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2d · 148
Here's my tapestry,
Small family tree,
Grey threads sorority,
Don't say fat, tee hee,
Three sissies, so cuddly.
Time for tiddles, or coffee,
Beyond Ma's death by cakes.
We're ever young, tea slakes,
Seventy now, baby sis,
We antiques bridge, kiss,
Fun times family,
How's your tapestry?
Feedback welcome
Netspeak-- social or not?
Hermits suspect plot!
Feedback welcome.
6d · 35
Carping, such dulls,
A peaceful smiling lulls.
Feedback welcome, rather than critics squabbling over not much at all.
Best in life today,
Born to live, let's pray
See through spiritual eyes, okay!
Feedback welcome.
Worst of drought seasons,
Ghostly winds howl, reasons
Blaze wildfires' treasons.
Feedback welcome.
Hopeful mood.
Enlightens soul food,
God's love cued.
Feedback welcome.
Apathy feeds them drugs,
Poeteic comment on society, feedback welcome .
Feb 24 · 41
Wait. (Antonym poem).
Dawning brings mankind smiles.
Wait, Reaper creeps over miles.
Feedback welcome.
Equality, democracy, aiming high, seem
Globally now, mankind's forgotten dream.
Feedback welcome.
Word craft from our muse.
Creating does us bemuse,
Fans can join our guild,
As images writers build!
Feedback welcome.
Seize day,
Positive way,
Feedback welcome.
Feb 18 · 36
That Feeling ......
"You need to grow up!'
Critic said. "Why, buttercup?"
Friends serene, still fun
Loving with my honey bun,
Sprinkle magic across all years,
Not to worry, with cheers,
Forty years later, your spell,
Love more heaven than hell,
Guess we're ever juvenile,
Admire you and your smile,
Benefits glow, like sun,
Golden years with my one!
That loving feeling we sought,
Our bless never bought......
Feedback welcome.
Feb 17 · 162
You had me with your faithful love,
You had me with your peaceful dove,
You had me with your roses,
You and I, ageing like Moses,
You had me with such holy bling,
You had me with your promising,
You had me with all your charms,
You can swoon right here in my arms,
You had me with our shared dreams,
You have me always, so it seems,
You are ever love, really true,
I celebrate gold loving, it's you!
Feedback welcome.
Feb 15 · 45
Secret Love.
I think of many things to say,
I think,'I love you" in any way,
Still in love with you today,
"You're there, here I stay,"
"I adore you," with respect,
Benign you are, I  reflect,
You're ever chosen, thoughts riot,
Lover, do keep it quiet!
Feedback welcome.
Trust God's medical plan,
Happy hearts joyfully scan.
Feedback welcome.
Stupid Cupid unkind,
Feb 10 · 158
Autumn Leaves. (Haiku).
Leaves are floating by
Windows, nights are drawing in,
Cooling Southern times....
Feb 7 · 34
So sweet, love.
My man for all seasons,
Love happens, no reason,
Would you mind if I say?
Magic's still same today.
Ageing like vintage wine,
Moon beams, our love benign,
You cast pearls, your smiles,
Let's love on these whiles,
Whatever you wish, you see,
You always get it from me,
Sit tight right there, okay,
Not running, never far away.
Feedbacj welcome,
Gal force got this,
Seven weeks flowed,
Hips slimmer, no less,
Must confess bloating
Shrank, no moo juice,
Unkind, but no coffee,
Reducing toxins
You see, it's tough,
Quiet pacing,
Slow down, destrss,
Meditate on peace,
Pre-emptive rest,
Some day, maybe,
Better sleep now,
Less **** brain,
Broth all the way,
Veggies per day,
All good here,
How about you?
True tale, feedback welcome.
Lovers love, okay,
While I've got you here,
I can't love you enough,
Our souls collide
Through the years,
No secret what love
Can do, hearts young
But older, time elapsed,
Write each page we
Can, enduring
Soothing,with glow,
Lovers love today,
Ever loyal to you.
Feedback welcome.
Focus each blessing,
Less stressing.
Cast our own spelling!
Feedback welcome.
Jan 23 · 38
Lovely, you're still my Valentine,
Romance that is yours and mine,
It's okay to be human, feeling
Sublime, love sends me reeling.
It's okay to love your smile,
Hope we linger a while
In morning glory, all right
Darby, no need to get uptight,
Your woo is more than best,
Spammers, chuck away the rest!
You are Cupid's sweet one,
Older  now, for ageing fun,
Adoring  you, such happy face,
Lovers have an excellent place,
My ode devoted, my heart
Caring for you, let's never part.
Feedback welcome.
