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Codex XXVIII - Mundis Parallel Mashiach of Judah V part
In this particular chapter, I want to clarify the revelation of three fundamental phases of the denouement of the Episode of Judah.

a) The subsequent phase after the Stable in Bethlehem (Kafersuseh) will lead to the neurochemical conformation of energies subtracted from the visions in the stable, exclusively from the roof before the intervention of the Cherubs with their four wings, like Lepidoptera (butterflies), incurring in an original messianic nexus provided with pheromone sentimentality and chemical activation in pollinations of bumblebees, bees, and wasps, to regenerate the species of Olivo Barnea, to consolidate the jargon and perpetuate it as a dialect of Messiah.

b) From this same phase, the phylogeny is subtracted as the kinship between species or taxa in general from tree species and wild plants. Although the term also appears in historical linguistics to refer to the classification of human languages according to their common origin, the term is used mainly in its biological sense. The symbiosis of both interactions will intervene in the juxtaposition of "Joshua is born and dies in the instant" when he is born in the stable "but his analogy Gethsemane and Golgotha, the two" G ", will recreate the saving miracle of anticipation of the Scourge that he will suffer. , but that the Hexagonal Birthright  (Men and animal species and insects) will intervene with the salvific action from the caverns to gather the dry bones of humanity. It also makes the exception of Shibboleth, comparative of Gaaladitas and Efraitas, to standardize the language as probity to recompose the inter-social scale (use of the language indicative of social or regional origin, identifying the members of a group, in a sort of password) that appeals to changes in the use of phonetics in terms of difference and to aspire to reorder social disagreements, caused by major conflicts, including the loss of concomitant civilizations and their patrimonial socio-cultural niche, hence Aramaic as an anticipated signal thread of a beginning of communicative intention and preservation of messianic language)

c) Physical, mental, geophysical, and spiritual elemental energies will mutate the adherence of the Aramaic dialect with the pollen duct generated in the Barnea olive species, creating a relationship of chemical change in them deified in favor of a new "Vernarth Berne", with the interaction of the isotope that will generate the inclusion of a proton that will mutate the chemistry of divination and connectivity with the (Heavenly Father – Abba in the Garden), in such a way that the methodological lines of anticipation will prosper on the night of the rapture by the Sayones, before being taken to the Lithostroto to be scourged, to interpret the power of his gospel.

d) And by the consequent emeritus synchronization of the Maasefa dry bone conjunction caverns, unleashing the awareness of the awakening of protection before, during, and after the events that occurred at the culminating moment of his death. This will delve into the three chemical sediments interacting with each other, the Aramaic language enchanting the univocal and eternal root to always have it in Gethsemane, the revelation of the phylogeny as a determining entity for the consolidation of the geophysical-animal world, and the transcendent of the soul that intervenes between the stars of the everlasting creation on the crescent Moon eleven days before, and the Sun-Shemesh astonishingly at the degradation of the human species and all its feelings of loss of unconfessed existence.

e) Experimenting, surviving the indecisions and fears of recognition of exposing and externalizing the calls of the intro caverns that have allowed us to escape from the threats, but from there towards a reverberation in the same tune of a Calvary, in the basin of a skull, taking refuge to serve and look from the optics of shining with gold in the ears of wheat in your dreams. Gethsemane and Golgotha are the set of the "G" generating endo-trauma in the throat of a global skeletal boneset, wanting to relive the call of the Messiah, from the ****** of Heaven rising roughly down your throat, forever and for the Centuries of The ages.

f) Poetics led to writing this essay in this chapter (it is the same depressing unconsciousness of having a body already abandoned and without a Soul, but in my own without understanding that it still exists), this tends to describe how history teaches us that there are phenomena that are difficult to capture for sure, but from the extra mediumistic sensibilities, it will emerge from where our consciousness does not discover what the canonically intuitive spiritual power of the divine exponential does, or the external machine in multiple systems of serial spirits, that besiege us and They show us their Firmament, and that few times, in reality, we will be able to enter them from deep within from their activation date in our hyper consciousness, and at the level of travel that the intro meditation laziness takes.

They were all stationed on the northeast *****, Eurydice arrived with scents full of birds surrounding her, she could not hold them due to the invasion of these surprising birds. They were sitting on the stones of the garden, all resting with their heads on the flint Svein Tzora stones.

