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 May 2013 Katya T-Rapp
Ariel Hill
i stay hungry
so knowledge will feed me
but you stay full
on the tainted process
of contaminated lies
what they feed you in these pages
a rodent wouldn't touch
but you digest it happily
for it smoothes your troubled lines
and everyone knows

lines leave wrinkles
My secret place
what a beautiful sight
to behold
the suns going
there's a pathway
across the
It looks
like it's leading
directly to the
It's gorgeous
all mixed together
one word
I wish you
sitting right
beside me
to see
5/25/13... Hello yes I'm talking about You....
 May 2013 Katya T-Rapp
A poem is never the words you read
It's what's written between the lines
For the words can only plant a seed
To grow the emotion a word defines

A feeling trapped inside our hearts
Or maybe a place we haven't seen
The words are where emotion starts
But the meaning is in-between

For our words can never write a smile
But yet you know it's there
It has nothing to do with the poet's style
Or even the words they share

The words we write have a silent voice
That the poets call their muse
But interpretation is the readers choice
From the words we didn't use

Emotion is always the in-betweens
Our words are only the signs
To understand what the poet means
You must read between the lines
 May 2013 Katya T-Rapp
Kay Mora
When He asks, quietly, if I still think of You

even when I’m here, 
I say

because snow falls just as softly here as it
during our first kiss,
when it melted on your flushed
in the mountain light of our childhood. 

I think of your face as it was,
like the neighbor’s cornfield,
fogged but bright through the windows of your car 

as you raced me home in the pastoral dawn

to beat my parents' alarm clock.

now when I look at you,

I see the ruins of the storm:
the once-grand Victorians of our town, 
sunken and foul, 

the spray painted x’s, signaling “condemned,”

barely masked by the slush.
this new color in the landscape of your countenance,
a translucent grey
I think it is called indifference.

They told us
“distance extinguishes small flames,
and fuels great fires.”

my breath burns cold and sharp, 

like the icicles that hung outside your mother’s store, 

when You told me that it was easy to hurt me,

and You didn’t know why.

those words froze me solid
like citrus trees killed in a late frost.

He says that He still see the pinkness in my own cheeks,
 when I talk of You.
I sigh
and say that I will try harder 

to stop loving You,

the chairlift rocks and shifts the spears in my chest and
I wince,

because I know I will for all my life.
 May 2013 Katya T-Rapp
it turns out love isn't butterflies and fairytales
it's a rubber band
so yeah, maybe not the most romantic image
but no matter what pulls us apart
we pull back even closer

that feeling like your heart's gonna beat out of my chest?
it doesn't last. but you know what? i don't miss it.
it can't compete with having you finish my sentences
with knowing that no one else is just like you

"i want you to hold me and adore me" is child's play
i grew up with you, i'll grow old with you
watching our lives unfold will be more beautiful than any jewel
and every tomorrow will be the greatest gift
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