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If every button on your blouse and jeans
Were the knobs of the doors
Of the Budget Inn
I would wrap my hand around them forcefully
And twist and turn until
I finally gained entry.
And if the unwashed comforters
That cover the soiled beds
Were your eager lips
I would jump into them
Until the stains left by other lovers
Made their mark on my skin
In the form of broken blood vessels
And residual lipstick.
And if the thin pages of the
Dust-covered bible tucked into the nightstand
Were every word you whispered
Before sinking your teeth into my skin
I would rip out every page
And paste them over the peeling wallpaper
So that I would be able to read them
Again and again and again
Until I finally believed
That more than failed religion
Could bring me to my knees.
I'm trying to picture the days we spent in your house hidden from friends so they won't bother our only time together
I dont remember it so clearly anymore
your face is erasing off of my mind so soon

                                     I fear that
                                when I wake up
                          tomorrow you won't be
                       the first thing on my mind

I fear that
tomorrow I will
   forget somebody who
       meant so much to me

                                                          You dont fear that
                                                     tomorrow you will
                                           forget somebody who
                                     meant so much to you

                because it already happened

Fading so soon but I still write about you.
134 days ago
I fell in love with
the sound of your voice tickling my ear
68 days ago
I fell in love with
the way your lips softened on my lips
57 days ago
I fell in love with
the way your shoulders towered over me

Throughout all those days
that i was falling for you more and more
you were falling for me
less and less
                                                         day by day
I know that you always wanted
to see a girl that
her eyes shined like diamonds
her attitude's like summer
and the way
she walks is like rain
but you never asked me what I wanted
because if you did
my answer would just be one word


                                              ­                       "you"

 Jul 2013 Kayla Sanders
I change my outfit at least four times before I hang out with you.

Every time you say "shut up" and I say "make me" I want you to kiss me.
The reverse also applies.

Most of my poems are about you.
So are most of my thoughts.
That's not creepy.
A little bit creepy.

I have liked you for as long as I've known you.
I will always like you.
No, I will always love you.
So, yes, I love you.

It's not your fault.
I'm a lot better, and it won't happen again.
Don't look past me because you think it will happen again.

I wish you were out and proud.
Maybe someday, but I wish it were sooner than later.

You give me that feeling of butterflies.
In my heart, not my stomach.
It's so much lovelier in the heart.

I might try to seem cool, but I get really nervous and awkward around you.
Which *****, because I want to be cool around you.
It's to impress you, but it fails because I'm too awkward.

I am really grateful to have met you.
Fairly certain we're destined to be, you and I.

Whenever we can't think of something to do, I want to suggest kissing.
Maybe I will soon.
Doubtful, but maybe.

You smell amazing.
A smell of like, I don't even know.
It's my favourite smell.

Your opinion is incredibly important to me.
And you know how little I care about people's opinions.

I want you to be happy.
Even if that isn't with me, then so be it.

I smile like an idiot when you're with me.
(Sorry for looking like an idiot when you're with me.)

You make me feel right.
I like that feeling.
 Jul 2013 Kayla Sanders
What happened to us?
And please tell me why.
Since when was it okay to just let people cry,
While they smile on the outside,
And utter mere lies.
We're all so broken,
But yet, we're 'fine.'
 Jul 2013 Kayla Sanders
And I wonder if he waited for me,
In the way I waited for him.
I wonder if he gave up on ever seeing me.
I wonder if he left early,
But was always too late.
Well here's where my story will come together.
Here's where I get my happily ever after.
 Jul 2013 Kayla Sanders
The secret's out
and now you know how I feel
thanks to an alcohol-induced break down

and hearing you say
that you don't love me back
was the most excruciating sound.
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