Vernath says: “Stones of Gethsemane, on grains and crystals, are soaked with stone spheres of the Mashiach. Svein Tzora showed them docility in the face of the hardness that could be distinguished compared to limestone or clayey, full of sedimentary grains that devastate igneous from which some voices of the holocaust were left over, by promising himself with his corporeal materiality and with the aramic syllable embedded in his trajín undressed and stealthy, above all and a little petulant somatic element, coexisting in his polymorphous figure. This graph consonance with demonstrations of passion by his followers embedding themselves in a stone of multiple and sharp cuts, taking grains from a pomegranate, with a law of 613 grains that are enough to stipulate them, and to break lithospheres of a Zionist referendum of sacrificial law in the lithostroto . No barrier will stop us to overcome this lithosphere, which coldly separates us from the corporal rebirth that takes root far from the cracks of Gethsemane, just as olive trees do growing on the same stones, appearing to be in a mansard. The will of destiny under a stone, admits arrogant concerns to startle that “He was there…, his destiny condemned him”, but “My Father, if possible, let this cup pass from me; but that it is not as I want, but as You want ... ", equivalent to relating stones for all the cups, as long as the will is of the Abba", thus the stones are relieved, and our pride weighs less than the subterranean immortality "

Sibila Herófila sings: “It is not the absence of good works in the book of life that seals the fate of the individual, but of his name. All sorrow is inviolable, the original Greek religiosity, with four gods Leitourgia Orama; Perseus returning their eyes to the Beautiful and hungry Grayas, handing him the vision of Vernarth right in the captured catacombs of the corrupted resurrected bodies, before being corrupted. Asclepios, god-doctor, Hermes, supported him, leading the souls in the wind tunnel in the 212 of the tubular level, in the enigmatic of Cabiros and finally Prometheus, on the agora in the bonfire of humanity "
Codex XXVIII - Mundis Parallel Mashiach of Judah V part
"Etrestles them knowing that a hill was reserved in a beautiful settlement on axiomatic elevations east of Bethlehem, he provided unusual illumination." Etréstles; Champion of the Koumeterium of Messolonghi, felt that after thousands of years of life, he conceived in this Holy Land a great value of omnipresence. The Miracle of Christian protocol would begin in him, paying for votes and tributes in the Baptistery of the Field of the Shepherds. In this uniquely mystical rock, “His rebirth begins in his tenth life before there were nine in Messolonghi (Koumeterium Messolonghi-Editorial Palibrio USA). A miracle happens that transports him to the subsoils that would transport him to the most archaic, of the nine past cycled epics in Kalavrita, Kalidona, Patmos, and Messolonghi. Here he will come face to face with past lives, with the substances that were born and fell reborn in those that come, surrounding him with the pastures that circulate through the veins of the airspace of Thesaurus; through the plain of the Rabadanes in La Shepherds Fountain. In this analogy with allegorical motifs, he goes in commemoration of the shepherds and their flock, for those who are crowning this fountain, having before our eyes the sculpture of the shepherd and under his feet floral motifs such as palm leaves, heads of cattle, sheep, and geese. in the act of ingesting his own Masken. This hexagonal source contrasts with the Hexagonal Primogeniture; here is the miracle that would come about, to meet the intangible Creation and the Luminescence as clothing. They thought they were closer to the village ... but in reality, they were three and a half kilometers from it, in a fenced area with a wide path that runs through the park on the hill between groves and lush flowers that clearly evoke the place where those 1st-century shepherds led their sheep to pasture. They went up the sinkhole at level 203, of the Profitis Ilias wind tunnel, here the Armas Christi worshiped the foreman who was present before continuing their pilgrimage to the top of the mound, where Vernarth was with the Hexagonal Birthright waiting for him in this zafral.

Vernarth says: “They were all dozing when certain decagonal sounds carried them through the baptistery…, in its decagonal plan surrounded by four chapels and the apse that houses the altar, covered by a large dome of mortar and glass, which lets in illuminating the altar as did the star Ursae  Minoris or Kynosoura who indicated the shoulder of the shepherds. Here the murals that guarded the hosts of Aserá had already disappeared. Most likely, they were watching with great chandeliers as they opened in the quagmire of the sclera of their bare eyes. We were trapped by the quagmire created by Raeder and Petrobus, in these opaque clouds of numinous sheep dung, transmuting through the corridors of the new worlds of culminating grazing. We went to its algorithm and on the entrance door, the angel of the annunciation showed us, on it a singular watchtower incorporating us into the facade by means of three distended flying buttresses. Inside the beautiful fertile field, from a bicolor marble hermitage, the spaces to which the pilasters that support the roof also contribute could be emphasized. The chapels are adorned with some precious frescoes that represent scenes of the annunciation to the shepherds and the arrival at the birth, and the altar table that is supported by the sculptures of four archangels, especially with the appearance of the hexagonal birthright in the middle of these boulders”

Faced with this hexagonal-polygonal effect on both sides, they intro dug into their own peaks and reigns. A straight north stretchmark crossed them in a double hemicycle that was concentric in the full equatorial diameter, inscribed in the theocentric of a circle of a sheep that was lactated ..., here the foreman arrive and receive them with great hospitality, in symmetrical affability they shook in entertainments with their shofar on songs and tunics…, each one was exalted by the rising air of another Jamsin zephyr that was detached from the typical climograph with golden showers in Ein Kerem and of golden verses in Bethlehem in the Nativity. More than a plateau grazed by ruminants, it was adorned with golden gadgets in its golden mouths. Twelve degrees to the right, on the sixth wick of the Menorah, a regular Silouéta or silhouette was lit, making this intangible, whose vehemence makes them drink water from the hexagonal well, much more equidistant than walking among themselves, moving their hands with all their hands. Diligent emotions, intensifying the numb emotions that would vibrate from the third angle as they were coated with the vertices of the light that glowed from the convex morning. The trisection of the angle will have to hit an angle whose measure is one-third of another given angle, using only a ruler and compass, the baptistery or apse being incorporated in its third part of the Greek tertiary angle.

