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Kathryn Heim Oct 2020
A thought, a word
A hope that stays
Throughout our lives
And powers our days
A smile, a nod
That makes us feel
Better than what
We thought was real
What turns our souls
To the devil's chagrin
May be the simple
Prayers within
So I will proceed
To pen and be
In my poetry.
Kathryn Heim Apr 2016
If agony's
alive and well
then surely there
must be a hell.
And hell does
not stand
quietly by
with respect
for you and I.
While agony
is not the rule,
it will always
be the devil's tool.
Strength from sorrow
and peace from pain
are seen by some
as mundane,
but life that vows
to live again
will not allow
defeat to win,
and in the end
agony will
say amen.
Kathryn Heim Dec 2016
A Homeless house
a nameless face
slithers by
under an empty sky.
a silent shout
a tireless sleep
make up our dreams
in slumber deep.
oh night of nights
we must believe
that God
our father
of needless needs
was born under
an empty sky
for all of life
slithers by.
Kathryn Heim Jun 2016
Air is pure
and water sweet
joy is sure
and love is deep.

Days are made
as hours speak
of years that fade
and turn antique.

With age and time
our vigor gone
so we must find
the moments long
of joy and love
eternal youth
from God above
the simple truth.
Kathryn Heim Mar 2016
Angels watch
and angels wait,
guarding dreams
protecting fate.

Beyond the realm
of sight and sound
their majesty
is all around.

Their voices sweet,
a serenade
to all the hearts
that God has made.

With beauty, joy,
love and peace
angel voices
never cease.

So when we
cannot see the good,
or fail to believe
as we should,
take comfort
on this very day
that angels are
not far away.
Kathryn Heim Dec 2018
All I say
and all I feel
are in my head,
but are they real

Are words unsaid
forever dead,
or do they live
as we give?

Our thoughts go
and they wait
and they
every fate,

or bad
happy or sad
sick or well
heaven or hell
before and after
tears or laughter
all belong
in our daily theatre
and ultimately
go back
our Creator.
Kathryn Heim Sep 2016
A moment,
a touch
that leads to
a hug,
a signal,
a sign
that everything's fine,
a sudden release,
receiving God's peace,
a lasting embrace,
accepting God's grace.
Kathryn Heim Jun 2018
An Instrument
he prayed to be
who lived among the rocks and trees,
rejoicing in
the mystery
forever etched
in eternity.
He denied
his life
for the love of Christ,
and if we follow
his holy ways
our faith will flower
all our days
yielding blooms
of peace and love,
patience and hope,
joy and light,
grant us
St. Francis
your divine insight.
Kathryn Heim Mar 2016
He came to her
with a prayer,
for all time
revealing who
she would bear.
and majesty
she humbly wears.
Queen of Heaven,
a mother
who perpetually cares.
Kathryn Heim Mar 2016
My Poetry
will always be
something that
with me.
I keep my
and rhyming lines
all within
my heart's
And there
they stay
until one day
when I'm compelled
to share
and tell
and everything
that loves and hopes
and has a dream.
The poet's dream
for me,
you see,
is pure and simple
Kathryn Heim Dec 2018
A spark of light
a tiny spark
started the fire
within my heart.

And though it was dark
the light in my heart
all started from
a tiny spark.

The dark it
does not dare,
dare to strut
or even stare
because it knows
the spark of light
has grown to be
brighter than bright.

Throughout my days
and nights so dark
the wonder of a tiny spark
is what can start
inside your heart.
Kathryn Heim Feb 2016
Through time
and tests
and fields
and quests
a will to do
a will to be
came for you
but not for me.
Reverse the wish
and smile inside
and know your dreams
are still alive.
And I shall
do the same.
Kathryn Heim Sep 2016
As the flower fades
into the winter of it's years,
so I watch your wrinkled skin
through intermittent tears.
While mine a story
of sadness be told,
for you a journey
yet to unfold.
as my sorrow
gives way to grief,
my heart cannot deny
my healing belief,
that winter melts
into the spring
and all the
flowers will bloom again,
but while the tears
and petals fall
especially then
I will recall
that once more
the sun will shine
and new life
your soul will find.
Heaven's garden
blooms year round
and to this earth
we are not bound.
Kathryn Heim Oct 2016
I am a tiny part
in the overall plan
to show and share
to  my fellow man.

It is something
much bigger than me,
and if this something
I cannot see
then my inner
light will fail
allowing darkness
to prevail.
Kathryn Heim Apr 2016
A promise made
as water flows
a ritual rinsing
of our souls.

