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From A Distance

From a distance you've read the verses
I've written but did you read between the lines?
I wonder if you understand me,
I've offered my soul in every
I suppose that's what a writer does
and the legacy we leave,
giving its readers a glimpse of ourselves
with words of wisdom we hope you believe.
From a distance I pray you might
know who I am,
I hurt just like you and my heart understands.
I hope I write words you wanted
to say,
that God chose me to brighten
your day.
From far in a distance I pray
you might see
a peek inside of who I
try hard to be.
A person who cares, a soul
that is real,
that strives to portray life's
emotions we feel.
The greatest words are not
spoken but written,
and come from a place
that should never be hidden.
But shared with the world
rhyme after rhyme,
a piece of my soul
line after line.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Jan 2014
All Rights Reserved
God's In Control

The violet blue sky
caresses the sun,
dawn glitters with glory
a new day's begun.
Dew drops of silver
dance with delight,
a welcome call
gone is the night.
Leaves of green waltz
with the breeze,
scarlet red cardinals
whistle in the trees.
A rainbow of colors
awaken my soul,
reminding my spirit
that God's in control.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 10/26/2014
All Rights Reserved
What Ever Happened To Gifts From The Heart?

Christmas lists are made
shopping has begun,
as merchants reap their profits
counting dollars one by one.
Hoping that we choose
the perfect gift to impress
we've lost the meaning of this
holy day I sadly must confess.
What ever happened to gifts from
the heart, when way back in the day,
it wasn't so much about spending,
but family we'd celebrate.
Things were so simple then,
when hand made gifts were given,
spending time not dollars
made life so worth the liven.
When Christmas carols were heard
on porches, instead of shopping malls,
where memories made so long ago
were the fondest to recall.
May this magical holiday season
remind you it's not what you spend,
but praising God for the gift of his son
as you bow your heads and say AMEN!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © December 1, 2013
All Rights Reserved
I'll See You In My Dreams

I wished upon a star
first one I saw shine bright,
I also said a prayer
I'd see you in my dreams
Since you went to heaven
my life's not been the same,
memories of years passed by
in my heart will ever remain.
When I look into the mirror
I'm starring back at you,
proud of who I am
and everything I do.
I'm a reflection of your soul
the legacy you left behind,
to show the world how to love
and stop to take the time.
The way you always did when you
went the extra mile,
I miss you Mom so much, I hope
you're proud and I've made you smile.
I'll see you in my dreams until
God says it is my time.
please know you're always with me
in my heart and in my mind.

In Memory Of Shirley A Fowler

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Jan 2014
All Rights Reserved
Heavenly Report Card

The stars were hung, the sun was born,
the moon lit the midnight sky,
when life as we know it was created
no matter it's theories we analyze.
There's a star far off in the
that shines for your soul alone,
building the stairway to heaven,
awaiting your journey
back home.
The creator of your destiny
is watching all you do,
knows your situation
every trial you've been through.
Your heavenly report card is reviewed
when you step into the light,
by the one who loved you most
and placed you in this life.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Feb 20, 2014
All Rights Reserved
Broken And Abused

Twinkle twinkle little star
how we wonder who we are.
Mommy and daddy live happy
promise to love and cherish
Vows are broken
children suffer,
time doesn't heal, you
only get tougher.
Behind close doors
secretes they hide,
with smiles on the surface
a clever disguise.
Battered and shattered
the hurt remains,
futures altered
tarnished and stained.
By the ones they trusted
it's all so sad,
led to believe it was them
that were bad.
Broken and abused
in silence they cry,
concealing the truth as
their childhood passes by.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 07/04/2014

When things don't go your way
and you've made a mistake or two,
how many times did you blame
someone to take the pressure off of you?
Maybe you trusted somebody
and took them at their word,
only to be betrayed when acts
of mistrust occurred.
It happens to everyone
you're no different from the rest,
life will never be perfect
choices are made some
with regrets.
You only have yourself to blame
but in the end you'll learn,
to choose your friendships wisely
look at the ones that worked hard to earn.
The gift of your heart you gave them
when you opened yours to theirs,
let go of the past and remember
a true friend always cares.
Blame is for the foolish a temporary
it cannot fix nor change
mistakes in life we make.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 04/07/2014
All Rights Reserved
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