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I'm sure someone would have already said or written this but I'll write it anyway

Most people can sing, its just that some people can sing better than others.

Most people can dance, its just that some people can dance better than others.

Most people can act, its just that some people can act better than others.

Do you see what I'm trying to say, it applies to just about every talent a person can possess. Some people are just more talented than others, for example:

I can write, but there are a lot of people that can write better than me, but that doesn't bother me because if someone is more talented than you with something, then you can either just sit there and be jealous or you can try to get better, and remember that if you put your mind to it then you can achieve the impossible. (Ok so you can't actually achieve the impossible, because then it wouldn't be impossible, but you get I mean).
Thanks to Ellen Ryder for the title.
Who can I be if not me?
Someone Else

Where would I be if not here?
Somewhere Else

What could I be if not human?
Something Else

When could this be if not now?
Some Time Soon
Which me was I
When we met
Who's eyes did
You gaze into
Did they see you too
Or did they just stare ahead
Like a mindless drone
If I wrote you a song
would you runaway with me
would you come along

If I wrote about you
and all that makes you special
Will you runaway with me too

Would it help you to see you
and all your little flaws
as beautiful, the way I do

If I wrote a letter
and sealed it with a kiss
would it make you feel any better

If I took a picture of you
and showed you your smile
would you believe its beauty to be true

And if you ever lost your way
I'd help you to find it
even if it took all day

And I know you don't want this poem to end
So just say when...
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
The threat of relapse is always on my mind,
Its a dream,
And a wish,
To go back to that "safeness" that I once felt.
I miss it,
But I push it to the back of my mind,
And struggle up the mountain,
Until I reach the top.
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
I wish I could take an eraser to my skin,
And get rid of the outcome,
Of what happened when I took part of a pencil sharpener to it.
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
I am not black,
or asian,
or anything else.
I am human.
My hair is not blonde,
or red,
or brown,
or white,
or gray.
It is just hair.
I am not male,
nor am I female,
gender has no meaning.
The cause of this thinking,
is simple and harsh.
You are a product of the 21st century,
who must label,
and name things.
Judge them,
then put them neatly away,
or dispose of them.
Am I wrong?
Dont be a product of the 21st century.
Be the factory that changes what it means,
to be  a product,
of the 21st century.
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Francisco DH
The winds cradled every fear I had and took 'em with a gentle kiss on my cheek.
The cold never bit me while I stood and watched my fears drift away.
It wrapped it's self 'round me, protecting me from the cold within.
It watched with me as my fears grew into a speck
as if it were a star leaving the sky.
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Why do you think that because Im not attracted to you,
That I dont think you're attractive?
You're very attractive,
Hot even,
But I'm not attracted to you.
I'm gay ***,
Not blind.

— The End —