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If Tomorrow Never Comes

If tomorrow never comes
and we only have today,
don't waist one precious moment
rejoice and celebrate.
Watch the morning sunrise
treasure skies of blue,
count the stars and make a wish
believing dreams come true.
If tomorrow never comes
and today is all we own,
why not make the best
of this life giving thanks
we're never alone.
I believe in angels to each we are assigned,
I hope my mom is one of them
guiding this life of mine.
If tomorrow never comes
I'm grateful for today,
I know someone is watching me
every step of the way.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
May 25, 2014
Home At Last

Alone by the window
in silence she stares,
passing the time away,

People walk by
yet nobody cares,
on this earth 'twas
to be her last day.

Once she frolicked through
the meadows of youth
dancing with hopes of tomorrow,

Time came and went
revealing it's truth
along with joy came sorrow.

Somebody's wife, daughter
and friend,
a mother who gave her all,

Now sits in silence
until the end,
in a nursing home's
empty hall.

Visitors come and go
but sadly none for her,
another day comes to close
God saw her pain yet
knew her worth,

Today she lives in his
home on high,
watching while
angels pass her by.

Loneliness gone
a thing of the past,
where she belongs,
home at last!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 06/2/2014
If Today Should Be Your Last

Live this day like it could
be your last,
when opportunity comes
don't let it pass.
If someone you know
needs a listening ear,
give them yours
and be sincere.
Take a chance
don't be afraid,
you only live once,
make the most of today.
You're a beacon of light
created with love,
one of a kind
a gift from above.
There's good and bad
right and wrong,
know the difference,
as you journey along.
If today should be your last
each minute celebrate,
treasure every second
never hesitate.
Say what you have
to say love with all you are,
no regrets, you've
done your best and
tonight you'll earn your star.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 07/03/2014
Black and White

Imagine what the world
would be like,
if there were no colors
only black and white.
Could we still see beauty
would life be the same,
if the sky wasn't blue
and the leaves never changed.
The amber sunset's
luminous view,
that rose in the garden
kissed by the dew.
Eyes that sparkle
with blue and green,
God's pallet of love
never seen.
Imagine what the world
would be like,
if there were no colors
only black and white.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 07/19/2014

Why would someone end their life
what could have gone so wrong?
Where were the ones they needed
that once they leaned upon?
Did you not see the signs
were you busy getting by,
life's challenges of your own
you never heard their cry?
Maybe we need to listen
it only takes one soul,
to hear the cry of the weary
and offer words of hope.
Never dismiss someone's dismay
you could have been God's choice,
to make the difference now
there's power in your voice.
Don't be silenced by fear,
because what you have to say,
might make the difference between life or death for someone you love today.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/17/2014

Uncle Sam my hat's off to you
for ******* up the US of A,
creating debt that surely
we have no hope to repay.
The example you've set the
American people is a shameful
display of incompetence,
buy now pay later, and pay
you will, to me it makes no sense.
My job is based upon credit checks
believe me I've seen it all,
from doctor bills to college debt
watching the beacon score steadily fall.
Wake up America remember your
don't let politics
stick it to you.
For every dollar, there's something
to save,
don't be a fool sock it away.
When hard times surface, and
surely they will,
you'll have what you need to
pay your bills.
Excuses mean nothing
and the message they send,
we watch every day on CNN.
Promises broken
as we're led to believe,
casting our votes
to those who deceive.
Remember and trust what made this
great nation,
wasn't about debt,
but invention and creation.
When American's worked for Americans
and made in the USA,
meant billions of people united
paid their bills that day.
Why can't we just go back to that
give credit where credit is due,
if you can't afford it today
then debt will surely catch you

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 08/14/2014
Because Heaven Is Listening

I often visit yesterday,
it's therapy to me,
my guiding light
giving me strength
as I close my eyes to sleep.

Burning bridges, taking
I dance through life's
twists and turns,

Isn't that what living is about,
today's mistakes
are lessons learned.

Opening doors, teaching us
it's memories of yesterday,
that gives us strength to fight life's battles
no matter come what may.

Loved ones gone still make a difference
remember, rejoice and behold,
words of wisdom spoken to you
in your heart will never grow old.

It's true they light the way
whether skies are black or blue,
light a candle in honor of someone
who made a difference to you.

Because Heaven is listening

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 08/27/2014
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