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If you somehow find or see the way,
be firm in your resolve come what may.
The way for you is that which reveals
Your real nature within hidden seals;
being those which we have all constructed,
over the years left with, now are obstructed.

To say only that whatever did happen
was ****** upon us, we were mistaken
is due to lack of discrimination right from the start
considering, the choice was ours, we played the part.
We became entangled in an invisible net
of our own creation and so fell into debt.

We looked for that which never existed
outside of ourselves and became twisted.
Finding out painfully things just did not last
as we expected them to, remember the past?....

Perhaps one who has recognised this and with detachment,
some reflection acquires dispassion, sees their attachment,
will find the right keys, with a little grace unlock the seals
fastened within their mind and heart, so remove the veils.
Revealing the inner light gradually brighter
by the virtue of purity and thus get lighter,
feeling our natural essence being unalloyed bliss;
ecstatic joy, unmistakable and unable to dismiss
as something other than coming from within,
sustaining, fulfilling, and definitely free of sin.

Projected from inside as a screen seemingly outside where
it manifested as tangible objects appearing to be out there.
This is part of a grand design to lure us all from the source
by a world of duality being apparently an adversary force.

Creating so many illusions and making us believe
we haven't the things with which it tries to deceive.
Eventually becoming involved in an unreal mesh
of the five objects through the doors of our flesh.
And using five limbs we get seduced even more,
caught in a desperate struggle to hold and score
all that we can hope to get by not realising that
everything has come out of our own mind's hat,
that we have all created to experience the extent
of our Infinite Being which was really the intent.

We are only One Being apart from it all
eternally free, playing the game we just saw
of hide and seek making all the right choices
within its own dream and thus finally rejoices.
When finding Itself as all, nothing has remained
left to be known; all has in Itself been ascertained.

Awakened at last and knowing ourselves as one motion
of existence indivisible beyond certainty a shoreless ocean
of light self effulgent and forever complete,
only Itself, all pervading, can actually meet.
Infinity of existence, omniscient, formless; nowhere bound,
endless and immutable being Itself without a second around.
Awesome, incomprehensible, beyond mind's ability to grasp
except after final annihilation of all limitations in its clasp.

Everything and nothing have merged as before
into that place where they will be forevermore.
For a moment only that Existence of Being is Now
and am by myself so reverently to That must bow.
From unpublished book "The Seeds Of Life" - compiled in 1996
When I leave this town of sticks and stones,
And make way through the thick, dense fog,
I will no longer feel anxiety pouring over me,
Will no longer be, a bump on a log.
When I rome free through the wild outdoors,
I will no longr contemplate my past,
The moment I achieve pure happiness,
Wanting the moment to forever last.
When I long to see my boyfriend,
I won't lie there foolishly and cry,
Because life is about diversity,
To progressively advance and try.
When I learn the true meaning of, "I love you,"
I will feel omniscient and strong,
Despite my hardships,
Whether right, or whether wrong.
When Im off to college,
New doors will open up for me,
Such extraodinary opportunities out there,
For such a dedicated, yet small me.
When I'm married to the man I love,
My wasted thoughts will leave my head,
I'll only worry about the choices I made,
The actions I took, and the things I said.
When I achieve my dreams,
Self-actualized, I'll surely be,
Hoping to some day become a legend,
With endless things to see.
When I'm eventually deceased and gone from this world,
I will have looked back and said I tried,
Tried to make use of the life God left me with,
Along such a beautiful, bumpy ride.
 Aug 2015 Kayla DePietro
 Aug 2015 Kayla DePietro
I am born into womanhood
at a time when the culture of love is synonymous with that of passion;
defined by the quiet crinkle of foil wrappers
and sweaty skin.

I am born into womanhood
at a time when beauty is defined by others,
when how you look is who you are;
nothing more and certainly always less.

I am born into womanhood
at a time when women are so powerful
that they are constantly trying to knock their sisters down;
self betterment and discovery are discarded for the sake
of being on top.

But I was born into a marriage
that values favourite colours
and buys flowers just because;
I love you is said as an appreciation,
not an obligation.

I was born into a family
that compliments my achievements and my interests,
that tells me I will do beautiful things;
I will be beautiful in this world because I am,
not because I could be.

I was born into friendships
that survive on the strength of diversity
and without the integrity of each other,
the shoulders to lean on,
may as well be leaves in the wind.

