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Every amber colored sunset
or sky of royal blue
and the multi colored rainbow
from heaven peeking through
put them all together
for one unbelievable view
they'd never hold a candle to
the beauty I see in you.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 2000
All Rights Reserved
Under The Willow Tree

Under the willow tree,
my childhood secret space,
dreams were born
I was free 'twas the
perfect hiding place.
Beneath her cascading branches
gentle breezes whispering,
songs of hope and wonder
the willow tree did sing.
Awe those days of youth
where innocence was born,
under the willow tree
I found shelter from the storm.
What I wouldn't give
to visit once again,
that secret space
my hiding place
that gave me peace back then.

Under The Willow Tree

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 11/14/2014
Slow Down Life's Not A Race

Have you ever watched the sunset and
colorful leaves of fall
dance upon each other
and thought you'd seen it all?
Hurrying through this journey called
life to make it one more day,
taking time for granted trusting tomorrow
is on its way.
Slow down life's not a race,
and our future God only holds,
there's nothing wrong with slowing
down to stop and smell a rose.
Take a long look at the souls you love
count your blessings one by one,
rest assured there's a bend in the road
we all must overcome.
To worry changes nothing
yet robs us of life's pleasures,
let faith hope trust and love become
your greatest treasures.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © November 17, 2013
All rights reserved
Middle Class Misery

Hopes dashed dreams fade,
gotta go to work another day.
Paid my money bought my ticket
thought I could tell my boss to stick it.
But here I sit on Sunday night,
knowing by the morning light.
I'll be back at my desk slaving away,
hoping to make it through one more day.
And uncle Sam you must be smiling,
knowing come January I'll be filing.
You've stuck it to me one more year,
more taxes await as I live in fear.
Thanks so much dear President Obama,
for creating all this political drama.
Thought by now I'd be seeing the change,
you promised our country on election day.
But who am I, just the middle class,
to our federal government you can "Kiss My A$$"!

Copyright © Kathy J Parenteau
The Rat and The Cat

Obama the rat and Biden the cat devised
a plan one day,
to ***** the average working man and force his *** to pay.
They called it health care reform,
and offered them no choice,
robbed Americans of their rights
sign up you have no voice!
I may not understand politics but
I've worked hard and paid my dues,
you already take away half my pay,
I'm not signing I got nothing to lose!

Written by Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 2013
A Poet's Pen

Words of inspiration
glide across each page,
held by the hand of a heart of gold,
offering it's soul through every phrase.
Recording memories to be
shared throughout time,
enlightening our senses
with every rhyme.
With many a verse we all
can relate,
revealing the things we
wish we could say.
The imagination and message
it sends,
are gifts from the heart of
a poet's pen.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © November 23, 2013
All rights reserved
Help Me Understand

Help me understand Lord why
things happen the way they do,
there are those who lie, steal and cheat
and those who tell the truth.
I've tried to live my life making
you proud of me,
seeking your acceptance
guidance and possibilities.
You've chosen me for a reason
I trust you'll light the way,
encouraging me to forgive
those who have hurt me today.
I cannot change a thing in life I know
you're in control,
the ruler of this universe the
one who owns my soul.
Tonight I ask you give me strength
to change the things I can,
and what I cannot fix
help me understand.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 11/25/2013
All Rights Reserved
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