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Phelisa was a fairy child
of bluebell stock so meek and mild
but in her heart burned flames and fire
fly into danger her desire

once old enough to learn her trade
an uneasy truce with her queen was made
ten years of duty then she is free
to choose her own true destiny

Phelisa born with eyes of fire
outflies the wind no bird flies higher
bravest of all none can compare
Phelisa you must have a care

Be careful watch your little ones
take every day just as it comes
one day the call will come to you
till then protect as we all do

Sweet human children in their beds
hover at their little heads
watching waiting keep them safe
every little human waif

What dreams a Fairy keeps within her flower-soul
and when a warrior small but splendid fair
does not hold watching weans a noble goal
spends hours adding feathers to her hair
so when she flies to battle forces grim
her visage such a terrifying sight
her countenance conveys the chances slim
that any evil will survive the fight

Phelisa where do you go?

Dreams on noble strife and deeds
draw you away to the woods,
but the child you watch is threatened
by a man who means no good

Phelisa drifted to the nursery window, tired from swinging her wee silver sword all day.
Practising her craft with the agile birds and fencing with her friends the falcons.
She was puzzled at the windows edge, she could not understand why the cot was tumbled to the floor, and why the dog howled so.
Then she smelled them, baby cries in the air, hot and sweet and frightened.
And something else Mother was cold afraid.
She cast desperately around the cottage, no sight or sound, but the smell led into the summer evening, mixed with car-smell.
Follow then, if you can little one and help you wee charge.

"I get what I want, or the baby gets hurt..."
Evil swine, all these years hiding and he found her still,
dragged them to the little Austin Seven and drove them to the middle of nowhere.
A quiet wood where noone will disturb them.
Stood there now, screaming baby in his foul fists, eyes full of lust and excitement.
He pulled them towards a small cliff, do what He wants and the child may live, all she could think off, don't and he throws the baby over the edge.
He runs on with them, but frowning, what is this at his feet,the  brown of animals, small warm things keeping pace?
As they run they crush in, making him stumble, making him afraid.
He quickens his pace, strikes out, God they are everywhere get away!
He drops the child and throws the mother to the ground.
Running for his life now, running as  hares and rabbits and foxes swarm around his legs and make him fall over the drop, to his death.

Phelisa comes as the Austin drives  away
Too late to help her features pale and grey
She understands the debt she owes this wood
And makes a vow for its eternal good

Whatever good you did today
I will a thousand times repay
nothing will enter in this wood
that does not come with dreams of good

No beasts each other here will slay
tooth and claw you each will stay
within the confines of these trees
all will live in care and ease

And I will stay with you all here
keep you free from strife and fear
to guard you for the deed of grace
when I was slow and failed the chase

In the rocks at the foot of the drop
evil dwelt
torn faced weasel, twisted and old
Mad man's spirit drawn inside
growing together in their poisoned hate
the loathing of life and love pure
biding its time

For nigh-on thirty years or more
peace reigned upon the woodland floor
beasts walked in fearless glades and rides
no need from tooth and claw to hide
but on one spring day all was fear
Phelisa why are you not near?
Flying out too far this day
following falcons she wants to play
The evil weasel it takes its chance
will lead phelisa a hellish dance

Running into the wood so sweet
pattering horde of weasel feet
heading to hunt and drag away
something small and sweet today
a baby hare they corner at last
he tries to run but cant get past
The Beast with relish starts to whet
his appetite on this leveret
Carry him back then to your lair
frightened meat will taste so fair
down with us among the stones
all we leave will be his bones

Our fairy comes and sees the scene
the fright and fear where they have been
Her vow she has to still uphold
or die as she tries it to uphold

Racing to the weasel's den
at the dark place of the glen
sees the last one running in
sees the hatred and their sin

But at the entrance of the burrow
her fire eyes dim and smooth brows furrow
the weasel entrance is so slim
her Fairy wings won't let her in
But in her burns a fire so bright
nothing will deter her fight
so kneeling in pain she softly sings
as mother -hare bits off her wings

In the deep dark dread is there
terror of the little hare
evil circles all around
forcing it down to the ground
but as the teeth are reaching out
hear the smallest hero shout

"No blood will spill of this sweet thing
my spear and sword and heart I bring
I gladly give my life today
to see this young hare run away"

srtiking silver blade of light
held with all her strength and might
Arthur himself or Great Glyndwr
would not have swung their blades the truer
battles hard and battles dread
blood and bites and screeching dead
all the time she fights them back
not one gets past with its attack
then only one is waiting still
the evil spirit hard to ****
her fairy blood runs down her hair
blurs the fairy face so fair
" You tire and I will **** you soon,"
the weasel spoke an evil tune
But fairy strength is hard judge
and this wee one did bear a grudge
"You took my baby in the past
I failed to reach him flying fast
was not enough but creatures here
they rescued him from pain and fear.
Now I repay them with this life
and cut you with my silver knife
my spear of dandelion form
I plunge into your deadly form
my wings I lost to pay this debt
the ****** back I feel the wet
The pain I carry will all pale
as your foul heart I do impale!"