Boomers keep up with each current affair,
Loving romances at this time of year,
Cupid firing at anyone, in the air
Naughty drunken arrows get us anywhere,
Flowers, gold bling, promises, sweet nothings,
Whispers, bloomers, loving embrace, kisses,
Guys and dolls, chiming churches, true weddings,
Ever romance, ageing sonnets, misses,
Never minding, divorce silence frowning,
Begone, chirpy single, improving life,
Turning away, progress, better crowning
Queening  normal, strengthen smiles, ex-wife,
Ironic, her swain has really fainted,
Nurse IV cleavage resuscitated!
Feedback welcome.
Happy hearts each day,
Give joyful smiles, okay!
Light for dark times,
Cheerful bells rhyme.
Feedback welcome.
Inspiring Lord, lighen brighten way,
Global preaching, knighten heighten day.
Feedback welcome, inspires us all.
Jan 17 · 53
'Those Good Old Days'?
Regard 'Those Good Old Days'?
Bring smiles in own ways,
Writing a book, Any Excuse,
My GSOH is a'loose,
Went to football in past stage,
Good book, turn each page,
"The umpire's a cheat!"
"Yes, our goals incomplete!"
"Our game plan's the same!"
"Yeah, coach is to blame!"
"Let's go home!"
"Yep, home's we'll roam!"
"Leaving already?" Crowd roar,
"Spit the dummy, game's a bore!"
"See you next week!"
"At next game we'll peek!"
Smiling, I hit the sack,
Ignore football, top lifehack.
"Well, that was a long book.
"Those Good Old Days, worth a sook."
Feedback welcome.
Jan 13 · 129
Steadfast. (Acrostic).
Staunch is Our Lord, friend anywhere,
True friend, like jewel, precious and rare,
Everlasting blessing He guides,
Accept true love at our sides,
Devoted to leading us to divine,
Founded great faith, yours and mine,
Acknowledge each human race,
Steadily leads, His immortal face,
Trust God's bridge to mortal grace.
Feedback welcome.
Jan 10 · 76
Over to the Young!
Prompt for all the young,
Think of your digital fun,
Invent some device for the future,
Code a robotic pooper scooper,
For flies, mosquitoes and all pooper,
This no diseases in the future,
Soon that would be a beautser,
Emit water and oxygen,
Lots of ideas you can ken,
Nothing wrong with millenial brains,
Flies, mossies, pooper down the drains!
Jan 10 · 147
His Light. (Haiku).
His light guides our way,
Shining on all His beloved,
Sweet. cannot be beat.
Fiath for all.  Feedback welcome.
Jan 9 · 132
Sonnet for a Star.
How can I express my thanks from afar?
Lately, drove past me, smiling and waving,
In such past times, he was my guiding star,
Treasured image of him I am saving.
"Sit tight, dear one, you see things to the end,"
Always I fondly recall what he did say,
But separately, my path did onward wend,
I really never know, except to pray.
Steadfast, he did come turning back to me,
Inspiring in this dear eternal love,
Afar and beyond in that century,
Teaching that all our gifts sent from above.

He gave all he did ever meet happy heart,
Before time and all human breath does depart.
Dec 2024 · 147
Blessings on you.
Julie Grenness Dec 2024
Speak our language of love,
Lip sync--forever young,
Free fun, keep love alive,
Pour blessings on your delights,
Never give up your dreams,
Inner peace, now and always,
All good, enough said,
Smiles and happy cheers!
Dec 2024 · 115
Faith at Christmas (Haiku).
Julie Grenness Dec 2024
Faith can be reborn,
Bells chiming welcome the Lord,
Magic time, new dawn.
Dec 2024 · 263
True Dreams!
Julie Grenness Dec 2024
God's hopes come true,
For you!
Dec 2024 · 341
Lord's Tale.
Julie Grenness Dec 2024
A tale of my Lord, His sign,
Sent faith to align,
Been great I can say,
Blessed by best this day,
Pray with pen to unite,.
Future peace, a light,
Over to the young,
No bombs, more than fun,
Advance evolution,
Needs your evolution,
Best years ahead, might see,
Hope for humanity.....
Nov 2024 · 235
Yuletide here!
Julie Grenness Nov 2024
Does this mean much to you,
Force fed at Yuletide too?
Unsure if Jesus meant all this,
Tinsel town of retail bliss,
Beginning to feel like Yuletide,
Snow in Aussie ocean tide,
Swimming and drinking,
What is Santa thinking?
Overfeeding everyone,
Overstuffed games in the sun,
Does Jesus think we're crude?
Groaning, here's more food,
Gimme more gifts and a card,
Graft at Christmas, that's so hard,
No matter who's to blame,
Megastores feel  no shame,
Buy, buy, buy, right away,
Rather ceasefires this festive day,
Despite Bing Crosby, okay,
That's what Jesus would really say!
