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  Oct 2014 Katelyn
You never see me
And when you do
You ignore me
And then you whine and complain
Ask why I want to leave.
Maybe I don't favor being ignored.
  Oct 2014 Katelyn
Danielle Barlow
Feelings developed.
I tried not to let them.
You marched right in
and tore down my walls.
But you did it so gently..
like no one ever has before.
With that kiss you took half,
but the other is still mine.
*For now
**** it, Francisco.. Why did you have to say that? I was so blissfully unaware that there were any feelings at all, and now..
  Oct 2014 Katelyn
Sara Grace
Maybe I like being different. Maybe I don't wanna be like everyone else. Maybe I like my music loud. Maybe I wanna be this way. This is who I am, this is me. Maybe I wanna stand out and be a outcast. Maybe I like being weird. Maybe I wanna live my life to the fullest the way I want to. Maybe I want to learn from my mistakes. Maybe I like being loud and outspoken. Maybe I like bands that are different. Maybe I don't wanna be them. Maybe I like the friends I have now. Maybe I love my friends like family cause they understand. Maybe I wanna dress this way. Maybe the music I listen to helps me more than anything. Maybe I don't wanna do better. Maybe i just like being me, who I am.
Maybe I like it this way~
  Oct 2014 Katelyn
Francisco DH
Unto you, my only love, I bestow pearls laced with spider's silk.
Katelyn Sep 2014
This battered heart can take no more,
It's broken forever and has no hope to heal,
slowly she falls..the regret consumes her,
did you really think he loved or cared about you?
Remember the blade? ...always there..... this cycle
of tormenting emotions will never end...
Katelyn Jan 2014
The rage inside,
and yet such innocent eyes...
was it a blade this time?
No, a "safety" pin..
Every slice of skin relieved the anger,
of the rage monster inside..never going back...
this IS the new me...
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