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Love me tender.
Tenderly love me.
Leave in my life happy memories.
Even if they sad.
Leave some joy behind them.
For I will forever cherish them.

Don't become complacent in this affair.
Cause there are various ways to care.

Tenderly love me.
Love me tenderly.
Impress upon my soul and heart.
The many reasons we should fall apart.
There shouldn't be a reason's to depart.
If that feeling of love is within our hearts.

We all search for that myth.
That we want love to be.
Excet I want total honesty when loving me.

So love me tender.
Love me true.
And I return this favor of loving you.
In this relationship.
I can plainly states truth concerning you.
I can give one reason.
Why I truly do adore you?

One reason-love.
What more needs to be explained.
Or even explored.
But if you ask why?
Your smile.
Just this one reason stands out to why?

Your company makes anyone adjust to a sad mood.

If you need to hear a little more.
Your kindness.
But then that's more than one reason.
But then-there's no limitation to my explanation.

You have all the personality of the United Nation.
You have ways to stop a war amongst many nation.

You ask how?
Simply because you have love.
And that one reasonal emotion scares many.

Remember this.
Love always does.
We heard image is everything.
But sometimes mistakes must be run from.
If the one that profess to love you.
Treats you cruel.
And disrespects you.
Then you owe them nothing.

They made their bed.
And let them deal with the consequences.
Why stay?
Because the rude one been called out.

Image is just a word.
But you be amazed of those that lives by it.
Even die to live up too it.

Some stays in bad relationships.
Because they trying to fit in.
Only to regret it in the end.
Unless they die from it.
And then you hear people complains.

That it's just a image
just because I’m being cute doesn’t mean
you’ll forgive me.

just because I want to talk about what happened doesn’t mean
you want to share your feelings

just because I’m listening to Pachelbel doesn’t mean
I’ll get out of bed.

just because I’m staring at my ukulele doesn’t mean
I’ll write a song.

just because I tell everyone else not to fret the small stuff doesn’t mean
that I won’t.

just because you call me doesn’t mean
I’ll answer.

just because I’m with my friends doesn’t mean
I’m not lonely.

just because I said I ate today doesn’t mean
I actually did.

just because I want to see you now doesn’t mean
I’ll want to see you tomorrow.

just because I’m really honest doesn’t mean
I’m not a good liar.

just because I’m smiling doesn’t mean
I’m not crying on the inside.
Why have two arms?
If you're not willing to hug.
People are quick to punch with two arms.

Even with one arm.
You can deliver a lovin' hug.
It these limps that truly assist us.

Sure there are others.
But at the present.
I'm not mentioning them.

Altho' I'm sure the lips.
Are a little jealous.

Why have two hands?
If you're not willing to use them.
We use them to shake hands.
Altho' we have those afraid to catch a germ.

As if.
They hadn't caught germs from other items in their life.

This hug.
Which can be given with kindness.
Which can be deivered with softness.
Well, in this case.
The receiver might have a sun burn.
Or some other type of injury.

Plus, you can hug too tight.
And be banned from trying that again.
When requested to just shake hands.

Of course.
You have those that does the search and feel.
Trying to be like a detective trying to pat you down.
But for those that's truly sincere.
You personally know those that's sincere.

When giving a hug.
From the moment I saw you.
I knew you were the one.
Even those completing in my mind against you.
Didn't affect me the way that you do.

Sure, I could have been the player's trying to score.
But upon seeing you.
I invision more.

And this is all happening.
When I yet to meet you personally.
You just have this dire effect upon me.

It must be real.
Because I'm avoiding my friend.
It must be true.
Cause all I do is think about you.

I once heard a sermon.
That's what true love always do.
Into the bubbling blue bath of my bliss
my body breaks free of all bounds;
enchanted melodies cavort across my tongue,
unchained continents of merriment.
Shooting stars; cool satisfaction coats me completely.
I have lost all curiosity for torture technique,
while this melody bounces across the cosmos.
My imperfect lovely: Perfectly fractured,
all my shattered pieces fit your holes,
and even now, I glue pieces of you into the slots they fit.

A singular petal glistening with dew,
Deep crimsom; long stemmed tulip.
Black eyes, its stamen. Shedded insight,
I lowered my body before you, as offering.
How will you devour this dream of desire?
It is a feast to be consumed, in small bites,
and copious servings of seconds.
Do not allow this flower to fade,
it may save you from yourself.

Blessings bestowed before bedtime
often fade away by dawn,
give thanks for the present,
draw strength from the past,
take heart, what is meant to be
will always last...
in the end.
A thousand
tiny suns shone
beneath her naked feet
as she danced
the meadow
woven around her
as a shawl
scent of summer
in her hair
and the breeze
cool upon her face
no gypsy ever felt as free
as she did

right now.
As some felt my last daisy poem too sad
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