In the moon, your face shows
you are my man in the moon
the face I look up to,
to make sure the sun is still there.
In the sun, your rays shine bright
my ray of yellow
you are the beam that I look up to,
to make sure I can leave the dark.
In the night, I look for you
I look to see where you are
where you have gone
why you are gone from my side.
In the day, I search for you
to try to find my man in the moon
my ray of light
to make the demons leave my head.
In the spring, you are my rain
the one that brings my garden to life
you are the one that makes the sun stand out
to save the world from the cold.
In the fall, you are my changing leaves
the ones that remind me that nothing stays
that every one falls
and that winter is soon to come
In the winter, you are my fire
the warmth that saves my limbs from frost
fire that wraps me in a blanket of safety
to keep the demons from coming in
In the moon, the sun and so much more,
you are the one I need,
to keep me safe
You keep me who I am.