Anger always leads too breaking something that you love and care for You may be able to repair it But it’ll never be the same Always think before you act Because that’s what leads to self misery
I often find myself thinking If you’re happier with him And how’s it gonna be When time passes by. I find myself In only a struggle But I know I’ll be fine. Only with what happened But not with what could’ve been...
Why do we fight? We had something that was like a light That over time became clouded from all the arguments. But through it all we would just keep trying Right? Because deep down we know That through all this darkness And what lies upon the other side of those clouds is that light. It reminds us of how beautiful we really are. It’s amazing how things just become so clear again. I hope you know that sometimes you have to make it through a storm just to be able to see that light once more. But God only knows if we’ll make it. I’m really really sorry.
I always write But the delete button is my friend Because life is just hard And I’ve never felt so alone with so many people around me How can you really express something like that?
A sight you see But is it real? Looking for truth Unraveled and revealed Am I here? Or am I not? Reality traps me In this box. I hope to look for What I have forgot. The freedom that is me But maybe not. All lies in my train of thought.