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 Nov 2011 Julia Brown
You once knocked the breath out of my lungs
Only to teach me how to get it back
Stuck a mirror to my nose
And said beautiful
Do you see it?
And I stopped closing my eyes for a second
And breathed

I am not a tranquil person
But in your arms
I am peaceful as the moon
And I am melted
And I am hopeful
And I am the person I thought I’d lost

You once breathed Fate into my ear
And I smiled
For you thought it romantic
But the Fates were never watching
—I made a choice—
And that should be all the more romantic
Because I decided that it was your hand I wanted to hold
And you must have thought the same
Since one day I woke up to you smiling
And another
And another
So these days I could outshine the whole universe
Provided you’re by my side
Written 11/7/11
Title subject to change
Keep flying, little leaf!
Don’t stop here!
Soar on to new heights!
Go places I’ll never see.
Glide on wings
Granted by Fall’s whirling wind.
Never pause!
Even for an instant;
For in that instant,
Of taking one quick breath,
Your wings will be torn from you;
Shredded and defiled
‘Till nothing is left,
But one sad memory
Of a glorious flight,
That could have lasted
 Feb 2011 Julia Brown
Shasta Lee
Forever frozen;
never chosen.
Stuck in his reject;
a steady disintegration of a woman's content.
Did he mean to break,

our smiles for destruction's sake?

— The End —