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 Apr 2014 jude rigor
 Apr 2014 jude rigor
like *******'s paint splattering on canvas
like Warhol's Campbell soup in print
like Cunningham's democracy on stage

she loves him like that; she loves him like Art
 Apr 2014 jude rigor
Sitting in silence, in her gold gilded cage
Filled with wistful wonder
With doors left open, fears are assuaged
Neither bound nor torn asunder

Yet broken wings cannot take flight
Even if she chose to try
Alone in a cage with no one in sight
She can't sing, but silently cries

Born to be loved in deep adoration
Her heart, won over with words
Consumed to ash in conflagration
A bird with no song to be heard
Take me away,
Little tablets of gold
To the land of the
Moon and the sun;
I'll take my throne
And I'll sit there
For the rest of eternity.

There, people will
Fall in love with me
Over and over again
And they'll laugh -
But not at me.
we'll laugh at
All the times I was
And we'll rejoice
At this new life.
This poem is kind of...weird.
I can't
I can't
I can't
I can't do this anymore.
i came upon a girl in the wood
her sun floating smile could not be repressed
the light of her inner shone clearly
like song simple and true
i asked her and i begged of her moment
how far must i travel
before i am loved as deeply as you
she could not answer

in the middle of the long night
came upon a man walking in the stars
the beauty and wonder of the mysteries of his world
spun like whirlwinds and shone from his eyes like tenderness
and i asked of him i begged of him to tell me please
how deep into the wilderness must i wander alone
before i could find loves sweet harmony like he has
he could not answer me

in the resonance of morning dancing upon the worlds edge
i found a girl who was painting a masterpiece of freedoms
a scene of sweet adorations and gifts of souls kiss for all
who are drawn near
i asked her and i begged of her to please tell
me how long must i study at the dusty dry bones of fear
how long must i sit in the stillness of autumn never ending
before spring finds me like it has her
she answered me
in a voice thick and rich
in a knowledge sure
that i had all these things
and left them all behind to folly's quest
to find the love within
 Apr 2014 jude rigor
PK Wakefield
stop enjoying the beautiful things other people make.

start making the beautiful things other people enjoy.
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