As life begins
a gentle cleanse
for past, present
and future sins.

Lamb of God
our constant stream,
may we reflect
your spotless sheen.
Kathryn Heim Apr 2016
Because of life
we cannot see
all of heaven's
for all remaining
on the earth
are limited by
the grave's fresh dirt,
and all that we
can grasp and feel
are wounds from grief
that never heal,
they just become
numb with time
and written about
in verse and rhyme.
But this should
not be all we see,
death, that is,
and what's not to be.
Kathryn Heim Jan 2021
Before you judge
Another's heart
Examine your own
Inside and out.
What you criticize
In another
Is what yours
Is all about.
Kathryn Heim Feb 2016
The brilliant sun,
the gentle breeze,
are tell-tale signs
for those who believe.

the mystery
of uncertainty
has no life
in eternity.
Kathryn Heim Aug 2016
Beyond the grassy hill      
and the tallest tree,
beyond the bluest  sky
blowing over me,
beyond the flower petal
velvet to the touch,
beyond dawn's first wink
and dusk's final hush,
beyond the desert heat
and the chill of icy lands,
beyond the deepest sea
and each tiny grain of sand,
beyond the agony of pain
and senseless worry
that goes insane,
beyond our day dreams
and our truth,
beyond our wrinkles
and our youth,
beyond our fears
and scattered doubt,
beyond our will
to work it out,
beyond our call
to be and do,
and things shared
between me and you,
beyond battles lost and won
and everything that's been said and done,
beyond all words left unspoken
and all promises kept or broken,
beyond all things great and small
and those who gave their all,
beyond those things we know to be
of peace, love and tranquility,
beyond everything we've been taught
and all the wars that have been fought,
beyond all smells, sights and sounds
and all inches, pints and pounds,
beyond the beautiful, brave and bold
the timeless, ageless, young and old,
beyond  disease, suffering and despair
and what's considered cruel and unfair,
beyond the storms that come our way
and the darkest of our days,
beyond the journey that we are on
and the road, however long,
beyond "what if" and "what could have been"
from the moment life begins,
beyond everything and every place
through God's mercy
by His grace,
we are promised there is more
beyond this life
and through death's door.
Kathryn Heim Dec 2017
Hail Mary full of grace
hold me in your pure embrace
where love and peace and joy abide
where mercy lives and sin has died.
Kathryn Heim Mar 2016
The sun, the moon
and stars at night,
The rosy dusk
and dawn of light,
the cooling breeze
and rhythmic rain,
the harvest full
of golden grain.
The birds that fly,
a baby's cry,
a hard day's work,
a peaceful sigh,
the smell of spring,
as nature sings,
the prayers we say
to start our day,
the hope in all,
the eternal call
from up above
a God whose love
has set us free
and blessed us all
Kathryn Heim Feb 2016
Rely on this:
I did not die,
I live beneath
a peaceful sky,
a canopy
called eternity.
Kathryn Heim Apr 2016
Do you carry the truth
or is it a curse?
Are they one and the same and which one is worse?
Do you carry a privilege
or a shame,
and is it apparent
in your name?
Do you carry a promise or a pain?
Joy or suffering,
a loss or a gain?
Do you carry
a burden,
a problem, a task?
Do you hide it behind uncertainty's mask?
Do you carry the worry
that gives the devil a grin,
knowing that's where
you've already been.
Do you carry a hope
for every tomorrow,
aide for the needy
relief for their sorrow?
What do you carry,
or should I ask who,
and would you object
if they carried you?
Whatever you carry
or how it's perceived,
Christ carried his cross
for you and me.
Kathryn Heim Jun 2016
Vespers whisper
perfect peace
silent alms
never cease,
soft candle flames
offer death
the light of mercy
with God's breath.
The cathedral beckons
us all by name
to enter humbly
without shame
through open doors
that reach inside
for all the tears
we never cried.
Kathryn Heim Jan 2017
Christ my leader
bring me through,
Christ my center
keep me true,
Christ my groundwork
hold me straight,
Christ my balance
bear my weight,
Christ transcending
time and space
Thou art my final
resting place.
Kathryn Heim Jul 2016
Children's prayers are pure,
They sparkle in the night,
They're weightless in the air
traveling to heaven's door
sincere as morning light.
Collected by God
for comfort and cure
Children's prayers are pure.
Kathryn Heim Feb 2016
The light of day
and dark of night
a universal wrong and right
captivates our
chosen lives
and everything for which we strive.
The music plays
so we must dance
and choreography
is left to chance,
and in this chance
is where we see
all that we can truly be.
Kathryn Heim Jun 2016
To see, to touch, to feel
to hear
can heighten or
relieve our fear,
but fear is faith
upside down
and God remains
the common ground.
Kathryn Heim Mar 2016
Hearts connected
love protected
souls enshrined.
Kathryn Heim Apr 2016
We knew not
what we did,
a convenient truth
that kept us hid.

