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I can tell you like
Everything about me
By the way you tease and taunt
Who would have though the one under your skin
Is the only one you want
Blue boy
Got me burning
Red hot
He is my purple
That miracle daily two-minute cure
You suggested
Would probably work fine
For anyone who has
A daily two minute
(That **** only works with dental floss)
He's the guy who sent his **** pic
Before one of his face
I rolled my eyes, and pressed delete
He's lost to cyberspace
Later one public user inquired of his worth
I had to read the comments
The best one was the first
With dead pan wit, one woman said
he's a real *******
I am a racist
I must admit
I honestly beleive black people
Are better
Than white people
They are kinder
To each other
And everyone else
I am a racist
I am a white person with
A black family
And a white family
And I can heartily testify
Black people
In my experience
Are superior
I love my entire family
Black and white
I'm simply calling it how I
See it
Not trying to be a racist, but it is my view
Dearest wordsmith fellows
Poets whisper in bellows
But it's impossible if you can't
Discern a poem from a rant.
You are rather beautiful
I heard him say
I hope she didn't take that as a compliment
The Kardashians are famous because they are a walking promotion, and we buy it.  Hollywood probably pays them to keep the focus off everyone else.
One day, there will likely be a Race
Reassignment surgery
And of course
It will cause an
At first
But soon
Humanity will understand
Race is a state of mind
Not an outward
When someone has showed up unarmed
For a battle of wits
Except they don't know it
And you could tell them
But, if you tried
They'd think it was a
Psych out tactic
But they're persistent little buggers
Who honestly think they're winning
And you're having a hard time
Swallowing enough pride
To let them have the last word
Which means,
They probably are winning
I go by your opinion
It has served me well
If you've given your approval
It's worth a read
And a retell
She was a mirror
In human form
Hated by most
Loved by many
He's the guy with years
Just wishing
He would have
Done what she'd asked
She's the one with years
Just wishing
He could have been
A better...
Pulling a long hair out of your **** crack
I don't regret you
But I wish I could forget you
Remember the time
Michael Jackson
Tried to convince us
He was banging Lisa Marie
It's really not fair
My interest in you
Solely based on the fact
You're a poor
But occasionally on target
Of someone
I used to know
I'm not looking for you
I'm looking for a memory of
Someone I wish you could be
Black people in America
Boy, have they got some nerve!
Hemming and hawing the live-long day
Looking for what they deserve
It's not like they built this country
By the sweat of their very brow
Without them, America still would be great
Although I'm not sure how
I wrote a poem that didn't rhyme
Just like I do each day
I don't know what is up with me
Something keeps getting in my path
I love a person
Who can admit when they are wrong
Surround yourself with them
You'll be happy your whole life long
It is less a loss
Experiencing heart break
Than never experiencing heartbreak
Of the two possible options
I'd choose the heartbreak
Back in the day, we roasted people
All you wee knuckleheads need to know
That talking a little crap
Shouldn't be enough to make you snap
"Sometimes, I guess, there just aren't enough rocks."
-Forrest Gump
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Jumping on the bandwagon
Why don't you come too?
Oh, I'm gonna give it to you
I'm gonna give it to you good
And once I have done it
You will always wish I would
Up and down
All around
Oiled, with my scent
You should know my back massages
Feel like Heaven sent
****** spell check
Policing my moral thought
I cannot comment "****,"
Without spell check insisting it must be "shot"
Sometimes I'd like to say ****
When I don't mean duck
Spell check should be aware
Some people like to swear
She had been
Mostly fortunate
In the blessed surrounding
Of good people
She had been permanently damaged by a bad person
But found
Much to her surprise
The damage was not permanent
Though the layer she brought from it
Was uniquely her
To those lucky to see
She was not damaged
She was scarred
And scars grow back tougher than the original
And, in most cases, leave a beautiful reminder of the day God taught your *** a lesson
We want the government to
And bring a stop to school shootings
Perhaps we forget
The first school shooting
Was committed by
Our government
And, by the way
Their guns were totally
The absolute loudest neighbors on the planet.
Sea monkeys
What a pitiful thing
I can sue
Cuz Red bull don't give me wings
Yet Sea monkeys
Sold in kid store shelves
For when parents want to
Punish themselves
I do not bleed over the page
Poetry is not sweating from my pores
I tend to ***** out my words
If you dont want me to comment on your poems, say that, right under the **** comment.  ****, put me right in my place.  Don't send me some private message telling me to stop commenting on your poems.  Id rather you just block me, then I don't even have to see your poems that you think I'm going to restrain from having an opinion on.  I'm not gonna restrain my opinion.  Just block me.
(Secretive is always so **** high maintenance. )
If you are feeling small
And less than nothing
All you have to do is attempt suicide
And some *******
Hello Poetry
Will tattoo your name
Right on her body
Just please try not to
Actually die
While attempting suicide
She blocked me because I told her it was a bad idea  ;Obviously, she couldn't come up with an argument to prove me wrong.
I can see you cry in the rain
I can hear your burp, next to a train
I know you farted in a field of flowers
I can tell you're a **** with no toilet for miles
The delusions of humanity
All the turns and twists
As we sit here aghast and shocked
The casting couch exists
(I suppose)
I refrained
From commenting
"Your poem bummed me out
And taught me nothing."
It is difficult for me to have a
With a person who has
Low self-esteem
I have a hard time trusting
Someone who does not like
If you tell yourself you're not good enough
You guarantee you will be right
You expect him to betray
He's a boy
That's what they do
According to you
You predict
A bunch of ****
And wonder why "everyone" dumps on you
If I treat someone like they're going to turn into a *******
They will surely get sick of it
I will have forced a guy like he
Painted into the corner of my prophecy
The way you down yourself, and allow those tears to pour
Remind me of a horse walking on three legs
When he could use all four
I've never had my heart broken
However, it has been dented a few times
And even dragged through the mud
Luckily, I'm a tough *****
Here I sit
Heart as good as new
Waiting here, for someone just like you
You say you hate his guts
Yet he's in all your poems
You talk of all his girlfriends
Yet you sit home alone
You count them off by name
Your own misery list
You can't ignore the facts
And we all get the gist
Why you think about this guy
Who has caused you so much pain
It's like setting yourself up
For an emotional drain
Loving someone who hurts you so bad
I have to wonder if maybe you're mad
It's just that you should know it is true
He may be the foe
But the enemy seems to be you
You describe yourself
And I can't help but notice
You have no idea who you are
That accidental fit of genius
That took me ten minutes to
Otherwise known as
Dumb Luck
Please, don't take it so seriously
It's only poetry
In your poem
You can count
Twelve, six, three
You can make the sky green
Or Mother Theresa mean
You can create anything
Maybe make dogs sing
You can misspell words
However you choose
It's your world
You can't lose
It's your poetry
Don't take it so seroousLee
I'm always comin' around to you
That thing that only you can do

So Far
But the guy I fall in love with is going to be made from pieces of you.
My muse is Dr. Seuss
I could try to live up
But it's no use
I think he'd be ok with it, though
I can't tell if you're whiney
Or *****
You seem real confused
You flirt so suggestive
And brazenly, too
And when it's all over
You claim he used you
And he's gifted a guilt trip
Because you broke your rules
The most absolutely amazingly sexiest thing men ever say to me is, "I am married, and I don't cheat on my wife."
I'm watching a documentary about a company that makes What they call "*** robots."
The male one is called "Harry Harddrive"
He has a huge *****
And no tongue
Seems like a waste of money to me
(Eleven thousand dollars!)
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