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It Goes So Fast

It goes so fast this life we're given,
quickly the years scurry by,
blink just once snap your fingers
watch how fast time flies.
Remember when you were a child
what mattered most of all,
the simplest of things
is what I do recall.
Then came teenage years
carefree and full of surprise,
opening our hearts to love and loss
honesty and lies.
Defining who we are and who
we've come to be,
gone like the wind in an instant
those tender years of our twenties.
Thirties came with debt and fear
trying the best we knew
to give our families a little more
than the blessings that were
given to you.
Forties march right in kids grown
and start to fly,
Fifties give you grand babies
my how fast time passes by.
The silver years are here
the golden yet to come,
I'm so happy I was given this life,
it goes so fast
but I'm still having fun!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 09/27/2014

Counting Blessings Today!
If I Remember

Why is it that I forget the things
I'm told to do,
like picking up my toys before
I go to school?
I guess my mind is busy with thoughts
of other things,
like playing with my friends and
swinging on the swings.
And parents they don't understand just
how it can be so,
that we remember certain things
promised days ago.
Like a trip to the ice cream parlor
or a visit to the mall,
a picnic at the park or playing a
game of basketball.
I guess our minds are different than
grown ups seem to be,
I think I'll remind my mom of that
when she gets mad at me.
That is if I remember!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 2000
I wrote cute little poems for my children as they were growing up. I wanted to encourage them to love reading. Not take this life to seriously and enjoy every precious moment. We can all relate to these words because once in our lives we've been there lol

Don't worry
it will be okay,
fear not the future
it isn't yours anyway.
Right now is all that matters
take a look around you,
count your blessings
smell the roses
there's nothing you can't do.
As sure as the morning sunrise
will waltz along the shore,
someone has a plan for you
and life holds so much more.
Test the waters, take chances
what will be will be,
you never know until you try
dreams come true
to those who believe.
Don't worry breath deep
and remember tonight there
shines a star,
in Heaven's twilight sky
that represents your heart.
Angels peeking through
watch every step you make
take the plunge don't let fear
rob your joy today.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Everything Changes

Summer turns to fall
winter nights
soon follow,
days are shorter, but spring
comforting warmth paving tomorrow.
Everything changes my friend
if you think about it
it's true ,
nothing is ever promised
the road ahead may be
rough or smooth.
Remember your first love
the dreams and promises made,
stepping stones and broken hearts
lighting tomorrow's way.
Teaching us heavenly lessons
giving us direction and light,
curves in the road may bend
there's wrong and there is right.
It's true everything changes
at times,
but if you remember those
examples you've learned,
your future will always shine bright
yesterday's failures
are tomorrow's victories earned.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Feb 28, 2014
All Rights Reserved
Echoes Of Yesterday

Echoes of yesterday are glorious
memories it's true ,
frozen moments in time
shadows of love shining through.
Pathways to our future leaving
footprints guiding tomorrow,
by those who've walked before you
through times of joy and sorrow.
It's easy to sometimes forget
as we struggle day by day,
the heart is a constant reminder
every beat an echo of yesterday.
When you least expect it an image
can instantly flash,
bringing a smile and tear at times
remembering those who have passed.
Maybe that's our greatest treasure
it's no secret what God can do,
echoes of yesterday are beacons
of love that carry us through.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Feb 2014
All Rights Reserved
I Gave All I Had

I'm a giver not a taker I may
die poor but that's ok,
there's not a thing on this earth
but my soul
I'll take back to heaven anyway.
When I reach those pearly gates
my pockets may be empty it's true,
but my heart will know, as
well as my soul,
I gave all I had
because I loved you.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 12/03/2014
All Rights Reserved
This poem defines who I am. The ultimate truth in my words alone.
The Story Of The  Littlest Angel

As Christmas Day draws near
I get lost in memories,
of colored lights, mistletoe
and loved ones by the tree.
Of all the priceless moments
I fondly do recall,
a story that was read to me I
cherish most of all.
The Littlest Angel was the title,
and through the magic of every line,
I learned the value of life on earth
that a gift from the heart was truly Devine.
Even though a lifetime has passed
the angel who read me this treasure,
dances in my heart this Christmas
and always will forever.

In Memory Of
My Auntie
Marion L Fowler Rose

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © November 30, 2013
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