But hide no more,
for when we die
we must look Him
in the eye.
Kathryn Heim Sep 2024
the thing about rhyming
is all in the timing,
much like a dance
melodically flowing
to the poets creative chance.
Kathryn Heim Jun 2018
D  are to write

A  rtful expressions, emotional insight

I  mages of identity

L  ost in time's memory

Y  earning through chaos and beauty.
Kathryn Heim Jun 2020
New Possibility Slipping
                    ­          Nocturnal's
      ­                        Eternal
Kathryn Heim Sep 2016
The light we see
day after day
is needed to drive
the dark away.
Without the light
we would soon find
the dark would
overtake our mind.
without sun
would be
a flaw in
God's eternity,
and His death
on a wooden cross
all for naught,
a single loss.
But the power of
His divinity
holds the Holy
plan and key.
The light that lives
day after day
drove the dark
of death away.
Kathryn Heim May 2018
Death is not optional
not a strain to see
yet life amid the rumbles
begs a difference, obviously.

the destiny of one
mimics that of all,
do not celebrate the risings
before remembering the fall.
Kathryn Heim May 2016
If God in all
His majesty
has a divine
plan for me,
is it veiled
or is it bold
to be kept
or to be told,
rather I would
surely find
this consequence
of love divine,
knowing it has
been decreed
God's love will not
abandon me.
Kathryn Heim Jul 2018
the world needs more of,
the celebrant
undying love.

St. Catherine of Sienna
what God would
tell me and you.

The blood of Christ
she longed to share
and the death
that could not
hold him there.

God's grace
and peace she
spread to those
any and all with
open souls.

A gentle, fervent
passionate calm,
applying heaven's
perpetual balm.

Her words, actions
and empathy
pave the way
to eternity.
Kathryn Heim Oct 2020
death is a doorway
Life is a lane
Where we all travel
One and the same.
Kathryn Heim Aug 2020
Dr King said
Hate is too great a burden to bear
So why must we live in fear
Sorting out lives
Sorting out lies
Witnessing hate
That wears a disguise.
Kathryn Heim Mar 2016
A journey,
a path,
a mission,
a task.
A life devoted,
a message received,
a calling,
a gift
for those who believe.
A hope,
a perpetual peace,
a wellspring ever ready
for our soul's relief.
Kathryn Heim Sep 2024
golden dark hues
these i choose.

fire red
not dead.

warm orange and yellow
define mellow.

natures way
to glorify gray.

inspired melancholy
radiating beauty.
Kathryn Heim Jan 9
when my love
went through heaven's door
and left my tears
upon earth's floor,

i found out then
that all of time
and everything
that's yours and mine,

whether it's by luck or chance
in the end is a brief glance
as glory gets the final dance.
Kathryn Heim Feb 2016
As stars brighten
the darkened sky,
my soul's a flame
that shall not die.
Kathryn Heim Nov 2017
Flowers at my grave
placed after I am gone
a gesture sweet
that begs life's song
to play another day.
Kathryn Heim May 2016
Flowers do me good
I say
on any given
single day.
Different colors and
different kinds
make up nature's
precious find,
and I'm not sure
but I have a hunch
they're even better
by the bunch.
Kathryn Heim May 2016
Life is ours to create,
to complain or celebrate,
reject the silence and the wait,
make things happen
in spite of fate.
Kathryn Heim Feb 2016
smiled at me.
By my side
as I died
were faith, hope and love,
now I live
with peace
from above.
Kathryn Heim Sep 2020
In the end it shall
Be revealed
As violence and killings spread
That "no lives mattered" to them.
Bold and ruthlessly declaring
Their cause a fraud.
For the ages.
Kathryn Heim Apr 2016
The longing
when you're
not here
weighs me down
like a cloak
I wear.

Your love
for me,
your gentle will
I have now
found, therefore
I feel
the reality
revealed to me
that when I
was astray
and lost
your compass
led me
to the cross.
Kathryn Heim Nov 2018
The deepest joys
The purest thoughts
Are things that
Can't be sold or bought.

Gifts of faith
The simplest kind
Seem to evade
The worldly mind.
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