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In silent slumber the body rests
The mind adrift to shores unmet
Naked as a babe appearing as she laid
Watching its prey from the shadows
Casting its spell to freeze its victim from wake or shake
A body to overtake
To feed on the soul
A shell to leave empty scooped out hollow
This victim has met before with this kind
Shaking off when black magic enters the mind
Feel the body was about to slow
Energies force to tangle and pull
Scrabbling out of demons hell
The pit of darkness where the stricken and tormented dwell
Feeling freer now
Open eyes to prying light
A transparency in the air
Glitching twitching watching there
Eyes just stare
And I feel them looking back

Was it the sinner or the saviour
I'm sure they'll be back
Your words
Only bring me
Closer to you
It is hard to find those that understand
They see you but not the inside
Connections are met by the few and not so many face to face
You feel you have to explain yourself
Tiring to do
Sometimes I wonder
If it would be better / easier if I didn't think so much about that which I think
Am I overthinking this??
I can feel your energy
The words that you write
The age of your soul
The songs that reside
The mask from behind
which you hide
The poetry latent
waiting to confide
I am safe and secure
Passionate and creative
Harmonious and worthy
Loving and compassionate
Feel the air in my lungs
The beat in my heart
Sing the song
from my throat
See with my eyes wide open
Know the light
true being
Fire scorch to ash and ground
Pestle twist hammer and pound
Smooth the paste
Apply to wound
Work the ointment to the scar
Deep into the flesh
New skin forming
Growing with the sun
Breath approaching
Now release and breathe

Hands on
Warm glow
Head resting on comfy pillow
Blanket sweet
Crystals neat
Vibration sensation at my feet
Thoughts coming up
Feel want more to let go
Touch to the feet spiral of rainbow fly up to greet
Sticks of a cross with white lights all aglow
Sun shining through from the window
Water after energy flow
Talking to a friend you feel you know
Tears of release
Flush of relief
Voice says keep letting go
Be here now
I have felt each tear as dropped from mine eyes
Tracing heartbreak with each line
I have felt the lonely how cold and such sorrow
I have seen with mind the ascended master crucified betrayed befallen by earths blind
Loved until hollow
Darkness wash away the light and wake to bitter morrow
The emptiness that fills your soul when you no longer feel
The scratching at your bones when your skin was left to peel
How your insides died with every breath and hope was all you could hang on to
Evaporated passion and zeal

you know
what it is to feel
Close eyes to the world
Look within
Place your hands upon your heart then we can begin
Feel the pounding of your heart
Feel how it beats for you
Each pulse alive for you
It wants you to live
Show it your love and admiration
Fill it up with compassion
Allow the love you have so readily given away be with you
You deserve to feel your own heart
Give yourself comfort and care as you would a friend
Let any emotions come to light
No judgement attached
Be there for self
Give self time to love and mend
Open your eyes to the world ......
and smile :-D
You are doing your very best <3
My voice and opinions have been silenced on many occasions
I can see how I may reflect that
However the voice of your self deserves to be heard even if it's only by your own ear and spirit
Feels too much
Sinks in Rocky ravines
Flies in Deep oceans
The house                sanctum
   is an inner
The world can show us a view
But it is up to us to do the work
to bring ourselves back to
Back to our
My heart stills hurts
I can pretend all I want
But it still
You can find friendship in the most strangest of places
Even without an exchange of faces
A timeless beauty in their souls
Connection of lifetimes comes back full circle
With words of brave
And hope
These ships are found across sea and ground
Their heart is all they spoke
When I ache
Grow tired
opens my heart
As eyes wake
The day soon as want to shake
Feeling low just want to hibernate or meditate
Not finding the pleasure in the things I use to
Every disappointment can be a blessing
My heart couldn't take the falls anymore
I have come alive in your arms
Your kisses so tender and deep no separation can be felt between us
Gripping me tight and firm
each touch and sensation echoes through me like the sun has set fire to the
wind and rain

