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 Jul 2013 kara lynn bird
I have these little moments of boldness, sometimes.
Hidden behind the smokescreen
Of smiles and self-effacing humor.
I have these seconds when I consider
What might happen
If I slid my fingers along your jaw
And showed you something serious
That flickers behind my laughter.
These little jolts of courage and curiosity.
And in those moments,
I do things that I look back on and my heart races.
As a rule I am not bold,
I do not take what I want,
I wait.
But every so often
I say
To hell with it
In my head
And show you a moment of depth.
I'm not accustomed to it,
That kind of honesty.
Not with you.
But someday soon I know I will pull you close
And forget that I am afraid you won't kiss me back.
Hey you
You on the corner of space and slow time,
With the Wednesday smile that looks like you stole it from a prankster
Are you for real?
Or are you that sidesteppin passerby
Who took two steps off the sidewalk and one into me
Took a knife to the inside of my skull
Wrote down a life I forgot wasn’t mine
Cause sometimes I’ll admit I can’t tell the difference
I’ve been throwin baseballs of the back porch of my soul
Since the day the monster under my bed grew teeth
Hoping for someone to catch up catch them and catch me too
I’ve been running since the day I met God on the banks of a backwards river
Spinning this world like a record played one too many times
Sk-sk-skipping across all the riffs we used to glide over like it wasn’t a sin
He and his pals foolin us for the fun of it
Burnin a driftwood fire just to watch the colors change
I traded in my bibles for a pawn shop prayer
Cause everyone knows that bookstores are just pawn shops
For ideas that people were too drowned to keep on drinking
To keep on keeping

Hey you
Imagine we became all the words we breathed
Out of fairytale pages turned cigarette papers
the night you became a constellation
Us, riding a magic carpet woven from strings
Stolen from Fate when she wasn’t looking
I’d never been one for shoplifting
But that night we made off like barefoot bandits riding on a broken hymn
With nothing but chains of laughter round our ankles
I, the night dancer and you, the day singer
And we two seeing both sides of the moon
Sing me the song that day sung the first time she realized
That the night was more than a coat her dad told her to wear
Because it was raining
The universe ringing with the words of convenience store philosophers
Things people are too scared to write anywhere but on the walls
Of public bathroom stalls so far from the city that
Blackberry picking still involves thorns
I wished I was an ant so that I could carry
Things that were bigger than me without breaking
So that my biggest worry would be microscope lightning
It wouldn’t matter if you only wore your turban on nights so cloudy you thought God couldn’t see you
Cause when’s the last time somebody judged an ant on their headwear?

Hey you
Sometimes when I’m with you I mistake myself for a queen
And right now I’m ruling these words shamelessly
My subjects whose only job is to grow fields of sunflowers in December just for you
Let it sink in
Let it be known that my physical transition fails to interrupt my meditation
That I’ve never known a dream that did anything but embroider the ether
The air between us quit smelling like a cinderblock romance
Your hands a kinetic ignition to my saltwater synapses
That connect in double-time to the electric current runnin from your heart to mine
If you’re just some sidesteppin passerby that took two steps off the sidewalk and one into me
It’s too late cause I’m dreaming of you like pumpkins in spring
I already burned down my fortress of forget-me-nots
When I tried to write your name with a side-split matchstick
I can still see you amidst a mountain of ceiling tiles and plywood floors
Closed doors that I knocked down because they wouldn’t open
You are a brick
I have no shovel
I have hands
Will you take them?
It will not change now
After so many years;
Life has not broken it
With parting or tears;
Death will not alter it,
It will live on
In all my songs for you
When I am gone.
I'm not in a Genesis crisis
But I am in somewhat of a bind
Stuck behind the kind shield of my mind
struggling to overcome the pain so that I can move forward in life
Can't you see I want to move on?
I want to get a new love life
But the strife that strikes me like a knife just stops me
I want to tell her what I really want to
But I'm stuck believing I'll never be up to standards too great
Why must I keep myself down
Like a clown inside an empty town
Why can't I just tell the truth
And say you're cute
Instead of being mute
Or trying to refute a past statement
Don't you care that I'm hurting?
Why am I so focused on a past
That never lasts
Unless it's fast in the mind
And tries to wrap itself around me like a cast
Why do I have to feel the constant torment
While you get to move on
As if nothing occurred
I get to be stuck in the Limbo of relationships
while you can casually move on to the next guy
Who will inevitably break you down to my level
I see your pain and take it as my own.
I'm just a sucker
I could never let you stay down on that level
I'd rather take your pain
So that you can gain a sane point of view
I'll sacrifice my own sanity
For the betterment of everyone else
Just so I can understand why I can't move on from that past
When I see you, I smile.
I think I finally understand
Why I could never stand
After that day
I lost a part of me
That was meant to be free to see the sea of belief
I lost that part of me to the chaos of love
Only because it wanted me to climb from darkness into light
So that I would never see this as a blight on life
Is it possible for me to tell you?
Now I'm stuck in the Limbo of doubt
But I have hope on my side
To hopefully provide me with
A new stride for my inner kind guy
I can move forward
Without fear of losing my life again
 Jun 2013 kara lynn bird
A friend can be like the storm that blows everything up, tries your patience, causes changes; but reminds you to be geared up and vigilant.    