The Sibyl Agrippa sings (bis): “she bears the lashes related to the scene of Flagellation in the Praetorium. Here red blood-stained filigrees ran for votive offerings simulating blood from the celestial, representing the corresponding straight folio. The natural laws of the Parables Jaspias make alchemy with immanent and hypocoristic noble minerals in the cavern that revealed all this grace to Raeder, for the propaedeutic of the Mashiach by centralizing here the space-time that said that God has similarity to the Iaspis, as you set of condensed gold in the expiration and metallization of the cosmic essence. The similarity made all the walls of the vault or tunnel of the Profitis Ilias ruled by Jasper and Carnelian, the latter being Raeder's green-blue eyes shining in his iris, and in the curvature of mass that was pressed into the interior of the wind tunnel that also expanded, making rubies and acuities out of itself. The visibility of the Universe was still hyper-bright over the Patmos inlet, for this Petrobus, his blue Pelican, was crowned surrounded by Apollo's superciliary arc, to enter the similarity of metals like his metalloid neighbor”
Codex XXVI - Mundis Parallel Messiah of Judah III part
Parapsychological retrocession, Vernarth describes in the voice of the Apostle Saint John: “They were all coming from Capernaum, with the INRI inlaid shutters in each one's hands, in Alikantus in his frogs and“ V ”helmets and in Petrobus in his golden webbed fingers. They all walked unevenly, perhaps because from the Higher Consciousness he spoke of millions of years of his Demiourgy; Our Abba had leaned toward the south-central west, skewing the Planitis Gi by twelve degrees, causing him to change course to Nazareth. The miraculous thing was seeing how the Petrobus and Alikantus animals felt and saw sounds coming out of their mouths in octaves multiplied by eight; that is, sixty-four retrograde inverted notes. Averaging the notes that came backwards from being heard in his retro memo tune, perhaps diverting them to a hillside in Canaan. After such a miraculous phenomenon, the golden Gerakis alighted on the heads of the twelve Camels Gigas diverting them to Nazareth guiding them to an ancient stone where inscriptions in Hebrew-Aramaic "Scion-Branch" are sighted on the Betelgeuse sapphire in trillions of years anointing to Kafersesuh. They were all sweating on their Gigas camels like Nazarene princes, reigning from the soothing bifurcation like lithospheres even beyond the two-dimensional perception of mass-velocity in Nazareth, like a scion proclaiming the ominous prophetic of the Messiah proclaiming the Branch in sacred circulation, to have a Prooptikí 360 or 360 ° perspective, for the archaic worldview, in the cognitive perception of the ethical retentive to solve problems of eternity, predestined in a neurological, parapsychological-anthropological perspective and of Parallel Worlds, with the numerous mind that supplies all relief from the worst pain of not solving Everything for Everything, and perennially !, being housed a clone interpreter on the geodesy of Nazareth in its 14.14 square km, lying in the southern mountains of the lower Galilee, 10 km to the north of Mount Tabor and 23 km west of the Sea of Galilee. Miracles must be outlined between the extreme points of each indicative cross, the stature of the image between head and foot, the cosmogony of the link between Nazareth and Capernaum and vice versa, the mysteries of the silence of those who only see in the light and dark the repentance of the Cognoscere Mariano, would now be in front of everyone with the Gene of naivety. The Giga Camels tirelessly carried them with their wise plants from Capernaum. Here is the Miracle; They were in the fourteenth station in Jerusalem, then St. Ioannis, explained his autobiographies as a child with his family in Bethsaida. It was then from here that in some corner of their inspiration, that the valleys would turn towards another Katagogi or geological lineage of the peduncle of the Abbá, to present it on the table with renewed Bern olive oils, together with their parents, where they would leave directly and guided by the Royal Aetoi who had severed the claws of the Gerakis, to supplant them towards the stone of Nazareth in the unifloral of the flower bud or axon in the Virginal Cosmos.

