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 Nov 2013 Kat payne
Tay Nicole
The darkness swallows me,
There is no air for me to breathe.
Now I'm lost,
Playing in the gorgeous dark
Now my demons want to play.
So wrap me up,
Just hold me tight...
Save me from this beautiful night.
 Sep 2013 Kat payne
Tim Benjamin
When I told you that I love you like a fat kid loves cake,
what I really meant to say was that for the first time in my life, I'm nervous.
I have a kindergarten crush so big I feel like cupid flew an airplane into my heart the moment I met you,
and that this kind of love is the kind that can grow to be so much more

When I told you that I would love you until forever,
what I really meant was that I would always be there.
That God himself couldn't pry you from my loving arms,
and that I would follow you through hell and high water

When I told you I wanted to die in your lap and be resurrected in your smile,
what I really meant was that I want to watch the sunrise in your eyes.
I want to be caught up in ecstasy every time I lay my head next to yours,
and then experience the sunset in every quivering last breath.

And when I told you that I would see you soon,
what I really meant was that I was too scared to say good bye.
That every wish from this day forward would be used in hopes to see you again,
and that no matter where you go, you will always have a piece of my heart.
 Sep 2013 Kat payne
he asks me

How are you?

I reply

You know...
same old same,
antsy, empty...
and you?

His reply?

Same difference
but I won't complain
I'm breathing and talking
to you

He sits me down
in front of a virtual fireplace
and instructs me through life
leaving just a minuscule trace
of his own footsteps
even though his tread
should be heavier
for the burdens he carries
are colossal against mine

but he takes the time...

To listen to my words
and answer my pleas
He understands
and sees what I don't see

I erred in titling this
my friend
I meant
my Mentor
my Heart~ache, my Hero
my understanding unconsciousness
give, Give, give, never take

I have this friend
who never unanswered
any prayer
if you have an Angel

that you can spare...

Free her wings and let her fly
she knows where she is going
and she knows why
where she needs to be...

tell my friend I sent her

Angel dust and fairy wishes
are what he needs to see :)
from me... (((bear hugs)))
 Sep 2013 Kat payne
green eyes.
white lies.
superficial smiles.
elegant styles.
sandy hair.
skin  anything but fare.
laughter turned to tears.
smiles with hidden fears.
I got on that plane with joy in my heart and a tears of happiness down my face.
Not knowing you were only in it for the chase.
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