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What a gift we have
to share,
offering hope to
someone out there.
That's walked in your shoes
yet lost their way,
it's your inspiration
they need today.
Let your light shine
don't hide what you know,
you might make a difference
that's needed so.
Victories you've earned
are inspirations to share,
the extra mile traveled
carries you there.
The peace you seek
your ultimate goal,
is to love unconditionally
from the depths of your soul
It's inspiration once offered
to you,
that makes the difference
in all that you do.
Don't turn away
when someone cries out,
inspiring others
is what life's all about.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 04/07/2014
All Rights Reserved

It comes when you least expect it
blanketing your mind with fear,
a word you dread like the plague
and hoped you'd never hear.
Maybe because someone you love
has been taken by it's curse,
no pill nor treatment out there could
this dreadful disease reverse.
Don't you think it's about time,
a cure should surely be found,
that those who lost their battle,
won the war for those fighting now.
Someone knows the answer
knowledge is the key,
candles lit the world until
Franklin discovered electricity.
For every problem there's a solution
every question there's an answer,
somewhere out there someone
has the power to cure Cancer.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright 2/12/2014
All Rights Reserved
Santa's Lazy Elf

Five more days till Christmas,
Santa and his crew
were working overtime making
children's dreams come true .
Singing carols, whistling tunes,
as the hours ticked away,
except for little Edison
the elf that went astray.
Instead of making toys
in Santa's assembly line,
he was hanging out with Rudolph
beneath the snow capped pines.
As Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus took
a look around,
they noticed lazy Edison
was nowhere to be found.
They decided they'd had enough
this elf will surely be fired,
scratched their heads and
realized another must be hired.
Dasher heard them talking
and thought this can't be so,
never in elf's history has
someone had to go.
He searched the winter wonderland
and under the Northern Lights
Edison and Rudolph were
frolicking in flight.
He said "Come down from there
your behavior's a disgrace,
Christmas Eve is almost here and
you're about to be replaced.
Edison soon realized his days
of slacking were done,
that there'd be consequences
for goofing off and having fun.
He knew he had no place to go
if Santa didn't let him stay
his heart began to pound,
as Rudolph ran way.
He hurried as fast as he could
to tell Santa he was wrong,
beg him for forgiveness
and show him he belonged.
As the other elves were caroling
he tried to sneak inside,
but Santa saw him coming out of the
corner of his eye.
He placed his hands upon his hips
and firmly shook his head,
"What shall I do with you
my elf," Santa firmly said.
"I see you when you're sleeping
I know when you're awake,
did you not read your history book
he said for goodness sake!"
Santa soon forgave him cause
his heart is made of gold,
and Edison became the
hardest worker I am told.
The moral of this story is
we all must do our part,
and jolly old St Nick has always
had a heart.
Merry Christmas to all of you
on this holiest of days,
may all your dreams come true
as you gather and celebrate!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © December 2013
All Rights Reserved
It's Ok To Dream

If stars are the windows to heaven
and rainbows were ours to climb,
I'd ascend to the peak of its
golden arch leaving my troubles behind.
Taking one great giant leap
beyond the Milky Way,
dancing on comets and moonbeams
waltzing life's sorrows away.
We're all a part of this universe,
for every trial God has his plan,
trust in The Lord with all your heart
when facing the things you don't understand.
Remember it's ok to dream
as a momentary escape,
and run away from reality
when things aren't going so great.
There's mountains we must climb
but victories ahead,
that make us who we are
and give us strength God said.
When you're gazing at the sky tonight
remember he's looking too,
and every star that twinkles bright
are angels he's sent to watch
over you.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Oct 2013
It Only Took A Lifetime

I sat on a blanket in the yard
and looked up at the sky,
watching fluffy cloud formations
waltzing their way by.
Remembering my childhood
and lazy summer days,
afternoon breezes, thunderstorms,
watching the willow sway.
A swallow gliding effortlessly
does a dance upon the wind,
the coloring book I saw before me
reminded me again.
Of the child I was so long ago
filled with hopes and dreams,
it only took a lifetime to
to realize what that means.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/29/2014
All Rights Reserved
God's Will

Once upon a time many years ago,
an angel was sent to the earth to let all God's people know,
that love and only love is the key to all life's sorrows,
opening doors once closed, promising brighter tomorrows.
The angel traveled the globe to spread the wonderful news,
but people wouldn't listen and the angel was confused.
In the heavenly land she came from this message was quite clear,
there is no sadness there, anger, pain or fear.
All of this is promised to those who do believe, a savior who is Christ the Lord
shed his blood to set us free.
When the angel went back up to heaven to tell God we didn't listen,
she noticed on her back her tiny wings were missing.
She cried "Oh heavenly father I did my very best, but people on earth have their own free will
I sadly must confess."
Only moments later from her shoulders hung with love
were wings of solid gold, a gift from God above.
God knew his little angel did all that she could do,
to show the world what matters most, this rest is up to you.

It's our free will that will cause us to stumble, but if we do God's will we shall fly!

© Kathy J Parenteau
A Prayer For Mama

My dear sweet heavenly father I come to you today,
with hope and faith I ask send an angel Mama's way.
I know her time is near and soon you'll take her home,
to stroll along the streets of gold where other angels roam.
It's hard to watch her suffer and slowly fade away,
help us all to understand give us strength I pray.
She means so much to all of us forgive me for my fears,
life will never be the same without her presence here.
My mother is my angel she taught me how to love,
and told me about you Lord and heaven up above.
When she crosses over and steps into the light,
tell her that I love her and when the time is right.
Meet me at the pearly gates where everything's brand new,
we'll walk across God's meadowlands where skies are always blue.
Somewhere beyond the sunset every now and then,
I pray she watches over me until we meet again.

Written by Kathy J Parenteau
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