Vernarth describes in the voice of Saint John: “The Archangel Uriel dictates him; Those who preach alone in the streets or on the corners preach the rejection of those who do not count how many times they approved or contested them, and at least the times more than in any extreme, had to be heard beyond the most distant nooks in the that they cannot be known to be recognized in the brambles of the Oetoí Eagles. " San Juan continues: “On this tacit diameter in the narrow part of the bergamot, towards the south, and opens through a narrow and sinuous gorge, towards the plain of Esdraelon. It would be indicated here as "the top of the mountain" where they wanted to knock Jesus down. " But the traditional place does not have a true ravine, as a story would seem to demand. Beyond only, towards spring in the town, is the so-called Fuente de la Virgen, in which María obtained the sacred water for her family there. "In this super diameter, Etréstles wanted to look for the childhood periods of the Messiah and thus be able to see him prosper in his evolution, but he knew that it could not be verified, perhaps the hidden mystery of the stem only grows in the discord of Nazareth, invaded by outsiders civilizations that did not allow them to stretch their limits beyond the entire concordant Universe. On Patmos I always had the precognition that above ..., above the doors of the unknown, there will be anti-material physiognomies that will move the outbreak that in twin earth would be housed in the peduncles of Judah. As we approached the perimeter of the city, we dared to cross, I thought that we would be greeted by a Gladius or a Caesar sentinel mastiff, who would ****** us from staying in the city of the Messiah's lineage, with fair prophecies uprooting themselves from anonymity, that they would go to incite him in the "Epigraph of Nazareth", the text of which contains the decree issued by another Roman emperor, not mentioned, which prohibits under penalty of death the robberies of graves, including those of relatives, or to change a body from one tomb to another. The date of registration is discussed. Someplace it at the beginning of the empire period; others in the 2nd century AD. It is highly unlikely that they have any direct bearing on the ignoble accusation made to us disciples that we had stolen the body of our Master and the curved stone of the aedicule. I keep rambling without exactitude of what I say, it is dozens of years without being here, I only know that I am attracted by the symmetry of the harmony of the pious cultivators of Nazareth. Just as I heard him when they were on the mound of a rosy vine near the house of Mary in Nazareth…, here Uriel describes them about Nicodemus:

Uriel says: (Meditation of Saint John the Apostle) “Nicodemus talks about the meaning of being born again and mentions the Kingdom of Heaven, very rare in the Johannine texts, Jesus was surprised, in synthesis to see that a teacher in Israel did not understand the discourse on rebirth in the spirit. Later, in the council of princes of the priests and Pharisees, Nicodemus defends Jesus by explaining to his companions that they must hear and investigate before making a final judgment. The question they ask may suggest that Nicodemus was a Galilean or it could be an irony of his companions. "

Isaías sings (bis): “The presence in a corresponding versed folio, relative to the prophecy of Immanuel born of a ******, who is associated with a similar Virgilian prophecy of Cumana, justifying its prophetic symbolism. Has the conflagration of the heart that resists death been unleashed and that agonizes several times in the...? The conditions wait for the apostates when they refuse the water that does not make them optimal, and makes the radius of obedience of the Vernarthian heart elliptical, full of granules of Physconia lumpy, whose frequency is embedded in treacherous bodies, reigns, and fungal lineages. The reign of the saints will judge plurality on the thrones with devastation in the fatuous beatifications in Pergamum, already admonished by Me. The well will dry up the frenzy of the walls in Nazareth with sweaty cutlasses that split the bergamot, in breviaries of the ashlar of the oak that fossilizes in the granules of the lumpy Physconia "
Codex XXV - Mundis Parallel Messiah of Judah II
It will correspond to fulfill as predisposed by Vernarth, always having the contemporary desire to melt the Shofar, to later recast them, manifesting to lead him to meet his most fervent past, reunited with his brother apostles and the omnipresent Messiah. Archangel Uriel commanded this plan that he had for him, as an always fertile ex-vow to any possible imminence of insubordination. Indissoluble and intact, they go up to the tracontero Eurídice, stowing the supplies for this long journey like a proclamation of the Thesaurus or treasure of the blade of a propeller of Zeus, which has already had to open these waters together with the evangelist. They board and the anchor is raised, Procoro made encouraging signs to everyone, saying goodbye to them and then returning to the hermitage. The rest of the fuselage was embedded in the waves of the roadstead of Skalá, Raeder played with Petrobus on the deck laughing at all times where everything seemed requisition and sadness. Eurídice would go to the mask for a few days, to transport them all and guide them, this guaranteed that they would always have good displacement and navigate without having any details.

Vernarth describes: “The apostle would be accommodated on the deck near the prow, while I organized the cordage and the powers of Uriel, who would always be close by giving them the zephyrical winds of the Meltemi. Taking the route from Patmos in the Aegean Sea through the northern Dodecanese islands. Saint John when he was going off the west coast of Turkey he prayed and was remembering the port of Skalá. Patmos… his "Inisi Apokalypsis", leaving behind the picturesque monastic island, with traditional white Oikos, crystal blue waters with his vibrant spiritual life. Where Saint Ioannis heard the voice of Yavéh and wrote the Apokalypsis, as well as the three small cracks in the rock through which he reached the voice that symbolized the Holy Trinity before him. They cross Rhodes, the largest island in the Dodecanese in Greece, announcing Uriel of the ancient ruins and the remains of his occupation were by the Order of Saint John during the Crusades. The city of Rhodes has an Old Town with the medieval Street of the Knights and the palace of the Grand Master, similar to a castle. The palace was captured by the Ottomans and later occupied by the Italians. The Apostle could only remember the place of passage when he walked in his ecclesiastical duties "

