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244 · Feb 2015
JD Feb 2015
The scars I have don't show that I'm  brave,
But instead
I did what was needed to survive
And move on
240 · Nov 2015
What am I?
JD Nov 2015
I'm seen as a curse
Or a fantasy of life.
You always have a chance to see me at night.

I'm not What I am
But I sure am bright,
For only a split second, I bring you light.
239 · Oct 2015
JD Oct 2015
Make a wish late at night
Only when the time is right
So close your eyes,
Shut'em tight
You gotta give this all your might
Now open your eyes
What do you see?
A mystical place
your fantasy?
"No just you
But, don't tell anyone."
238 · Apr 2015
Ones Life
JD Apr 2015
I now see the circumstances of ones life
created in this world surrounded by cruelty and hate.
It's what you do with this gift
that determines who you are,
by doing what is right from the very start.
This is how you will go so far,
not letting the world stop you
from who you truly are.
236 · Apr 2015
For You
JD Apr 2015
love is tough
but worth the price
I haven't back down  from this fight

Trust is hard
it leads to fright
but there are things
we'd make right

if you know it
to be true
Then give to me
what I give to you.

A kiss to the check
and hope of blush too.
This isn't for them
It's all for **you
236 · Jan 2015
Does it matter?
JD Jan 2015
Is it the right thing to do,
when you know your gonna lose?
Would they do the same for you,
if you were them in their shoes?
234 · Oct 2016
JD Oct 2016
Love for one,
Loved by another,
Knowing the heartache
Would you share the pain?
Or make someone else have a dream?
232 · Oct 2015
JD Oct 2015
just remember,
as many stars as you see
We only have one moon.
232 · May 2016
JD May 2016
The toughest thing a about trusting someone
Is when they know you do
231 · May 2015
Remember to smile
JD May 2015
Look back to the days
to make it all go away,
and I wanna hear you say
it's all gonna be okay.
229 · Apr 2015
Thinking back
JD Apr 2015
Speak out you mind
almost like you're flowing back in time,
to where this all began
but, would you change it in the end?
228 · Jun 2016
JD Jun 2016
I wanna open your eyes
So you won't have a reason to fall
Just look towards the sky
Show em all you're standing tall
And even if you fall
I'll still be by your side
I'll never let you go
Not until the day I die
224 · Feb 2015
Looking back
JD Feb 2015
We're older now
and things have changed
although those feelings
shall always remain
I feel most people could relate
223 · May 2017
JD May 2017
If you have to better yourself
because, you weren't good enough..
Then maybe it's actually the other way around.
223 · May 2015
Why we leave
JD May 2015
Sometime we walk away
to keep the memories of them now,
in case they ever change later.
221 · Jul 2015
Open Eyes
JD Jul 2015
It takes a moment to change your life
finding out what's really right.
Never go back to those who don't care
your life is worth more than they could ever bare.
So stay with me, we'll both share
this beautiful life
only if you dare.
219 · Jan 2015
What am I?
JD Jan 2015
No matter the weather
I stay cold

Without me
Things quickly grow old

I have a brother
Who's cooler than I

Although he's the one
That time doesn't pass by
218 · Oct 2015
JD Oct 2015
Respect what you love
Fear the loss of respect
209 · Jan 2015
What am I?
JD Jan 2015
I can breath
Although I have no lungs
Everyone wants to be around me
But will not touch.
207 · Jun 2015
JD Jun 2015
The one good thing about seeing people smile
is knowing that one day it'll come back to you.
206 · Mar 2016
JD Mar 2016
no matter how far you reach
the branch grows slower then you age
205 · Nov 2015
JD Nov 2015
Believe in whatever
It's all on how you perceive
To make your own world
204 · Jun 2017
JD Jun 2017
It's okay to be mad sometimes,
Don't let anyone judge you for what they don't know.
200 · Jul 2017
JD Jul 2017
Running towards a light
That's faster then I can run.
Seeking for knowledge
Meanwhile I'll always be dumb.
Holding on to regrets
That I just can't seem to let go of.
My future will be
Yeah this is sad, I know.
I can't seem to find the words I wanna say anymore
Like as if they don't exist
And if my voice is a sad one
Then so be it.
JD Aug 2014
why write so negative?
I hate your plea,
This world is so much better than you make it seem.

Why make yourself feel so bad,
that's only making it worse.
Why not write something happy?
I promise it wont hurt.

