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200 · 4d
deja reve
Noelle 4d
i once had a dream
it was about you and me
we danced the night away
until tomorrow came today
we wished upon a shooting star
on the roof of my car
then the dream came true
i didn't expect it to

a star lit up the sky
you looked in my eyes
and touched my hand
like only you can
deja reve, deja reve,
in life and in my dream
i asked to touch a star
and here you are

deja reve, deja reve
already dreamed
a true life scene.
193 · 3d
dog-eared pages
Noelle 3d
i don't dog-ear the pages of my books
because i really hate the way it looks
pages are meant to be read and not bent
i could never bring myself to do it.
until i came across your poetry
that changed my life into a love story
you were chapter books and vintage music
you had a hair brush; you never used it
i found poems you wrote on gum wrappers
all for me, my very own love letters
but every act ends so you left stage right
and left all your poems for me to find
we may have both moved on but we once cared
i even dog-eared the chapter we shared
i bent the pages of my book for you
because that's what people like you do.
63 · 2d
vivid dreams
Noelle 2d
i accidentally fell asleep on a blanket in my backyard
the sun was warm, the sky was clear, and the ground wasn't too hard
when i woke up my husband was smiling at me
and in his arms was our beautiful baby
they both had glittering brown eyes
and i smiled back at them; i love my life.
the baby was laughing and everything was perfect
and suddenly, all the pain was worth it.
but then i woke up in the real world
i was not your wife, not even your girl.
it felt so real, but it was just a dream
will it ever become a reality?
Noelle 7h
they say beauty doesn't last forever
it's also said beauty is in the eye of the beholder
so one of these things cannot be true
because if I spend the rest of my life with you
and if every day you say I am pretty
then as long as you live I'll keep my beauty
but who do you see, my view of the mirror?
or a million pieces that cannot be put together?
I think that's why all of my friends don't last
they think it's easy to someone who looks like that
until they are cut by my broken, shattered edges
I'm left with my face, nothing more, nothing less.
one day my hair will gray and my eyes will fade
and I'll just be someone due for a grave
unless you love me, then I will be young and beautiful
until death separates us two lovesick fools
I hope I die first so I never leave your gaze
and that you will love me for all of our days.
but it is not that i want to be pretty forever
but that you will always be my beholder.

— The End —