With too much Greek Cypriot waters, of what is current, they arrive in Limassol / Cyprus. Here they land one day. They get off the Eurydice and head for the Paphos road. To the archaeological treasure, keeping in its memories, adjoining the Greco-Roman theater, built in the 2nd century BC. They pass successful rolling through the vestiges of time, all thanks to the timeless Parasychological Regressive Memory, which Vernarth was perpetually narrating to them. They cross the private Roman villa, the House of Eustolios, a public courtship during the early Christian period. Balaneion complexes and rooms with floors covered by beautiful mosaics from the 5th century AD. Others The Paleochristian Basilica already dates back to the 5th century, with a Nymfeo, dedicated to the nymphs of the waters, and the Stadium, from the 2nd century AD, removed one kilometer from the site. They transform the cordon of the mosaics of the House of Achilles and the House of the Gladiators, in a neat state of conservation, with their precious colors they covered the floors with the same carefree footsteps of each one belonging to the vivid tones in their great work, when Vernarth already traps the era of history in his chronic winnowing. Here Saint John kneels and implores profusely for the souls of Christians who have fallen into the stigma that the first miracle of this pilgrimage to Limassol will entail. Everyone was silent. They leave Cyprus, and go to the port of Limassol to board the ship. Being very pleasantly surprised by the unexpected visit of Etréstles who was up on the ship. They all jump for placidity! Seeing that the champion of the Koumeterium of Messolonghi, Vernarth's brother, was added to them. Vernarth: “Khaire !! Happy is my soul, which distills like a lineage psaltery, carrying your image through the flowers of Limassol! They all hug him and get ready to lift their locks! "

“On this vertebral nature and in this pilgrimage of uprooting of the Apostle, the first miracle will happen before the eyes of all. The land darkened analogously to the landscape, the sea sparkled like a mirror showing them the feet of the Messiah floating in the Sea. The dark clouds settled and ran over the surface of the sea like sheep in their Oviedo ..., the palm of the Nazarene were snorting over their calorific ***** produced by this surprising stampede. The apostle embraces them all and asks them to approach the line of the amberjack, to raise it on the seabed where the Dimiourgía rests.

The Apostle approaches with his bony little hands, snatching the swivel links that are located near the point of the anchor lever. He presses with his hand the rope of the Tracontero, invading with his thumbnail the vine that is formed from his line of him. He begins to pull it several times…, every ten meters he looked at the sky and noticed that some majestic, implausible glares shone. He remains jealous of the gaze of everyone else, moving in the ship as if they were at sea under the ultimatum of a great whirlwind. Saint John looks at himself in the mirror of the water, and he saw how he pulled his body de él, as in Galilee when his Master did, he saw how everyone laughed and delighted in stopping time to laugh with him inaugurating a thousand years of liturgies.

The Hellesponic Sibyl (bis): “holds the Vas Auric, the last emblem of the Passion represented in the chain that levitated in the hands of Saint John.  As appropriate, on its straight and immediate folio representing the Crucifixion of Christ on the bifacial  Golgotha (G - G) Gethsemane and Golgotha. The intervals were self-selected by being recorded in the stalls that were close to the musical techniques of work that inspired the Sibyl of Hellespont, she approached with the articles and the belongings of the altarpiece of herself, decorating them with passions that were represented in the enfiles eleven days before aldehyde was sprinkled on them of the first degree on their heads, to leave them in the open, and posterity came the goddess of darkness Nix, spilling macerated and sour petals on all of them to inhume them in the blasphemies of the god Erebus, in the deep fire, devoid of any marginal lethargy to redeem you from Chaos.
Codex XXIV- Mundis Parallel Messiah of Judah
Installed in the Eclectic Parallel World of the invisible portal of Saint John the Evangelist, everything levitated in his sacred basaltic cavern in Katapausis, in the Patmos archipelago (Koumeterium Messolonghi, Chapter 16 / page 114. Editorial Palibrio-USA). They would find themselves in communion with the clan count, resembling being in their proper ectoplasm; conforming to the only part of masonry ruled to redirect them in the messianic workings of the ascension stages. Vernarth; he besieged in the conscious state of him having to adhere to the cavern, after having finished his labors by waiting three months. He risks being consumed by the myriads and conflagrations, retracting them in parapsychological clouded ways, which subsisted to consecrate themselves in the lavish places divided towards the horizon. The iridescence threatens the primary ultraviolet, lifting the carriage of Apollo Citar, a neighbor of the astronomical cave sketch of the Muse Urania. A lame nuance escapes and dissolves from his mathematical prayer, capturing the spiritual intensity that inspired Saint John to build the temple near his cave of the Apocalypse on the island of Patmos, inserted in the death throes of his embryonic revelation, to pour him into the Megaron to build.

