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Fred's Wearing My Slippers

I woke with a particular feeling
I was floating on top of the ceiling
a little surprised
when I opened my eyes
at the sight my room was revealing.

I saw things I'd never seen
I knew this must be a dream
there on my bed
was my dog Fred
watching the TV screen.

He was munching on chips and a coke
I thought this must be a joke
as he took a big slurp
he let out a burp
and I felt a big lump in my throat.

He was wearing my slippers and pj's
closed all the windows and shut all the shades
It was clear to see
he thought he was me
as I starred at him shocked and amazed.

My mom brought him breakfast in bed
then kissed him on top of his head
fried eggs and ham
with strawberry jam
that should have been me instead!

Then I woke up trembling with fear
while Fred was licking my ear
I threw off the sheets
and looked at my feet
then thought to myself oh dear!

Fred scratched at the door to go ***
then turned and grinned at me
when I looked at his paws
the sight that I saw
was more than I bargained to see.

There before my eyes
wearing my slippers with pride
Fred's tail was wagging
just like he was bragging
and off he went outside!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
I love to write funny poems for adults and children. I wrote this years ago for my children to enjoy. It also helped them enjoy reading. I hope you enjoy as well.
The Robin And The Crow

A robin and a crow were perched upon a fence,
an unlikely combination but they seemed to be good friends.
Standing in the mid-day sun each on a separate picket,
basking in it's rays while staring at a cricket.
The crow looked very hungry the robin seemed content,
so he flapped his shiny wings and to the ground he went.
The cricket saw him coming and jumped away in a flash,
searching for some camouflage in an open field of grass.
The crow was disappointed outsmarted once again,
so he flew back to his perch and asked his feathered friend.
"Have you had your dinner tell me would you mind"
"I wondered if you'd share with me, could you be so kind?"
The robin fanned his wings and said "come follow me"
To his nest they flew at the top of an old oak tree.
Together they shared a feast the robin caught that day,
then they fell asleep passing the time away.
There's a lesson to be learned from the robin and the crow,
and carry this knowledge with you where ever you may go.
Friendship is a special thing it's always nice to share,
it shows the good inside of you so people know you care.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
When my children were growing up I wrote them poetry to teach them lessons of love and kindness. This is a poem about sharing and how important it is to open your heart to others less fortunate than you.
Don't Be A Bully

On the outside I may be different
not your cup of tea,
on the inside I am beautiful
if only you could see.
Think before you throw a stone
or hurtful comment my way,
what if it were you that
someone hurt today.
I cannot change how God made me
I'm not a clown in a circus,
beauty lies within, far beyond
what's on the surface.
My soul is precious my heart
can be broken,
by acts of your ignorance
in words you have spoken.
I hope my message speaks
loud and clear,
and the bullies of this world
may all disappear.
Changing their views from
evil to good,
loving thy neighbor begins in childhood.
Parents teach your children
your voice makes a difference
so try as you might.
My mother taught me never
to judge,
harbor anger or carry a grudge.
Don't be a bully you have
nothing to lose,
there might come a day
you walk in my shoes.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/22/2014
All Rights Reserved
Someone Is Always Listening

How do we define a miracle
in words the world will believe,
describing the unexpected
sharing the joy our faith
has achieved.
Maybe what we have to say
are not our words at all,
messages from a higher power
blessings memories often recall.
Words can only say so much
miracles speak loud and clear,
open your eyes to the impossible
believe and never walk in fear.
Worry changes nothing
faith opens every door,
there's nothing wrong
in hoping this life holds something more.
How do we define a miracle
in words every heart will understand,
it may take a lifetime to express
put the pen to the paper and try again.

Someone is always listening

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 05/10/2014
Prayers Unanswered

Prayers that go unanswered are heart
breaking it's true,
understanding comes in time
God has a plan for you.
Remember your first love
you prayed would never end,
look at what you have
today, far greater than back then.
Prayers may go unanswered
because what your asking for,
couldn't hold a candle to what
God has in store.
Every day we climb the staircase
one step closer to eternity,
prayers unanswered will be understood
yesterday's sorrows are windows
to perfection I believe.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Remember The Stars and Stripes

Remember the Stars and Stripes
those men and women who
gave their lives,
defending peace and liberty,
risking it all for the
land of the free.
Also let us not forget
tears their loved ones forever shed.
Wives who husbands never came home,
mothers and fathers who cry alone.
Children who mourn the parent they lost paying forever the ultimate cost.
Futures so bright taken away,
like the Stars and Stripes forever wave.
When you say your prayers tonight,
give thanks for their service and

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 05/22/2014
Definition Of The Soul

The soul gives life to the body
of every living creation,
it's beauty ever present
with no earthly expiration.
Dancing through eternity
lead by the master above,
guided by his almighty hands
and unconditional love.
Each one unique and
indescribable someday
will meet again,
our ultimate destination
is not of this earth but
our home in heaven.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
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