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Jun 2014 · 383
No longer Oblivious
Kayla Wallace Jun 2014
She stands idly by while they throw insults at me
Never did I know I cruel she could be
Oh ,now look ...she's laughing along
Not caring if what she does will hurt me for the long

She intentionally goes against my wishes and does it anyway
And I realize it was purposely aimed to achieve my decay
I am dying now because I thought I could trust
But never. Never did I know how much pain inside me she could muster

She ignores me when I need her ...when I'm feeling down
And I'm stuck here ,standing, looking pathetically at the ground
I thought she would stop .We agreed she would
But she just abandoned me because she always knew that she could

I always crawl back. I always forgive
But i can't do this anymore
Such a painful way to live
I've decide I'm done with her
Ive promised myself that its was over
If it keep putting myself through her games
I know there'll come a day I won't be able to recover
I totally done with her. I am just so done. Its like she completely ignores my feelings and acts however she wants and I'm not doing it anymore. Sorry for the sloppiness of it. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing I just didn't know how to deal with it so I just squished it into a poem...
Jun 2014 · 366
Kayla Wallace Jun 2014
So many secrets
too many to hide

one day they'll consume me
one day they'll pour out
one day ill be free to live the truth
one day ill be happy with no more lies
ive hurt so many people
too many to count
but only so many have knowledge
of the destruction I've caused
So few know of torture and games
ive inflicted on them

So many secrets
too many to hide

Some day ill crack and the truth will leak
some day ill be honest and good and selfless
some day I will have nothing left to hide
some day ill live without fear of exposure
How do I get there?
I want that right now
someone show me the way
so I can stop all this pain
its raging inside me
the damage ive done
and theres no way I can fix it only correct it
correct the errors in my ways
to prevent it in the future

So many secrets
too many to hide
take them away
im bursting on the inside
send me to sleep
for I am a reckless abuser
and when trying to avoid the temptation
I am always the loser
I know the poem is one of the worst ive ever written but I just needed to vent a little bit
Jun 2014 · 655
Kayla Wallace Jun 2014
I am crippled
I cannot not walk
I need some aid
But not from these folk
I crawl to a wheelchair
and try to sit down
but to my surprise
the wheels turn the chair around
Many things have the ability to assist some on in need of their help but instead refuse and look the other way. They are well and able to help but choose not to. We are all wheelchair able to aid the crippled and thats what we were designed to be but our wheels ( actions and choices) often prevent that purpose from being fulfilled.
Jun 2014 · 293
Kayla Wallace Jun 2014
Desperate, empty, cold
I am drowning in the tears of alone
Struggling to climb up from the pit of despair
But I am weak and have lost the will to keep trying
My efforts force me down under
Less that where I started  
Any remnants of hope have vanished
Along with my belief in true happiness
This life is a scam
Forcing pain and misery down your throat and giving you no compensation for the struggles  you face
There is no brighter tomorrow
No light at the end of the tunnel
Just the gaping abyss of anguish
Wretched be me
For I have realized there is no joy
Not in this desolate composition of sorrow                            
So now I say to you            
Dont be fooled                              
The wise see what is truly there    
And I see darkness
Just a poem I wrote forever ago
Jun 2014 · 346
Kayla Wallace Jun 2014
What a tiny power it is
the universe pays it no mind
yet it has the power to consume us
poison thoughts, infect souls, its very own kind
Just a whisper into the winds of infinity
Knowing not what it seeketh to find
oh, you weak pitiful shouts
managing to grow more powerful with time
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Kayla Wallace Jun 2014
My eyes meet the Sun everytime I drift asleep
Ironic because what happens usually is
When you fall asleep all you see is a darkness
Everytime my mind is supposed to take a break from life instead
Im able to see things more clearly with a new light
whenever my mind is not directly focused on something
I am able to realize more about everything

— The End —