The saint appears only on certain days looking at Vernarth from afar, to encourage him in his progress on the rocky rocks of sharp silica, he is seen as a beautiful adonis dressed in a chlamys with delicate pinkish tones. With such scruples, he redounds a psalm of the angel that normally accompanies the Evangelist around him, with greenish and indigo tones in the perspective quadrinomial of heaven, that he was perishing in his most afterlife redemption in the glory of the empyrean. More convenient than the superlative spiritual intelligence irrigated with the aldehyde, and the condensed water of Skalá, in hecatombs that indicated anarchies of the luminous prophetic men and the habit of the exokarstic soil, endowed with a small perforated Epsilon demon, obtaining its chemical weathering in certain limestone rocks, dolomite, and plaster. Diverting the attention of Etréstles that he glowed overwhelmed and charred. He was not stopped by the currents of splendor and the stormy pollutions of Cymopolea, in his hieratic invocation of the scalded typhoons of the drills of Hephaestus. This demon could be Tytillinus timorous in the defections of the deities of Mnemosyne relegating himself from his precepts, which according to this legend induced protervas inclinations of the clergy during the omitted religious services, he is the one that Saint John the Evangelist feared, that he would not give him the Asfalés Pérasma “license” to enter and be able to commission them in tasks that had been predicted for the Katapausis services after the quarterly. The Travertine silica, with residual sedimentary rocks, was partialized from the extrinsic biogenic that is deposited outside, the travertine predicted the monumental rocky karst of Patmos, for the secretions of calcium carbonate, among so much modest certainty taking you through the Invisible Eclectic Portal, and their Mundis Parallel that crashed with attached carbon molecules that, in disarray, manned them. The chasm was a cascade of weathering that became stalactites in the runes of the travertines, Thermo dynamizing the cavities that were conceived in the invisible caverns, under the parallel caves of the translucent travertine and in the sapwood of the troglodyte ghosts, materializing on the top wind tunnel.

Vernarth; I was with everyone working in the building of the Temple near the outside walls of the Cavern of San Juan, there was Etréstles Eurídice, Raeder, Petrobus, and Alikanto immersed in the Aulos who rang about exciting their ears with the royal denotes, which always had a special quality when he remained in Kalimnos. In good ink, knowing that the entire limen of proximity to the cavern was flooded by the enigmatic revulsive with the presence of Tytillinus, all are reordered towards the poles of tangible etherization with Psalms 120 to 132, thus they would give the antipode disposition with the Divine Mercy, to compensate the crown of the fifteen hours in the afternoon, thus disintegrating the agonizing parallel world that coincides with that of the fifteen hours in the morning. Somehow refraining from the northern paragon with the Tytillinus' shadowing, with the hooks of bewilderment and its scathing thoughts. With precisely this conspicuous shape; Vernarth will allow himself to be swallowed by the beast and reside in his abrasive stomach, making him believe that it will be consumed by him, so that he will soon fall close to it when vomited, thus confusing him, to make him believe that he was the same baby from his conceived womb. Vernarth manages to capture this exotic sinister image near the sinkhole, seeing him depressed in the Tytillinus Prisco; where all attentive listened to the textual vocabularies of the beatific, with the fruit of Karpos, for the benefit of a descendant gained by defeating the devil.

The European Sibilla carried the Gladius in his hand but exchanged it with the Xifos alternately for the death of innocents entrusted by Herod the Great, and for the evasion of the Holy family into Egypt. This confirms the liturgical grouping of the Easter Triduum; alluding to the passion of Christ, and perpetrating the pain of the Devout at his death, and triumphant at his resurrection. The sense of surrealism transports Saint John digging in all the layers and hordes of the Faith, his component of tribulation moved in the Egyptian and Greek cartography, mobilizing the triangular areas of the Palan, which moved in a geometric block reaching the edges of the hypotenuse gradient and the wind tunnel that lifted them, cornering the beast that visited them, pretending to be weak and imprecise. The man will carry the simile of his name, with hyperbole more or less in men who dare not to anticipate the conflicts of the gained space.

