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 Mar 2014 KC Elstun
 Mar 2014 KC Elstun
Dark floats out into the silence
Crashing on the banks of Prometheus's wings
Opening a velvet-silk curtain.
To a fabric of shadowed stars
Cloudy fingers sew it clean
While invisible hands stitch pearls back in.
A ghost flits on the hallway stair
Reaching for the last shafts of sun
Tumbling off a silent dream
Blind as black with a lullaby hum
Filling the gaps in an empty line
Somewhere between dusk and dawn.
Just a little thing from 2-3 years ago, since I only have my phone on me at the moment. Based on Romeo and Juliet
 Feb 2014 KC Elstun
Jedd Ong
Raindrops on
My windowsill
Race down
Paths that
Light trace for it,

Faint slants
Which carve
Niches for
The innocent—

Mornings which
Cough faintly,
Smoke lingering

On her throat
But still singing.
shred, dash, drop, pinch, soupçon, jot, iota, whit,
atom, smattering, scintilla, hint, suggestion, tinge,

a modicum of good works,
my endeavor, to serve and deliver,
man's bounty of good words
from my kitbag,
fresh, hot, n' crusty
just like me....

Hello Poetry!
 Feb 2014 KC Elstun
Jedd Ong
The sutures of granite stone
Slip seamlessly and stand—

Ignorant of the storms that
Weather its skin—

Gold and diamond visage
Eyes refusing to glaze over—

Arms clasping the afflicted.
To the godly. Also experimenting a bit with some Dickinson punctuation marks.
 Feb 2014 KC Elstun
Jedd Ong
They sing songs
Of desert gypsies
And chain smoking bulls,

Of mirages that kiss
Your throat
And linger quietly

While you quickly catch
Your crumpling breaths,

Drunken wisps
Of sandpaper snow
Flickering and coarse—

Palms warm to the touch.
 Feb 2014 KC Elstun
Jedd Ong
Through His mercy we have survived.
Wrath sparing
Temple and parthenon,
Synagogue covered
In moss,
Castles ****** but unbowed
For us to

Allowed us to keep
Corners of

A bedroom wall slathered
In picture frames,
A front porch dusted with snow—

We tore away with

Tears clouding our eyes.
 Feb 2014 KC Elstun
Jedd Ong
There aren't enough of them to
Go around:
Windows bleak but truthful,

Showing the world
Whether black or
Painted with flowers

And Knows
The difference.

Allows for prisoners to
Forget the bars
And the bars to forget the prisoners-

Especially the innocent ones:
Murderers for mercy
Toiling underneath the
Razor sharp edge
Of a microscopic knife
Cutting past the throat
Of innocuous farmers.

Wheat plains that stretch Golden,
Stretch for miles and miles
To a little place the other Kansans call
"Out there..."
In Cold Blood.
 Feb 2014 KC Elstun
 Feb 2014 KC Elstun
Venturing into the heart of insanity,
(my mind)
I fear that i will lose myself.
I hear the blood rushing in my head
(Will it ever drown me?)
As its the only sound i hear apart from myself.
Alone with my thoughts,
(Wish me well..)
Maybe this is what i want.
Insanity. Chaos. Something.
 Jan 2014 KC Elstun
Rachel Cloud
Bravery isn't about foolhardy acts of honor
it's admitting you're afraid
and still having the moral compass
to do what's right.
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