You make me feel like a woman should
You can't go back to less than that

I have lost control
A fierce fiery passion rages through me
The flames should never be put out
I hope together we can set this world ablaze.
Entrance for love to pass
to and from heart ❤
Hearts     beat
   in     the
our feet
Nature meets
with the shape
our       love
I've seen my eyes through everyone
I've seen who I like
Who I don't
I've seen that which I despise
I've seen it live in me
I've seen no separation from the good the bad the ugly
I've seen love beneath it all
How God loves all daughters and sons
I've been in the darkness and I've seen the light
My eyes have been open at night and the visions have shone
The days already been come and gone
The time overlays the truth
We are everyone
Contrast has come
To open our hearts once more to the love
We share
Beneath it all
The sky looks heavenly
Golden clouds passing by
Pale blue between sunlight
Golden leaves glowing warm and bright
Pair of birds bound
Your eyes feel like home to me
Your gaze so adoringly
With you love is all I see
Eyes speak
Soul deep
Diving blissfully
Ascending to your heavenly shore
One day the bitter winters will end
The ice will melt
The sun will break
We will walk hand in hand in cooperation
love light and respect
A partnership made in heaven
A vow of truth
Bridged bond everlastingly made
Heart was felt as heavy
That baggage carries the weight
Like to lighten the load
Be more compassionate
Loving again
No matter which way the blood
the heart
was always
You came along and tipped the scales
The heart was lost it had abandoned its true home to stay with his
Then again..
I was taught how to live
He had nothing but still
touched my soul
and said God Bless
Life carries its undertone
Quivering in motion to play to its tune
The instrument to our making
Emitting the sound of which chord we strike
Which string to strum
Which song is sung  
Held together by strings in the hands of our creator
Don't fret we are music
Pressed to harmonize
Swallowed the pills
Downed spirit from the bottle
Thrown myself in front of oncoming cars
Put self in destructive conditions
Self harmed
Self hated
Self loathed
Self scarred
Accepting whatever scraps were given making it my world
Hell became me
I had to face my demons just to be
Hellfire and brimstone
Warm me up


I get cold hands
I want to enjoy our time together and not fear for when he's not here
Can I not just enjoy and love in the moments we have together
Fight to stay alive
Open our eyes
Who's the hero or enemy on which side?
Think I'd rather be classed a coward and hide
Spilling blood to stay alive
Do you really feel any sense of pride?
They only ever saw him behind the stories they told themselves
So he preferred to stay hidden
False smiles everywhere
Real tears rarely
High pitch signal calling to the brain
once again
May trick be played upon your mind
Magik in your atmosphere
Fears hold hostage
Confined *******
Each conversation reflects a part of me
A healing trigger an insecurity a vulnerability an adaptability
A lesson for us
For them
For me
A universe
A game of reverie
The space
The words
The moment
The movement
The inbetween
The projection
The projector
The screen
A dream
To scream
Shedding light and dark is bright
To view us as we've been
What we've held
What we've seen
The pages turning are deafening
When will it end..
A happily ever after
World turns around
Hanging upside down
Chaos fills my brain
Dancing in the rain
What is madness
Which is sane
Do you have a right to complain
A need to settle back again
To hold but not restrain
Touching ground
from whence it came
Roots sturdy shooting vein
O' Lord All mighty
I give praise to you
You have walked beside me and guided me through
You have been there to warm my heart when I felt all was lost and could no longer go on
You gave me hope when the way seemed dark and foreboding
You gave courage when all around lay fear
Your love Your light led me here
I give my love my faith my joys tears and surrender to you
I cry in adoration
I'm so grateful to have found you
For lessons so far learnt
To feel the connected earth to divine presence
Forever in my heart
O' Holy God
This home is beautiful
a few cracks
Apparently your home can be your state of consciousness
I could see that
My last home was hell
I could see that too
I get homesick
Even in the many places I've lived
For a place
Not sure even exists
I want to change my life for the better
I would like it to be fun and good
Like to share the wealth
Look after those I love
My love for you is unconditional
Even through the pain
I'm not sure love ever came from you to me
I'll have to move on
If this is not ment to be
I'll still love you all the same
I see your faults I see your flaws
I'm not perfect as is yours
Though do we have to relive these wars
The battle has spilled too much blood
Killed nature's spirit horse
I'm a hot headed fiery *****
I'm in cool with that
Deal with it!
Like a flame in a strong wind.. I can blow up or blow out
My mother she didn't get back to me
Not seen her for two years now an anniversary of my birthday
Each year I see the gap of when we last met.

I want to trust and feel secure safe and loved but the wounds have spread into relationships

Cut right open I sometimes want to tear at them other times stitch them up
Does the stitching close them to the air
Does the opening cause more tear
Or does the stitching protect
Or does the opening open up to the fresh

Is love really true for me
I feel it but do I really know how to receive

At times blissful ecstatic
Other times scared erratic
I don't always know when I have it
I've loved so much from afar
We are complex creatures wrapped in layers of tissue
Our blood stained heart paints our world
Does it bring us life or pain
Do we flood in water or dance in rain
Does the sunshine highlight our refrain or does it let us blossom to the spirits of our gain
Our eyes capture the beauty or misery of the developing film being played
We can choose to sit back and regain our composition or be brought into the drama again and again
With time not mechanical
We will learn
The love The turning inside our hearts
We are everything and yet nothing
From subconscious the conscious
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