Vernarth, plots to continue insinuating with his labors, sees with optimism escape from this calamity, calls everyone to be close to the law ..., once they continued taking the steps towards the cavern. He emerges from convulsions on all edges of the cave, leaving everything dark and with vanities deterred at the end of the temporal Mundis Parallel. In the intermission, Saint John towards the response of Psalm 120 to 132, the fiery roar of the playful roar of the Tytillinus interferes, banishing the shaking of its **** to banish it from the Basilisk's egg, avoiding creating its heavy monarchy over them by prostrating them, as if to dissent. by being repentant or beheaded. Saint John the Evangelist will be an egregious demonologist, compiling thick volumes with the names of the attributions of each of the demons of infernal hierarchy. In this Venusian Aion symmetry, he moves them interconnecting with sublime periods where the intuition of the zafral of the human scale is lost, and of the archetype of Satanism or Satagenesis, with austere precision that includes Leviathan, ruler of the demons, to Ukobach, procurator of keeping the infernal flames alive. So that the manumission of slavery finally reigns according to one's own demonized moral individuality. The amount of an invocation of this type is always the soul of the unconscious individual, who will end up going to be squeezed into the underworld. The demons are invoked and they will invoke themselves in their dawn, to walk in their own darkness of the stagnant past, the mechanized present, and the multidimensional conscious future by means of exclusive enchantments that will be found here in the Mundi Parallel of the Invisible Eclectic Portal.
Codex XXIII - Mundis Parallel Portal Eclectic Invisible
When they were on the skeptical air, they seemed to feel greenish bunches fallen on the hooves and the frogs of the Alikantus helmet that was appreciated in contrasting imagery in the "V", ignoring possessions in the four patrimonial endowments, to ensure the runaway Supramundis that was waving galloping detached from the tapestries and pictures of Messolonghi. The bed of the plants of Kanti and Alikantus was cracking at the nail of the whitish lunula of their hooves that multiplied behind the substance of Carlo Magno, mounted in his Bayard with four sections riding on the impulses of their caps, in the direction of his cavalry by the Jacobin route upon reaching Zaragoza. The holistic robbery and his ingrown nails were ungulating on the nearby trees in some of his riders, in order to be able to mount them raised and prevent them from ambush. When they supported the third sighting and its third phalanx, chestnuts ungulated in the distal areas of the helmet and of the palfreys that were going to Messolonghi, reducing the number of their fingers, thus in this way they could become dogmatized before the rough ground, and their tendencies in the spaces of Elliniká leptá apó diastima, “Hellenic minutes of space” towards the shortest time of the minutes that allows them to be relocated before reaching Messolonghi. More past than the marked footsteps on Compostela, it was before heading them, marking himself with the anticipated quantum of speed already acquired by Carlo Magno's Bayard, which he carried on his dorsal due to the footsteps of other similar ones that supported him. In the scene of parallel convergence, the troops of the beasts were crossing in different spheres of quantum time, in the adversary of Carlo Magno.

The anatomy of the place was distinguished by the crowds of their marked footprints, and some chestnut frogs repopulating in the contour of the hooves of their hooves, redistributing the impact zones to reestablish themselves, to do the same of their bones in global anti-components. organic materials, to encapsulate and ring them in the fibrous components of the Zefian Virolifero, which had a seismic impact on the collagen of its parallel and on the retracting of the coronary band of its hooves, to extravert energy that will sustain the curbs, before riding back. by all the heights that besieged them, as if they were thousands and thousands of herds bringing their archaic verses from afar. When they felt the repercussions of monstrosity, they found themselves surrounded by feeling themselves in the magnificent metropolis of the chestnut trees, offending the embankment with great impulsiveness in the burnished clouds, paying tribute to Vernarth, and his entourage who glorified them as they navigated together through the skies of Greece, in the semi-human herds of Apollo who went out of their way to lose themselves neurologically, when their feudataries sailed through the atmospheres of the Cyclades, under a pensive aeromorphic figure that appears commenting:

Says Vernarth: “after listening to this amidst the luminous clouds, before taking me from frequent acrobatics, before me Raeder suspended from the heights, he invited me by reciting some odes before heading to Patmos. He briefly illustrated us in quotes about the Messolonghi poets. Raeder, holding firmly to Petrobus's legs, was concentrating, and he was excited, but at the same time very delighted to be coming to his land very soon. Thus the verses would fill him with great spirit to start a new stage. After being very well received by the routes of the temperate sigh, the present wind would take them to Kissamos / Crete, where they will remain flying in the irascible spree of celebrating a great event when they land on this great island. Then they would leave for Kalymnos and Kinaros by the route of the Cyclades, to finally establish themselves in the Dodecanese dominions. Perhaps venturing in boldly by being sublimated by the tiny mists blowing from the Metelmi wind, with the unnoticed shifting Mediterranean climates of the exhausted eastern.

The Sibyl Tiburtina supports Raeder gathering him to her arms and telling him: “You will receive my warmth that will imprison the house of the high priest, whose scene will be represented in Procoro on its corresponding neutral folio. Succeeding in expletives from the past, which was no longer intended or harassed at him. The Armas Christi will once again swirl with the Souls of Trouvere from the last irascible recesses of the Eolonimi winds in the holistic of all the winds that named Vernarth. "Your children will not live again, the military Macedonian will hear", their physical resurrection will flee from the unconverted taking place after the tree of Mars when they liberate the innocent fallen from the versicular belief, which segments the ray in its half where no minute will be able to hit him "

