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 Mar 2015 Josh Morter
You are not alone
In your pain
All your understanding
Has been contained

Open your eyes
Beyond what you see
Forget what you think you know
And just try to breathe

Woven into the fabric of consciousness
Are the assumptions of reality
And the deception of imagination
But mostly a need to survive
Put down the knives
And walk outside

I feel for you...
Traveler Tim
re-to 02-17
 Jul 2013 Josh Morter
marina b
 Jul 2013 Josh Morter
marina b
i'm done singing for you
now, i sing for me.
 May 2013 Josh Morter
I've been feeling good.
Like happy and joyful and good.
But once in awhile, death comes over and
Invites itself in
Like an old friend would.

It opens the door,
Doesn't even have the
Decency to
Wipe off it's shoes at the door and
Laughs a scary and
Mechanical laugh.
It starts saying how its missed me and
I almost start to believe it.
But, to be honest with all of you,
If you look close enough,
You can see how it lies through it's
Venomous teeth.
Through it's
Torturous words.
How it tries to
Pull you in so
You can never get out.
I'm smart enough to see those lies and
I'm sure as hell very competitive.
Death won't win today,
*Or ever.
 May 2013 Josh Morter
Oh Doctor,
You have been so kind.
I'll be going back to you soon
For you to check up on me
I'm not complaining,
Because he makes me laugh oh so much.
He's great.
I giggle and laugh as he
Hits my knee with that thingy and
Does his regular routine check.
He started tearing up as I
Told him about my thoughts
And he understood and
Even listened.
I told him how sad I've been
And how empty I am.
How much I
Want to not be here anymore.
How I've even cut
Because of everything.
But then he grabbed my hand
Told me everything was going to be better
And asked, "do you have a plan?"
I smiled, said no.
Because it's true,
I don't.
I wanted to but
I didn't and that's how he knew.
That's how he knew that
Maybe I'm not fully
Afraid of living.
 May 2013 Josh Morter
Her poetry is lovely and so is she,
I'm so happy I met her and she met me,
You have always been;
Such a sweet Fairy Friend.
With the prettiest silk wings on her back,
She brings sunshine yellow instead of clouds of black,
She is such a pretty poetess here;
I'm always glad when BeTtWeEnThElInEs is near.
Because she is my wonderful friend,
And always has been,
And always will;
My sweet Fairy sitting on the green hill.
You are happiness and love,
God made you and sent you down from above,
Making you dance with sunshine wherever you go;
And I just hope you know;
I Love You

For my Fairy Friend Betweenthelines!!! :) I'm so sorry this little gift couldn't be something more special!!! :( But I do hope you enjoy it!!! LOVE YOU!!! ~<3
Seeking a permanent pit stop off of its long road
A gorgeous flame settled into a glowing ember
Dimmed by weight of memories together
Mostly great though a few somber
No longer wanders when it beats from home
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