What the hell is going on in your head to make you seem so sad?
So stop this crap! I don't wanna fell bad.
My life ***** at times but, so does everyone else
so why dont you get off your *** and do something about it?!
it shouldn't be so hard since everyone's the same,
but you could be the first one to say, I'm different
198 · Jun 2019
Good or bad?
JD Jun 2019
Remember that any mistake you make may becomes someone else’s blessing in the end.
Good or bad? It’s really up to you.
196 · Sep 2015
JD Sep 2015
Doing wrong things
in the right way
while following reasons
only you'd know yourself.
196 · May 2015
The world around us
JD May 2015
Nothing seems to matter
when it doesn't happen to you
because, once you don't see it yourself
you're blind.
194 · Aug 2017
JD Aug 2017
Can I just skip to when I'm old and dying,
So I at least know who I end it all with?
193 · Nov 2017
inside the mind
JD Nov 2017
It's like a spirit that follows
and won't go away.
It's either an angel
or a demon
saving my life
although, causing the worst circumstances
for oneself to behold.
192 · Jul 2016
JD Jul 2016
Wild life in a tree
We cut down to make our own
who has the real home?
190 · May 2015
How I see it.
JD May 2015
Collect your stones
I'll keep my diamonds
184 · Oct 2017
JD Oct 2017
Free will still has its chains.
Exert all thoughts,
Leaving them in the back of your
Prevail over what should be considered insane.
Look upon yourself
and see how you came.
178 · Jul 2017
Shout out
JD Jul 2017
We've been playing this game
for way to long.
It's hard to fight the pain
When all and all it's done..
You left me wounded,
You left me scared,
Having trust issues
Now feeling impaired.
Who's to say that you'd even care.
Taking the truth,
Instead of the dare.
Let me tell you something
Finding love is rare
But, if you went the distance
Nobody else compares,
To you.
171 · Aug 2020
Quick thought of the past
JD Aug 2020
I often find myself thinking
If you’re happier with him
And how’s it gonna be
When time passes by.
I find myself
In only a struggle
But I know I’ll be fine.
Only with what happened
But not with what could’ve been...
151 · Dec 2018
JD Dec 2018
Look toward a future
Or keep a grasp of the past
The question is
Which one should last?

A thought still goes by everyday.
147 · May 2019
For a friend
JD May 2019
A sight you see
But is it real?
Looking for truth
Unraveled and revealed
Am I here?
Or am I not?
Reality traps me
In this box.
I hope to look for
What I have forgot.
The freedom that is me
But maybe not.
All lies in my train of thought.
114 · Nov 2020
JD Nov 2020
Anger always leads too breaking something that you love and care for
You may be able to repair it
But it’ll never be the same
Always think before you act
Because that’s what leads to self misery
106 · Feb 2019
JD Feb 2019
I’ve never seen a devil who wore fake horns

But I’ve sure as hell seen those fake golden rings.
101 · Feb 2020
Silents in a room
JD Feb 2020
Why're you just laying in bed?
Contemplating and wishing you were dead?
What ever happened to you?
You used to be someone worth looking up too.
You used to believe in so many things
your morals have changed
now you're such a worthless being..
Do you even care what I'm saying?
Cant you see that I've been praying?
Hoping for you to change
but you never will...
you'll always be a loser
and that's how you lose the girl...
Cant you see?
I'm the one who's stuck having to see this
most nights I just feel so defeated!
As if this life were a game that's been cheated!
I just wanted you to do your best
but, it's all not good enough
so you lay your head to rest.
You know..
I've given up on you
and I don't care what you've been through
nobody cares
not your family
not your friends
but you can end it all tonight
probably the best way to avoid another fight.
You know this is true,
all these things I say to you.
Just bite the bullet
let it go through
because we both know
you're better off dead...

"God. grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

Honestly I feel so alone.
I don't really know what to say
I get chocked up from this feeling
its like taking the worst of a beating
a feeling inside you
that you only wish would die
like a fire that just keeps on going
you need to put it out
but it only rises higher
burning everything around
and you just watch your whole world
burn to the ground.
So I'm sorry if I'm not okay!
what would you know anyway?!
you're the one making me feel this way!
wanting me to take my own life!
wanting me to give up on this fight!
wanting me to push everyone away!
you're the one who's given up
I'm trying to find the strength just to get up!
so why don't you leave me alone?
you're the one who's destroying my soul!
you're the one blaming it all on me!
you're the one who's causing the scenes!
you're the one putting this **** in my head!
you're the one thinking I'm better off dead!
while I maybe in the shadows
my heart and soul swing under the gallows.
But I'm not going to let you take my life!
I'm going to find a way to make this right..
you've taken everything out of me
but I will find a way to see this light.
because I know there's a bigger reason to fight
It's bigger then you!
It's bigger then me!
and one day I know
I'll truly be happy.
credit to Niebuhr
"19, attributed the prayer to Niebuhr, quoting it as follows: O God and Heavenly Father, Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."
98 · Jun 2020
It doesn’t feel right.
JD Jun 2020
Why do we fight?
We had something that was like a light
That over time became clouded from all the arguments.
But through it all
we would just keep trying
Because deep down we know
That through all this darkness
And what lies upon the other side of those clouds
is that light.
It reminds us of how beautiful we really are.
It’s amazing how things just become so clear again.
I hope you know that sometimes you have to make it through a storm just to be able to see that light once more.
But God only knows if we’ll make it.
I’m really really sorry.
80 · Jun 2020
JD Jun 2020
I always write
But the delete button is my friend
Because life is just hard
And I’ve never felt so alone
with so many people around me
How can you really express something like
You don’t know me so it feels safe to say.

— The End —