Oct 2024 · 147
Love is a sign.
Julie Grenness Oct 2024
What is love? A quest,
You totally are the best,
Wake me up in bliss,
Takes more than our kiss,
It is beyond sublime,
Stood the test of time,
Better man no love could bring,
You make this heart's bells ring,.
Guess I am still in love,
Love is sign from above.
Feedback welcome.
Oct 2024 · 712
Love trees!
Julie Grenness Oct 2024
Forest therapy,
Lovers embrace trees to breathe,
Symbiosis please!
Feedback welcome/.
May 2022 · 517
Scary Stuff!
Julie Grenness May 2022
Are you scared of ghosts?
Is one hiding under your toast?
What is that creaking sound?
Whoops, your poster just fell down!
From my book, More Verse on the Skids. Feedback welcome.
Aug 2021 · 1.2k
Julie Grenness Aug 2021
I know how to party,
On Friday nights,
I have crocheting, you see,
A stash of yarn, and coffee,
I'd say that's quite a party,
Hope all the crafters agree!
Feedback welcome for boomer humour.
Aug 2021 · 2.1k
Julie Grenness Aug 2021
(Farewell to an aged brother, RIP).
His good ole days are still to be,
In football heaven, in eternity,
Looks at the face of heaven, does he,
He rewound his music, so country,
He got them all back, you see,
His wife, his old dog, his car, no needs,
Pray his good ole days are still to be......
Feedback welcome.
Jul 2021 · 546
Julie Grenness Jul 2021
Beam me up, she said,
Mary Poppins  I have read,
Pet advocate was she,
I'll feed my birds, signed me!
Feedback welcome.
Jul 2021 · 584
Julie Grenness Jul 2021
You're so varicose vein,
Youth is gone again,
I suppose I'm still lucky,
I found my glasses, you see,
That's as good as it gets today,
Let's hear it for oldies, yah!
Feedback welcome.
Mar 2021 · 654
Julie Grenness Mar 2021
Let's raise a bitter glass,
Football's here at last,
And that's not all,
Teams do crowds enthrall,
From a victory,
****** defeat, you see,
No flag again this year,
Bitter glass, my dears,
Football's finally a'loose,
Pour that glass of bitter juice!
Melbourne in Autumn and Winter. Feedback welcome.
Mar 2021 · 604
Julie Grenness Mar 2021
This is sage advice,
At gigolos don't look twice,
It's a pandemic world,
Solo *******, guys and girls,
All around the  world,'
Blip yourselves, dudes and girls,
Then on with the happy pants,
Back to online work, us ants,
How do I know all this?
Google's life coaching is the blip!
Feedback welcome.
Feb 2021 · 465
Cool Cars!
Julie Grenness Feb 2021
In my burb, cool cars are superstars,
They never seem to travel far,
They drive off to the bottle shop,
Head off home, dodging the cops,
Maybe they seek lively young babes,
I think the **'s are giggling away,
Another trip to the bottle shop,
Your fun police, I am not,
I do not care where your mufflers are,
Cool cars here are superstars!
Feedback welcome.
Feb 2021 · 837
Julie Grenness Feb 2021
For my free thought anxiety,
I do like reading Web MD,
For medical catastrophes,
But what to do, in reality,
Send them off to a good GP,
For accurate diagnoses,
Then stop reading Web MD!
Feedback welcome
Jun 2020 · 390
Julie Grenness Jun 2020
Here's an ode to make us laugh,
Boomers resilient to the last,
Survived high school in  the sixties,
Where we learnt cookery,
Girls did not have *****,
Couldn't do woodwork, over it!
Instead, made a pudding of suet,
Fat, fat, fat, eating to rue it!
Feedback welcome.
May 2020 · 289
Guides on the Sides!
Julie Grenness May 2020
Who guides you each day?
Would you to angels pray?
Our guides on the sides,
All ethereals, they hide,
An open mind we must keep,
Blessings from above, love so deep.
Feedback welcome.
May 2020 · 326
Pebbles is 60!
Julie Grenness May 2020
The Flintstones, blast from the past,
That was a pregnancy to last,
For Pebbles  we waited so long,
She did sing her own songs,
Now this is a fact so scary,
Pebbles has now turned sixty,
I can't believe how old we've got,
Once the Flintstones really rocked!
Feedback welcome.
May 2020 · 207
How on earth?
Julie Grenness May 2020
I went to the Vet, for what it's worth,
Give Fido these pills? How on Earth?
Fido did the big dummy spit,
Then he snapped me! Over it!
Feedback welcome, note pun.
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