A friend can be like the rain that, at the first pour, leads into anxiety; but later on, raindrops keep you calm, thus a friend shows tranquillity upon everyone – serene and happy.

A friend can be like a lightning rod that strikes everyone surprise with annoyance to the ears; but reminds you that a surprise – with all its noises – grants unsolicited bliss which lasts in memory.

A friend can be like a cloud that separates from the others in the vastness of the expanse, and floats alone – the emo, ; but reminds you to be considerate and sympathetic at all times.  

A friend can be like the mist that seems mysterious and unreachable, full of secrets and vagueness; but reminds you to take risk of knowing him profoundly so to appreciate the truth within.

A friend can be like the sun – superior in nature – that can heat up the situation; but gives you warmth in times of coldness, reminds you that darkness would just pass, and that the new morning unfolds soon to absorb your pessimisms.

And a friend is as constant as this – day or night, sunny or rainy, cold or warm, filled or cloudless – the azure that covers everyone beneath any threat, any trial, any worry, any doubt; the azure that holds a promise of watching over you as it did yesterday and is doing today, and the azure that awaits your hopeful tomorrow…

Is that which embraces you under its shelter and defence – yes, the great sky.
KHR based ^_^
 Jun 2013 kara lynn bird
He said, "These rooms are rarely vacant but so often they are empty. Darling, you can stay here tonight but don't leave the lamp on for too long. I know you've been up reading through the morning. I can see it in the shadows under your eyes & the red light seeping through them but I can promise you that no amount of literature will bring him back to the foot of your bed. He's nothing but a stale hospital scent after a wasted year in rehab & a crooked smile. It's better to forget what love is like than to crave it from the same **** boy for the rest of your **** life."
There's a bus with four flats in the front yard
Greyhound written on it's side
Wondering how in the world it got there
And where in the world it was I was last night

It has all of it's blinkers a flashing
With the radio blaring loud
I'm getting a tad bit worried here
As it's slowing drawing a crowd

How lucky is it that it missed
My above ground swimming pool out front
Which I know would do better in the back yard
But it was to much trouble to move all the junk

As soon as the cobwebs clear my head
And my eyes cease their interpretive dance
I do what any red blooded American citizen would
And proceed to remove all evidence

I wish it is that I could remember
What it was that had gone on
From the looks inside the greyhound
It really must have been quite fun

The night had to involve Major Rock Stars
The way inside the bus was wreaked
If I didn't know any better I'd think
That Keith Moon had come back from the dead

The back window was smashed wide open
On the ground lay a big screen T.V.
Hard to believe but it was still running
With breaking news on channel 3

There I was in all of my glory
Whooping and hollering on top of the bus
Riding through downtown with lasso in hand
Like I was a cowboy rustling up some grub

I knew it wouldn't be long now
Before the Authorities came looking for me
Even though my head was still full of mud
I had to think lighting fast on my feet

So I jumped into the drivers position
And into first gear I slammed
Drove the bus straight into the junk of the backyard
And never saw that Greyhound again
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