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 Mar 2013 Kate
Mary Nora Wolf
tossing all night. no sleep.
i turn hoping to see your name
on the screen glowing florescent.
you've been gone for 28 days and still
i miss you more each day.
some days
it feels like you forget who i am,
but then you come back
and whisper an endearing word,
brush your hands through my hair,
***** and knotted,
and i turn back into you.

starving for attention,
longing for truth.
you tell me what you don't want,
but what about what you do.
i stop and wait for a glimpse
of what is really on your mind.

you are the mind no cipher can solve,
your heart blocked by pain,
mine weary from deceit.

we do not belong together,
yet i want nothing more
than to turn over and see you
smiling back at me.
your piercing green eyes
saying the things
your parted lips are too nervous
to release.

my inability to breathe increases.
my legs shake.
my eyes water.
my fingers twitch.
I go to tell you that I cannot see you anymore.
I turn over and see your name,
and everything is fine again.

i am weak.
but you make me stronger.
Free write about the one I have been told I should, "drop kick out of [my] life."
 Mar 2013 Kate
 Mar 2013 Kate
have you ever not wanted to remember
[wanted to forget]
keep memories hidden
[pushed/stored away, call it "repressed"]
so you wouldn't have to feel
(so you don't have 'regret').

but locked not so tight enough in your head,
    thoughts, feelings and dreams
         all flood in 'till your brain is bled. ..
                            'till your brain is lead ..
down a dark road of hurt and deceit
of abuse and lies,    explosions that leave..
                                 people who are ready for death alive,
                                and boys too young in life just,  
                                                                ­                         .... die

well then my friend, there's your answer in its simplest form
                                                            ­           ("what's P.T.S.D?")
sleepless night tonight.

just writing
 Mar 2013 Kate
Inside of Her
 Mar 2013 Kate
She always looked so tired
Like her green eyes hated to stay open
And her neck couldn't hold her head up;
Not with all of her thoughts going like racehorses down a track.
I loved the way she trudged this way and that
And how every breath she breathed was deliberate and thoughtful,
She planned each step and blink as if it was her last
That's the way it seemed.
Except when she felt the words moving through her
In a song
Or a poem
Or a story
And her neck would strain to feel it like a cool breeze on a hot day
Her eyes would open and refuse to close
Hoping it was the last sight they ever saw.
Her tired, trudging breath and feet turned into springs and she swayed
With the music of the words she felt inside of her.
And I loved her for it.
And for everything else.
 Mar 2013 Kate
Mike Hauser
I won't be here in the morning
Were the last words that she said
Before she closed the door between us
We slept that night in separate beds

Goodbye happily ever after
Are the words that echo in my head
Ever after is such a long time
To have to live with such regret

I won't be here to give you comfort
Are the words she should have said
When your life falls apart without me
And you find that you have nothing left

Nothing left worth holding onto
After all it was we had
I won't be here in the morning
Were the last words that she said
Before ya'll start feeling sorry for me this is just a poem...
A lot of what I write is not true to my life, I write what comes to mind...
Well Mona's Hot Dog cart, The Belly Button Lint fire, Zombie Mimes, Digging on Elvis, Hippie Sale, Alien Invasion, The Revolution, Kidnapping Big Bird, The Rocket Ship, H-Bomb, Midnight Snack, Hanging with Johnny Depp, Bright Lights, Ghost of Stephen King...That's all true. The rest I just make up!
 Mar 2013 Kate
Meant to be.
 Mar 2013 Kate
I live in a world that dreams.
I live in a world that fights.
I live in a world that doesn’t always know the meaning of life.
Life that lets you breathe the air of who you came from.
Every leaf falls through the sunlight, hugging the twists and turns to the ground.
The ground, giving you permission to live, only cries and cries that you have more to give.
Give it a reason to say thank you for feeling the tug of your shoes.
Give it a reason to say you’ve got nothing to lose.
Let it go on the way it was meant to be.
It is meant to crumble and fall, feeling open and free.
To grow back to where it prospers and flees.
The meaning of life isn’t meant for a dictionary, but rather an imagination.
One that knows that there is more to see than your idea of proper isolation.
 Mar 2013 Kate
Francisco DH
There was no bells that rung
No angels that descended from heaven and sang
No there was none of that

Only my words being ****** away by the noiseless night
I just don't know why but I did
And I can try but I just don't know

There was no heart fluttering like the wings of a Hummingbird
No fuzzy-wuzzy feeling in my heart
No there was none of that

Only me thinking out loud and wondering
Just me and you "Running like *******"
I don't know what possessed  me   but I did it

Don't know what is going to happen
I just don't know
 Feb 2013 Kate
Oh !Do not love
If you do not have the ability to solve the aftermath of love….
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