I am born into womanhood
a different kind of woman.
Happy International Women's Day.. You go girl
 Aug 2015 Kayla DePietro
I never thought
I would've locked away a flower.

I never thought I would
Trap such a beautiful creature of nature.
The humongous red petals
Stained with water,
Attracting such a wide diversity of insects.

I had always believed that
Gorgeous things should be set free,
So it could live to it's fullest.
Spread out wide in the open.
And so,

I never thought
I would've locked away a flower.

Yet my marvelous mind encaged a
Beautiful beast,
An imperfectly perfect plant.
Locked it away for years and
Hid it so deep in captivity that
I could never have found it
And I would never have found it

Until now.

Years and years and years on,
Since the flower did first bloom,
It's scent has finally found me and
So did Understanding.

The pungent stench that
Reeked from the Rafflesia,
It slowly seeps into the present
Drowning the pretty world with
Pests meant to pollinate it's seed.
The truly gorgeous flowers slowly
Wilt away as


I once locked up a memory so tight
I never ever found it,
But in the recent days,
It came slowly
Then like a tidal wave:
Crashed down on me.
The shame just filling my heart.
Killing the not even alive.

I never thought
I would've locked up a flower.

But now I wish I'd locked it back up.
 Aug 2015 Kayla DePietro
What does it mean to exist? How absurd this experience!
If life leads me in any direction; it is a pursuit to understand
How beautiful, maddening; that this life shrines through the darkness
lighting up the universe in all it's infinite diversity.

This moment spirals through time, winding; un-winding and falling to ashes,
it's like a beautiful song, a symphony so complex just to hear it's faint echo
is to stare god in the eyes; it is a dance; and I've been dancing forever
seeing just how far ahead I can run; before I catch me.

You see I want to capture the truth; and bottle it for my pleasure;
like holding a flame in a jar; just to say I found you; and I'll never let you go.

The trouble in capturing something so beautiful; is the moment it's no longer free
it ceases to be beautiful; ceases to be it'self, like a butterfly that's lost it's wings.

But I feel drawn, compelled, like a ghost being beckoned by a distant voice;
and I must find the other side of this tug; this pull.

I imagine a truth so complete, that I could die in that instant forever fulfilled;
and I must have it, even if doing so causes my complete annihilation.

For I will have seen the mind of god.
There is a person I know....
Serious, but relaxed.....
Strong, yet gentle.....
Empowered, yet humble....
A feminist whose rights shall stand proud.
Age nor race,
Gender nor religion
Means anything to this one.
Merely honesty and sincerity as
This one stands tall and real.
Not afraid...............
To be who they want to be;
To advocate what they are;
To be truthful and stand strong in the face of diversity;
Beautiful and handsome,
Different and alike.
This person is the epitome of what it means to be
Confident and commanding.
Yet command this person needs not do,
For those who see the truth shall merely follow willingly.
Like I, who have much to learn.
From this individual, can gain great insight,
And become all the better myself simply from
Knowing, this person who is content with the person
That they are..................
There are some people
Who think very logically
They have a hard time
Seeing anything that
Doesn't make sense in
Their minds and that
Doesn't fit into their
Ideas of what is
Logical and right and
What they can see right
In front of their eyes
There are also the
People who understand
And comprehend the
World around them
Through their feelings
And emotions and
Can see the bigger
Picture and the bigger
Plan easier than most
We all make up our
Own parts and we
All have our own
Purpose and even
Though we are all
Different in our own
Ways we must learn to
Appreciate the wonderful
Differences that make
Up the whole and
To see and take notice
Of the wonderful and
Beautiful diversity of
Life and of people and
Of thoughts and even
Of the Earth as well
As we begin to
Celebrate the diversity
Instead of trying to
Segregate and separate
Ourselves based on our
Differences we should
Be trying to learn and
Understand from each
Other instead of trying
To conquer and subjugate
People to our ideas and
Ways of thinking we should
Be trying to see things
From the other side of
Things and understanding
There is more the life than
Right or wrong and trying
To prove yourself to others
And seeing that even with
All of our differences we
Are for more connected
And alike than we all
Could imagine and once
We understand that simple
Truth everything else starts
To fall into place as we start
To see the beautiful diversity
And the wonder of life as
We begin to see things
More completely and
Understand we are all
Parts of one big great
Diverse community that
We call the human race
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