lucky like that
You'd think I wouldn't want to be
Somebody's Nobody
But it's far more preferable, you see, to Nobody's Somebody
When you come across a person
And you can't say really why
But there's some sort of connection
And they make you fly
Mystical, maybe
Could be your baby
But there's some sort of reckoning
That keeps you checking
And they never let you down
That's the thing about the mystical
They are so **** magical
What more could you hope for in a guy?
The one
Who you always
If they are
About you
I'm such a snob
Any time I see the word "sonnet"
I can't help but roll my eyes
It's beautiful, really
The intricate, tiny bright-blue lighted pattern
Wee a-splatter
Sneezing on my phone
Good people probably wish they were bad sometimes
( lets me do **** and ****!)
***** is the smartest thing
That does not have a brain
They can swim upriver
(And sometimes back, again)
Those little brainless buggers
Have so much to do
And thankfully they did it
To make me and you
Each one of us could use a change
Though most would never say
When it comes to happiness
Our pride gets in the way
We wave and nod, and smile and pose
Pretending all's ok
And if we live our lives just right
It will come to us someday
But what if someday never comes?
At what point do we say
"I think it's time for me to stop
Getting in my own way"
It's not that we want to be famous
We really want to be known
Unfortunately, we're all unique
So few of us stand out
I am made of stardust.  
How freakin' poetic is that?!
When I was maybe 12
Or 13
I started stealing money from
Nana' s pocketbook
Or "my bag"
As she would call it
One day
We were in her bedroom
And she went into her bag
And I could tell
She noticed the money missing
She didn't accuse me of
Stealing it
She just started chasing me
Around the bed
She was muttering under her breath
Which she was almost out of
And near tears
Since that moment
I have never stolen
A thing
Not one thing
I hope I remembered to tell her that
When I grew up
Spending an afternoon with you
Feels like drinking a gallon of
Maple Syrup
In one sitting
Wise ***
Slow to pay a compliment
But when he does
It ranks among the best
Political thinker
Without any politics
Quick tempered
But not smart enough to
Take a breather
Calm down
The boy is sticky sweet
That boy
Everyone else's *** *** stinks
But mine, it smells just fine
Though I've never put my nose
Near a *** *** that is mine
It makes no difference, either way
I wash it at least once a day
Not another Christmas poem
Oh, excuse I still allowed to say Christmas?
Let's begin again
Not another holiday poem
Filled with candy canes and trees
Instead, i want to hear the tradition of families
What makes Christmas (holdays?)  different
We all know what's the same
Please give us your Christmas (holidays)
By any other name
Our friendship got caught in a
That, ironically
Bore your name
Since then, you've been lost at sea
I, too
Am reluctantly free
That boy
I been seeing lots of  poets
Walking through strawberry fields.  
Well....we already been there and done that
Take us somewhere new.
He doesn't love you in return
You fall apart
Proving he was right
You're rude
And ignorant too
You're Archie Bunker
Sneezing all over
Infected with flu
Your the pile of dogshit
In the front yard
The completely limp ****
That just can't get hard
You're the too wet buggar
That just won't flick off
You are saggy *******
All wrinkly and soft
You are the Grinch
Without the grown heart
You are the publicly
Loud, stinky ****
You are the gum
Stuck on the shoe
I can't think of one good thing
To say about you
My sugar daddy turned out to be salt
I could blame him, but it's my own **** fault
I should have known enough to see
There's no such thing as a sugar daddy
There's only creepy guys
Who think that they can buy their lies
You're a poem
Waiting in my head
Just as soon as I
Can figure out a rhyme
For muthafuckshitdangassbumcunt
Taking all of your problems
Multiplying them exponentially
And nailing them to the backs
Of everyone who cares about you
To be carried forever
My mother was a horrible person
And an even worse parent
She loved to call me a "****"
When I was about ten
Her favorite move
Was picking me up
By my hair
And throwing me against the wall
Maybe because I didn't finish my chores
Maybe because she was in a **** mood
She abused her boyfriends
Too does happen that men are abused by their women
I have
I watched her throw a *** of boiling water
On a man named Dan
Who was really nice to us
She would do things like that
And men like Dan would pack their clothes
But before they could leave
Mom would attempt suicide
My mother attempted suicide
A lot
This is my experience with suicide
My mother is dead today
****** overdose
I suppose she finally
This is my experience
With suicide
Men are stronger than women
Women are tougher than men
I don't want to step on anyone's toes, here
But please stop trying to tell me you know what happens after we die
More importantly
It doesn't matter
What happens
After we die
The truth is easier to recognise
When written in a prose
Though you can choose to swallow
Or blow it out your upturned nose
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