Her deed was done her battle won
returned the frightened hare's wee son
so proud and fierce a Fairy Queen
The bravest one the world has seen


The terrier and the Rotteweiler were in a frenzy
running wild, tearing at the sheep in a passion of hate
Then the scent of fresh young blood a child
racing over towards the sleeping parents and the wandering baby
the terrier got ahead straining for first blood
Then whispering voices
Tumbling sky flowers pain and blood stillness
Puzzled as it died fairies small and winged crowded its corpse
Blood dripped from their spears.
The Rottweiler drew close, ready to tear them all apart.
Behind them was a hare, armoured with wood and gold, spikes of silver armour, a Fairy Queens gift.
Astride it, scarred-faced and wingless, the old wise fairy sat smiling.
" Stand aside ladies, this one is mine...."
Dear Odin,

My friend, I hope this letter finds you well.  I’m writing to avail myself of your knowledge of the Playing God term project, we all know you aced the final assessment and I’m having major problems.  I would appreciate any advice as I’m not altogether sure where I’ve gone wrong.  

I gave my creation free will but they don’t appear to understand it.  I completed the “Creating Beings In Thine Own Image” portion of the practical but went further than skin and bone, subservient existence.  I wanted to make certain they could control their destiny, that they had no need to look to me.  I thought it important that they be self sufficient, their existence remains finite but they were supposed to embrace the opportunities offered by autonomy.  My son is meant to be assisting me but I haven’t heard from him in two millennia.  His experience with my project was not a favourable one.  An unmitigated disaster if I’m being honest.  

Things have gotten a little better in the last few thousand years, at least they don’t sacrifice their children to me anymore.  Or threaten to, I told you in our previous correspondence of that ****** Abraham and his son Isaac?  What was the man thinking?  He honestly believed he was in some sort of communion with me.  If I had designed my project in any way that allowed me to interfere I would have made it abundantly clear that this man needed help.  The terrible thing is, they lauded the episode as some kind of miracle that I stopped him in time and provided a ram instead (one just happened upon the scene).  More than likely he didn’t fancy the stoning.  He gave me a real headache, that Abraham character.

It’s this thing of miracles that’s the lingering issue.  I’ve tried ignoring them.  I used to listen occasionally, Moses had my ear for while, I didn’t mind him, entertaining sort.  I never act on anything though, never have.  That’s the point of what I wanted to achieve with autonomy.  I infected them with this ‘humanity’ virus early on and it seemed hypothetically possible that Playing God could be more of a social experiment (I called it 'the study of humanities', which I thought rather neat).  However, the miracle thing just won’t go away.  They queue up in droves, even now, begging me to feed starving children, heal fatal injuries, protect them against natural disasters.  They even plead for forgiveness when natural disasters occur, they think it’s some sort of retribution, I mean, it’s just weather.  It happened like that with the flood, I didn’t cause it and I didn’t tell Noah to build a boat.  He was just a clever bloke with a bit of initiative.

Anyway, the real problem is this, because I gave them free will, but they don’t quite grasp that I cannot fix their problems and all that, (don’t even get me started on this idea that they’ll all live happily ever after if they do perish, a real obstacle in managing their own destiny) they have become frighteningly progressive.  They have mastered technology without realising the environmental fallout, harnessed the power of the atom and are increasingly in danger of self annihilation.  If they go and blow themselves up, apart from half the sphere praising me for doing a job that the other half implored me not to do (and vice versa) I will fail this term again and have to start over.  I can’t be held back another term, I’m still struggling after the dinosaur debacle.

Please help!

Yours ever faithfully,

The Alpha.
Posted for critique as I'd prefer to gauge a critical response before posting to the site, not least as I'm not certain if this style of writing goes against site guidelines.
Thanks in advance for any responses, Claire :)
 Feb 2011 Judy Ponceby
v V v
The skeletons my father keeps in his closet
are not my own,
those bones would be far too obvious.
The demons he fought I've put in the ground,
the bones his daddy gave him,
the ones I said would not be mine.

But dead bones don’t die,
at least the bones that pass from fathers to sons,
instead they fester and stew
and boil below the surface
where barely a sound is heard.
Meanwhile my boys are busy digging them up.

Its true
boys tend to dig and get *****;
my boys dig up bones
and drum them on my door.

I worked so hard to break the cycle,
to raise my boys without the pain,
to protect their fragile hearts from heartache,

I kept telling myself to keep the dead dead,
but its hard to do when the dead don't really die,
instead they lie about the absence of pain,
the pain I knew so well,
the fear that motivated me to be something more,
to push myself beyond
what I thought I could be,
to a place where I might be a man.

But here at the end
my boys are still boys drumming up bones,
no fear, they expect the world to be easy.

I have learned that fear can be a great motivator.
It worked for me
but not my boys
I never gave them anything to fear.
I gave them boats with oars
and straw to make brick
and lots of love and plenty of hugs
and always told them I was proud of them

but I never gave them fear.

Now my boys fear nothing
but expect everything

dead bones don't die

they just look different
Published at Pyrokinection, June, 2013
 Feb 2011 Judy Ponceby
can you be inspired
without imagination?
can you imagine
without intelligence?

can one dance
without music?
can one write
without words?
literally, words written on the back of a journal.
 Feb 2011 Judy Ponceby
Stu Harley
No leaf
shall leave
her branch
until she sing
with glory
a tapestry
of deep burgundy red and
bright pumpkin orange
autumn leaves falling
daybreak's gold
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