Antiphon of Triburtina: “Son of David they will give us the consorts, by setting the table in the center with the newly molded bread, and his authority will not have to distribute it into the pieces of an earthly life that allows them to bring it to their mouths. We will all be converted singing all the fantasy of giving what should never have remained in our hands, even if they have never been greedy for him. "
Codex XXII - Ultramundis Messolonghi
They loosed the moorings from Cala Cogone prematurely, when the tide seemed to be lifting over the separate lumps in the dews of the hailstorms, and on the head of the Cyclops distancing itself from its corporeal organism. On a lavish and romantic day, they went to Genoa, to continue with their travel logistics to Piacenza. During the displacement Etréstles was contemptuous in the prow under the Shemesh that seemed to be a fearsome specimen, before an embroidered intestinal being stirred in his own dream, perhaps more longed for than a dual itinerary. While they slept, at the helm Etréstles argued ringing dressed in his black cyclamen tunic, the comrades were also sleeping with their rhapsodic physiognomic dreams, coloring mutinous gestural jaspers, on some faded signs that were deteriorating.

A chimera of Etréstles: “His off-center memory of him ..., was still in Izzana, the capers rumbed through the pathetic clouds over the gray tulles, and the layers of the sky tried to stop being a reign emeritus for a prince without a crown. The paradisiacal layer "kyklámino stémma", was glimpsed melted in the scattered limestone Nuraxis, turning into sticky aeroliths agglutinated in the deployment of the Conjuration, laying the rye species in the jaws, and on the head of Vernarth himself. As they continued with their abstract journey, they remained to parade with the legal aid in his own mirage. He tells her that: "I see them beyond from where their ceremonies collide, they cross eroding the vanished reason of their itinerancy." They get up and take the ship's moorings and attach them to the neck. Then they all cooperate to walk along the edge of a tracontero's sooty ship, moving them all barefoot…, waking up at once! Vernarth, try to wake them up, shake them off, but they don't wake up. And when he tried to evade him from sleep, he saw that he had the ropes on his neck, along with two Unicorns who were escorting him and looking at the infinity of the uni-****** between them tied to infinity itself, supporting that Genoa was already coming in front of its antlers. The others began to wake up and ate reclined, almost without any desire to rasp the cover full of self-sliding and unctuous linen, which allowed them to pass each one their own aperitif from Apollo's head, surrounding them in their cohorts inclusively, being semi dissipated and rolling down the hatch cover. Etréstles transferred the dream to Vernarth, once he went to his bedroom to rest before they touched the roadstead. At the foot of the homonymous promontory, 36 km from Genoa; Portofino could be seen, close to some spiral planks that floated in their hydro form, with Apollo's eyes narrowed and circumscribed in the radius of his orbital process, with submerged herrings that frolicked from Apollo's zygomatic, and in the regional natural garden of Portofino. They found different entrance gates through San Rocco, Portofino Vetta, and Nozaregoino, entering with the agaves on the way with different levels of accessibility and auriferous perspective escape. The path traveled from northwest to southwest on the same promontory that was hidden, communing with all beauty the Mediterranean vegetation, with its beautiful pine forests, and bluish scrubs in the waters of the Mediterranean, filling them with itching lungs, and especially in the offshoots of the Kardiá , silencing the peaceful companions by the suggestive Natural adonis in the indigo abyssal eyes.

Vernarth wraps himself in two linen cloaks and a spárgana for Etréstles, then intervenes, eclipsing each of the Unicorns from his uni-******. They frank him with their antlers on their pectoral, loving him with the subtle hint of attachment that is born from a primal genesis. His gesture softened the expectation that crowned the Empire of his cohort, with the impetus of Arbela, and in the semi-precious Onyx Crowns in chalcedony ..., lightening the gavels of the semi-precious sleep that awakened them before reaching the shores of Genoa. The land in Genoa, all descend in separate fractions and say goodbye, distantly gesturing their signs and making retro gestures with their hands dressed in the mineral encrusted with their rapacity. The ramblings showed on multiplex-rays at the levels of a growling aura, which instigated them to the enclave's inn among the algae that levitated on the ear tags of the ducks, and of some ruminant bluish unicorns, to reinsert themselves into the world of the adjacent daily chores of the cornucopia. The ship luridly hovered in the indigo bay, where it spurred on the Unicorns that were returning back to Sardinia, positioning itself in the bow bulb and in the stern the other to lighten the sails and return to Izzana.

The Scarabaeidae sing: “The Vernarthian tenor of Kaitelka carried them behind her with another Ballenid, this one carried the Demiurge Ezpatkul, with his prominent Augrum or Gold teeth that turned on the backs of all the borer beetles, delimiting towards a dialectic, and paraphrase of a qualitative satirical, especially in the form of Vernarth's sub-mythological genre. The sacredness of the unicorns was the winner of all the dull fantasies, pretending to raise the rainbow over their senses, delegating them remnant spatiality from the growing infinity. To praise the hypothesis of this whale, she sang native arias and cephalization ultrasounds in Genova, where she continued to harmonize the media in her cranial cavity, and in the muzzles that reached the larger fins, transmitting waves of parapsychological regression towards Vernarth.
Codex XXI - Ultramundis Hegira to Patmos
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